RO system question

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Thanks for the info! I think I will go with a SpecraPure just not just a pricy one. I think I will just go with a standard RO and forgoe the DI part for now. I would rather just add that DI on later if need be but with what local Snohomish county people have said they don't think it's neccessary, then and get a Calcium reactor for the extra money saved.
Before you dump a lot of cash on a name check these guys out. Give Jon a call and he will get you exactly what you need. WRS does a group buy from them once a year. I will never buy from anyone else.
it leaks out of the 2nd container that filters the water and it's as tight as I can get it.
It sounds to me like you may have overtightened the canister and it cracked. You shouldn't have to crank on them to get them to seal. You should be able to pick up a replacement fairly inexpensively.

If you want something straight out of the box that performs really really well go for the Spectrapure Maxcap. If you want to get something that works relatively well go for the ebay units and replace the RO membrane with a Dow Filmtec. Some ebay units do use the Dow membrane I not sure which ones do and which ones don't. I bought an AirWaterIce Unit and it works well. If I had to do it over again, I would buy the Spectrapure Maxcap unit, their quality cannot be beat (notice I did not say their price). I would strongly suggest that you go with a RODI unit and not just the DI. The RO can miss things like Phosphates that will feed nuisance algae in your aquarium.