Salt Deal Tracker 2006

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I need to know by Friday if anyone else wants Reef Crystals so they can be ordered. Colleen and Scott are the only ones getting some at this point.

The IO order is a done deal with the 36 buckets available to us. We have 28 of them spoken for so there is still time if someone else wants a few buckets.

Thanks to Barrier Reef and to all of you that are getting in on the order.

i'm gonna have to pass on the deal this time :doubt: ...... just way to many things are going on around my apartment :( .
But seriously i wish we could do this may be another time because we get some great deals :) .
I would be interested in a bucket of IO if there is one available..

I can pick it up either Saturday or Sunday.

You're in Andy.

Since it looks like most people are available on a Saturday for pickup/payment let's plan for a mass pickup on Saturday. I'll get the specifics on the time/date soon and post them. Then it's just a matter of seeing you all at the new shop on that day.

Be sure to thank the guys at Barrier Reef not only with words, but by spreading the word of them around. They are new and need the word of mouth advertising. They're helping us, we need to help them.

I havent been keeping up with the thread. Make sure I got this right. For me there are 6 buckets of IO@$30ea. To be picked up at BR on sat 10/7, no time set yet.

Don (and everyone else...) sorry for the confusion. I'm not clear on the pickup date yet. I have a PM out to Barrier Reef to get this cleared and I will post the date/time once I have it clear. I'm really sorry if I have caused confusion, but I'll get it straight and post.

The rest is correct as you posted it Don...6 buckets of IO @ $30+tax ea.
Hey Reed,
I'd like two IO if it's this Saturday, if it's next, I would have to have someone pick them up for me. So, one way or another I would like two IO. Thanks!
I agree in that I think the salt won't be in until next weekend (the 14th).

Todd, I'll put you down for 2.

Count as of now:
Instant Ocean
Reedman 2
DonW 6
SaltyTemple 1
bradreef 1
james734 2
fin 2
bc_slc 2
tomz 3
jlehigh 5
Herefishyfishy 3
M&M 1
DisturbedReefer 2

Total IO: 30 (only 6 remaining if anyone is interested)

Reef Crystals
Scott & Colleen 6- 50gal bags
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Confirmed that the pickup is Saturday the 14th, between 12 and 2PM. Please try to make it in that time window. If this poses a problem for you please ttry to find someone in your area that can pickup for you at that time. If that doesn't work you will have to arrange something with Barrier Reef yourself to pickup. Please remember to bring cash.
hey Reed i don't know if you read my last post but i'm passing on the deal :( , i just have way to many things going on right now and i still got plenty of salt, sorry dood.
I may be out of town that day, but can coordinate a different time to pick up if necessary.

If you can't make it sat the 14th and cannot coordinate with somone else to pick it up for you just contact Tim or I directly by phone or PM. We will figure out other arrangements. We prefer cash on this special but will not turn down Visa/MC.

OK folks, this is just a reminder that the weekend is rapidly approaching and it will soon be time to pickup your salt.

Hope to see a few of you down there.

Go to PetSmart's web site, (thats right I said PetSmart) and print out their ad for Instant Ocean 160 gal for 31.99. Take that ad to the local brick/mortor store where is is $48.00 for the same item and they will honor the web price. If the clerk beefs just ask for the mgr. Just picked one up today. The ad must be within 2 days of the current days date.
We are actually going to be at the new location working from 11am-3pm on saturday so you all can come anytime within that slightly expanded window.

Barrier Reef
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