RO/DI sludge help!

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2007
Hi everyone,

So I have replaced my filters and I noticed that my 1st stage filter built up some slime or sludge within 2 weeks of the change over... Before I replacec my filter I thought this was due to rust from my galvanized steel pipes, but I noticed it sluffing off in sheets when I adjusted the water pressure. To me it looks like slime, but I have no pictures as I just rinsed the new filter and started over. I also have a basement window close to the filter which i think might be contributing to the problem. Has anyone seen this before? Could this be some type of bacteria, or something from the water supply? I live in Seattle and TDS coming out of the faucet is 40-43 at my house (yes I test regularly). Any ideas? Thanks!