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eheims are mucho better pumps than mag pumps...
mags only last a few years because they burn up from the heat they produce...
eheims will last over 10+ years with maintenance.

first person in pic is carl sagan, second pic is that snookie or snoopie chick from jersey shores.
Shame on me! I cannot believe I did not recognize Carl. Just not use to seeing him. I have a bunch of his books. The galaxy behind him eluded me also. Still not to sure who the chick is lol ;)

Mags are good pumps, just not made as well as the Eheim. Been using both for years and cannot really say bad about either. Mags make more noise then Eheim. I would not use a mag externally though. The water helps keep them cool. Not to sure of the long term effect on a mag drive out of water.

POND PUMPS are not usable in saltwater systems. Non of them. They have different seals and internal parts. They will leak internally and corrode from the inside out. Been down that road a long time ago and learned my lesson the hard way.

LOL! I just remembered this shot of PaulB. Tell me he doesn't look like Carl :D