RO system question

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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2006
Everett, WA
:) Hi,

I was wanting to FINALLY get my RO system up and running this weekend or next and wondering what brand and kind to get? I'll probably have an automatic float in a garbage can for my water or something similar if it will fit in my laundry room.

I heard filter direct and kent are best? So what size and brands do you recommend and also so the filters are not so expensive. Also- anyone got a good drawing for me to use for setup?

I agree. Spectrapure all the way. I am modifying my Kent unit with spectrapure filters and a 90gpd membrane. I am also getting the LLC with the autotop off for my sump.
Thanks guys! What is the replacement price on the membranes and why do you consider this the best over the other brands?

Is it just the ease of use or cost or what?

Since everyone seems to agree I think I may go this route, just want to know
why you like it so much.

Also what size should I get? I have a 120 gal and replenish 5 gal's every 3 days and do standard water changes.

So I looked into the systems briefly:
What do you think about these 2 types for the SpectraPure RO/DI systems for my 120 gal setup?:

SpectraPure MaxCap RO/DI System, 90gpd w/ Pressure Gauge & Purity Monitor


SpectraPure Maxpure 90 GPD RO/DI System.

or would it be better to go bigger or maybe no DI and just stick to RO?
I have NO idea.

I'm just concerned with the overall replacement on the cartriges and not the upfront cost as long as it's under like $400.

Alison:confused: :)
Votes for the maxcap
a 90GPD and YES DI would be perfect for you for that tank. You will be more than pleased with the water quality.

I too have 120G and a 90GPD system. I can have a 30G water change ready the next day and my system is direct to my sump with a float valve to maintain topoff.

Works perfectly
You will be amazed at how often you DONT have to change the cartridges.
The Max cap carteidge lasts about 4 times longer than any of the rest. I have a 5 stage Spectrapure.
personally, I would get the pressure gauge and purity monitor. I am getting one as I know the water pressure in my home is low. anything less than 50 psi, you will need a booster pump.
In my opinion the 90gpd is more than you need for your system. I run the 90gpd with my 250gal tank so I would say a 60 gal system is probably more than plenty. I went with the CSP deluxe for better filtration rather than the maxpure and decided to forget the DI to keep the recurring expense down. I am not convinced at least for my tap water that I need the DI. I can always add a DI unit later. I will probably add the optional purity monitor first though.
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Hi guys,

Thanks for all your responses.
So a DI is more long term expense? So what does a DI do?
Do you all think that it's worth it or just do a RO? What are the filter cartridge expenses on the RO vs. a comprable RO/DI unit? I would rather have better water but if there is no diff and more cost then I will just do RO.

Thanks again,

From the following Spectrapure's Web site:

"Reverse Osmosis membranes, although very good at removing contaminants, still allow trace amounts to pass through. Nitrates, phosphates and silica are among these substances not fully removed. By further processing RO water through multi-layered, mixed-bed deionization cartridges, even difficult-to-remove chemicals are reduced to virtually undetectable levels. The Deionization cartridge contains resin beds of positively and negatively charged polymers which react with contaminants to chemically remove them from the water stream. The result is ultra-pure water that is extremely low in contaminants.

Note: Deionization cartridge life is greatly reduced when operated on source waters with low pH, high carbon dioxide levels, chlorine, chloramine, or ammonia. Aeration or de-gassification of RO product water is recommended for removal of carbon dioxide. Contact SpectraPure® for more information: <[email protected]>."

The "NOTE:" section is the important part.

Fortunately, King and Snohomish counties water quality is good enough that silicia is NOT used to remove chlorine and other contaminants. However if the water companies decided to use silicia,etc. to control the water quality for any reason, a DI filter would protect you. Unfortuntately, you are unaware if silicia is used, (meaning, you are not going to be getting a call from them advising that silica had to be added to the water table).

So if the DI part of the RO system is not working for me- do you think I could shut down that part or should I just go with a RO only and then add in a DI system which on the site it said you could do that?

Or should I just go ahead with it? I just worry that I may have high Ph or something and I have to replace the cartridge like every 2 months or something.

What about the Typhoon III? On another Saltwater site they said to go with this instead. Does anyone know anything about this brand? Major sites to buy stuff at did not have this listed---.

I believe Typhoon III is from I used them for replacement filters. They were very good to deal with. Walter is the owner and their customer service is good.

If you decide go with Typhoon III, you can always get replacement filters from Spectrapure. It is the filters that make the unit. :)

Do you have a pH or a TDS probe? I found this link of interest to read:
Well I have a Spectrapure, Our TDS here is Upward of 800 right now. After using the Maxcap 90 My TDS is 2. Plus I dont have change them monthly , Overall water quality is outstanding. Can Not beat Spectrapure
Wow.. that is extremely high...I believe the EPA considers anything over 125 unsafe for human consumption.

(well, at least this is what the back of my TDS meter says.) :)
What about the Typhoon III? On another Saltwater site they said to go with this instead. Does anyone know anything about this brand? Major sites to buy stuff at did not have this listed---.

My Typhoon is 5 years old and have no issues. The H2Oguru is great.
Mom and POP small business in Florida.
Wow.. that is extremely high...I believe the EPA considers anything over 125 unsafe for human consumption.

(well, at least this is what the back of my TDS meter says.) :)

It comes from evaporation In Az. Sometimes int he summer it will go as high 1280 depending on the heat. Why we drink bottled water here. Even at the high rates Kent can not even get close to spectrapure TDS marks. I have owned several different brands over the years and I am totaly sold on Spectrapure. I took a tour of thier Manufacturing center, It was amazing the science Charlie ( owner) has put into it. His DI resin is pattened and will clean any water of Chloramines. Its was really amazing to see the units the build for Starbucks. Man they were huge.