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aquarium junglist
Sep 7, 2006
It's been quite I while since I've been around. Haven't been here since krish still had tanks setup :shock: hopefully we'll get to see him set one back up soon! update since last time I was here, my first 10g is no more. We bought our first house, and it didnt last more than a few weeks after the move. But, it did live for about a year without me salting,burning or otherwise maming anything so I call it a win. I inherited a 55g tank and stand from a friend. It was in horrible shape. so I sanded and stained the stand, and now I'm in the process of making the tank sea-worthy again. Had to reseal, and clean all the nasty off the glass. I also painted the back flat black. I've decided to use the 10g for a sump since it fits so well under the stand. That's about as far as I've gotten. Just waitin' while the paint and silicone cures. This will probably have to be relocated to a diff section cause I'll probably be workin on getting water in this one for quite a while. buying pieces one at a time,is definately going to take some patience. In the mean time, i'm open for all suggestions as to what pieces I am definately going to need. since I've only had a tiny setup, I didnt use any of the fancy stuff. I need some advice on skimmers,lights,waterflow for this new adventure. And if anybody has stuff they dont use anymore let me know, I'd rather buy used than new :D so I guess Hi to everybody again, and welcome to anybody I havent met yet!
the first thing imo would draw a schematic on how your going to use your sump and how to get water to and from the display tank.
In my opinion I'd get the biggest sump you can fit under the stand. 10 gallon sump just doesn't give you many options. As far as flow is concerned what will you be wanting to keep in the tank? If you are wanting to go SPS id say you will want somewhere around 5500gph or more of water movement in the tank. For a skimmer I'd look into the reef octopus brand. I do not own one YET but have read some good reviews about them. They make both hang on and in sump versions (that's where the 10 gallon will limit you). last but not least lights :|
Look in to some sort of fixture, once again depending on what you are wanting to keep will dictate what you will need to get. I would say go with T5 or metal halide you would not be limited as to what yo can keep with those

i'm looking right now into a 216w total (4x54) t5 hood, and i plan on using an overflow for the drainage. I dont think anything bigger than a 10g is going to fit underneath the stand. and since drilling a hole in the side, building a different stand, or fabbing a new sump is an option, I dont think i got any other choice. I plan on putting the skimmer outside of the sump, since I've got some room on the other side of the stand. I'll post some pics here in a while after the wife goes to sleep.
As a newbie it sure gives me encouragement to see people constantly asking questions who have been at this for years. Ya'll keep talking....there's lots of us listening!!!!
maybe consiter not havieng the tank under.... next to or behind.. maybe even thur the wall.

drawing out what you want to do is a good idea.... get your plumbing all figured out, get all your equipment all figured out... make everything as smoothly as you can be for you when the time is right.
srry got distracted with the smaller tank i set up. a little 5g hex. the tank is going to be a sort of half divider inbetween the livingroom, and the dining room. it just kinda fits there, and will be a good visual break between the two. My wife would shoot me if I put a tank in the wall,or through the wall. we dont really have anywhere to put it in wall either. instead of a hood, I think i'd like to do the hanging lighting. i have a 40g breeder tank that could possibly be used for a sump, but not sure about the spacing.