SEA-MAX 2011 in Seattle, WA!

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Hugely dissapointed. At $25 an adult, I wouldn't even consider it again let alone recommend it to anyone. Ghost towns have more activity than seamax had today (Sunday). Like Todd mentioned earlier, I think the date REALLY killed this show. There was a lot of free parking Sunday (Seattle street parking is free) but for Saturday unless you know Seattle you had to pay I'm sure. Find a cheaper venue, reduce the admission rates by at least half and people will be WAAAY more excited and happy to spend the admission fee. Luckily I had a free pass for my friend, who literally could have fallen into a deep slumber anywhere in the venue amongst all the lacking excitement.

Most negative comments at least provide some constructive criticism inherent within the message, but this one does not pass the "BS Filter" on this promoter's radar. This just is just plain 'ole hidden-agenda filth.

Do you go to the local shopping mall where dozens of retail outletts await to serve your every whim but then think to yourself: "WHOA!!! there aint people shoulder-to-shoulder filling the aisles! This mall Sucks big time, so maan I'm outta here!!!"
Is that about right? Is that effectively what you are saying?

Forget the 45+ exhibitors who traveled thousands of miles to see you, Forget the 6 keynote speakers who came to educate and entertain you, forget the childrens touch tank and related finzone to intrigue your child, forget the six clubs that participated to meet and greet you, forget the new SEA-MAX Theater playing HD Films, I can go on and on............

no, you wanted scores of people wandering the aisles so that you could have instant verification that you made the right choice (by default) and hence could feel better about yourself that you picked the right place at the right time to be I about right? : )

So, frugalmeister, just when are you going to start developing that 10-year relationship with Seachem, Redsea, Sunlightsupply, Hydor, Ecotech, Reefbrite, DigitalAquatics, etc, etc. etc. etc. find that wonderful venue of golden dreams you speak of, spend a year of your life planning, organizing, a show that transends all age barriers in terms of providing a package of univeral value to a limitless variety of needs/wants/and desires?
When are you going to quit your day job and put your money where your mouth is and build that wonderful $5 Consumer trade show that is so easily achieved????
OH, and one last, little thing: I want you to pack it up and bring it here to my home town.
I can't wait to come visit your event. WhoHOOO! : )
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Awesome Show. I wish they could all stay at my place. Oh, I need a bigger house. :)
Much Respect to those that need to hear it more- Thank you very Much SeaMax!
I like to talk, I will be short. I think the "thank you for building a awesome memorie" needs to echo more!! :)
LOL Max dont worry about those that did not have a good time or enjoyed the show. Everyone comes to events like this, or club events or even this board for very different reasons and you will never be able to satisfy everyone. For a person in this area to see an event like this they would have to go to a Macna or similar in a different city and beleive me the cost of that would be close to cost of a 1000 bucks. So the fact you were able to bring a good taste of this kind of event to this community for 25 bucks was a gift. I hope it worked out financially for you folks as I know the costs behind it can be huge and that you are taking a huge risk bringing it here.

thansk for taking it on.

I agree with the time of year statements. If it had not been one of, if not the nicest weekend of the year so far I would have attended. This isn't Califorinia and nice days are far and few anymore it seems.
I didn't make it to the event due to medical reasons, though tried to be a promoter in my own way. I can't add much to what Ed and Mojo just stated except PLEASE bring SEA-MAX 2012 and you will get even more support. First year shows are the most difficult, each year they get better if only from word of mouth promotion. Sound like almost everyone had a great time and I am very disappointed that I couldn't attend. Again from a long time hobbyist in the area, THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANK-YOU.
I agree with the time of year statements. If it had not been one of, if not the nicest weekend of the year so far I would have attended. This isn't Califorinia and nice days are far and few anymore it seems.
I have to agree on this one. Family/Church events were planned based on the weather. Just couldn't miss the chance to be out in nice weather.
I'd love to see the event return when the weather isn't as nice.
After volunteering on Saturday, and returning on Sunday, I completely understand your frustration, MadMax. I saw how busy you were, running around and being pulled in several different directions. To go through so much effort to bring something this AMAZING (because seriously, folks, Seamax was freaking amazing), just to have someone spit on it and tell you its not good enough, hurts. It hurts, and is incredibly insulting to you.

Frugal, you should really try to put yourself in Max's shoes. Think about the fact this is the first time this event took place in Seattle, and the Max staff had to not only find a venue that is easy to find with parking AVAILABLE (seriously, there are few places in Seattle where you can park for cheap and feel SAFE leaving your car there), but also vendors, speakers, and entertainment for kids and family. I don't think you really comprehend how hard putting something like this together is, nor do you understand the money behind it.

$25 is not a ridiculous amount. I expected it to be more. It's not cheap renting a venue in Seattle. It's also not cheap to haul an entire show up to another state. A lot of money was put into this, with not a lot being demanded for admission.

Sorry to get so defensive, but the staff did a fantastic job pulling this event off, ESPECIALLY on a weekend like last weekend. If it wasn't the terrible construction, it was the weather. Do you understand how frustrating it is to put something together in an area where lots of people expressed interest, just to have HALF those people show up, due to the nice weather that came around (not saying "shame on those that chose weather!", just saying half that would have attended chose to spend time in the gorgeous, rare weather that came aroud)? It must feel like a waste of time.

I appreciate all that went into Seamax, and was so happy to be able to go visit vendors I've been wanting to check out for a while. Thank you, Max, for everything you and your staff did to put this event together. I'm sorry there wasn't a bigger turnout, but if you do bring it back next year (please, PLEASE bring it back!!) I would definitely suggest a colder month :)

Okay, my rant is over ^_^
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We for two want to give or most sincere thank you to SeaMax for dragging your entire production and staff all the way up the west coast to us here in Seattle. We thought it was an amazing show and would continue to attend future events if they are offered. We saw the value in it as son as we stepped in the door and saw all the best in one building. We only wish that more than one LFS would have participated. Its crazy to turn a blond eye to an event and exposure like this fir a business that we all hear struggles from for lack of business. I know we dropped a few hundred dollars and every one was a deal and that was without spending anything on livestock at all. Great show and we hope you will be back for more. Thank you again SeaMax.

Eric and Becca

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I am in agreement with mojoreef and SaltwaterNoobs
And as I have been told "You cant please everyone" "Dont let that 10% discourage you"
Not everyone is going to be happy. Thats an impossibility. Sure some expected something other than what they got out of it.
For me and for others that dont post here, it was a wonderful show. I did expect more dry goods vendors. A few more competetors in filtration, but those that were there were very much appreciated. And all the speakers, though I did not get to sit in on most, are definately appreciated. If it didn't cost me an extra 30.00 for ferry tickets and 4+ hours drive time, I would have paid an extra 20$ in the presale, which was available to everyone, and gotten another ticket for sunday.
Okay, I'm much more awake and can think more

SeaMax, in my opinion, was a huge success! Yes, there were hiccups, as there is with ANY NEW venture!

Yes, it was a beautiful Sunny day, but who could have predicted the weather, a YEAR in advance, when this was in the planning? ALSO, SeaMax wasn't JUST an event for Seattle residents, who enjoy the sun when they can, the few days of the summer they get it. SeaMax was an event for those around the nation. YES, there were people attending, from around the nation! We had hobbyists from New Jersey, Canada, Texas, Hawaii, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Nevada...etc. These are the locations of people I REMEMBER. I'm sure there were MANY MORE!

Yes, the timing may have been "inconvenient" to some, but the schedules of MANY vendors needs to be taken into consideration, as well.

"Ghost Town?" Are you kidding me? Where were you, at 3:00PM, Sunday, when the entire place was SLAMMED!? At about 4:00, our club booth was inundated with other hobbyists. Some wanted to browse corals, some wanted to visit, some wanted information about our club etc. Then, you look up, and around, and ALL of the booths were swarming with people! Angie dropped what she was doing, to go help one of the vendors bag corals, because he was so busy, SEVERAL TIMES, Sunday.

Another thing to take into consideration...

SeaMax wasn't JUST for hobbyists and retail vendors. There were MANY manufacturer and distributors there, to NETWORK with LFS and retail vendors, to support the stores that carry their products. They were there to show us hobbyists the new and exciting products that are coming out in the near future, to point us towards retailers who sell those great products.

SeaMax was also GREAT for clubs! Our club, Spokane/Coeur D/ Alene Reef Society, gained A LOT of valuable sponsors!! I lost track, mentally, at about 8. Good thing we were writing stuff down, to remember later! In that regard, SeaMax will be valuable long after "the weekend." Clubs were able to NETWORK with sources that will help to support those clubs, whether it be offering free items to raffle off to members, great group buy opportunities, etc. These benefits will effect each individual hobbyist, who is a member of a club!

Then there's also the benefit to vendors, who were able to network with one another, give each other fresh ideas, tips and tricks, to make the next event BETTER, EASIER... In the end, those relationships also benefit us hobbyists, by getting more vendors involved. The more vendors, the more competition, the more prices drop!!!

I'm hearing a lot of people complain about a lot of PETTY things!!! Yes, some of those complaints may be valid, as a learning tool, for NEXT TIME! Some of those complaints are just that, people whining! Try finding another National marine hobbyist event, and get in the door for less than $25/day!

Again, Kevin of SeaMax, please take the negativity with a grain of salt. Let some of the negative comments be a learning tool, for the next great event. Each one is a new learning experience, for everyone involved! I'm ready to start promoting SeaMax 2012!!
Only $25 to get in??? :confused:. Wow! I have to pay that just to see a 1:30 min movie here and get a hot dog and popcorn!! That's cheap as dirt for what you are getting!! I'm dying to go to one of these type of events!! One day... :rolleyes:

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One booth had a buy three for ten each and get one free. Four corals for $30 is as "great" a deal as it gets anywhere in the nation. Trust me, deals dont get any better than that in this hobby unless thay are coming from a close friend.

Same booth Sunday was buy one get one free. More of you should have showed Sunday-awesome deals to be had!

I had an awesome time both days at Sea-Max! Got to see some friends I had not seen in a while and made some new friends, saw a couple of speakers (wish I had seen more, but kept getting distracted by other things), got some great deals, learned about some new products. I ended up having to get a bigger box for all my goodies (thank you Hank @ Coral Props). This was fun and worth giving up a fine sunny weekend~the sun will be back again, not sure about Sea-Max, but I really hope it will.
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Yes, some of those complaints may be valid, as a learning tool, for NEXT TIME! Some of those complaints are just that, people whining! Try finding another National marine hobbyist event, and get in the door for less than $25/day!

Again, Kevin of SeaMax, please take the negativity with a grain of salt. Let some of the negative comments be a learning tool, for the next great event. Each one is a new learning experience, for everyone involved! I'm ready to start promoting SeaMax 2012!!

Isn't that what complaint "boxes" are for. For those in charge to take opinions into consideration, to better there product/service? Or for those to just become defensive and put wall's up? Just thought I would voice opinions (not only from me but a couple of my friends who ATTENDED as vendors, not local). I'm not sure why you compared this to a National Marine event, this isn't even close in comparison. Like I stated I would love for this to come back, the community is definitely here for it.
Hugely dissapointed. At $25 an adult, I wouldn't even consider it again let alone recommend it to anyone. Ghost towns have more activity than seamax had today (Sunday).

I think this is the main part of concern. When i first read that my jaw dropped! :eek:. Couldn't imagine someone would say that let alone call it constructive criticism. Not picking on you or anything, but it was rather harsh especially with all the effort that was put forth to make this event possible for you guys. I would have embraced the opportunity.

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I'm not sure why you compared this to a National Marine event, this isn't even close in comparison.

How can you consider an event, with 6 world renown guest speakers,
vendors, retailers, manufacturers, from ALL OVER THE NATION,
AND Hobbyists, from all over the NATION, (actually, we had a lot of hobbyists from Canada, as well)

a "local event?"

A fairly good sized hotel, was completely booked, with a huge percentage of those bookings, for SeaMax attendees, from out of state! Other hotels/motels in the area had a large percentage of their bookings, for SeaMax attendees. Do you think "local attendees" were filling up the hotels/motels?

Maybe it wasn't "wall to wall" people, the entire time, but maybe that's partially because us "local hobbyists" didn't do as much promoting as we could have, or didn't give as much support, by attendance, as we could have. It's also due to the great weather, the construction, and other unforseen circumstances. Personally, I'm glad there were slower periods, as it gave me time to leave my club booth, to mingle with other hobbyists, other clubs, meet vendors, network with people, BS with old friends and make new friends. Had we not had 4 club members (6 on Sunday), attending our booth, both days, I'd definitely not have had time to do any of that.

I don't think anyone is getting "defensive" about the constructive criticism that's taken place. All of us, who were involved, have learned from this event. Those of us, who chose to continue to be involved, in such events, will benefit from all that we learned!
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I agree that a lot of effort was put into it. And I have a TON of respect for those that put all the effort into it. I'm glad it was here, and hope it becomes an annual thing. I guess we'll just have to all hug it out from now on, rather than voice anything that might offend.
lol. if $25 entrance fee is too much, then this hobby is not for you. no offense.

I really had a great time @ SeaMax! the only thing i was sad about was i couldn't make it there earlier. I got in around 2:30 sunday. deals deals deals everywhere. you cant find cheaper high quality stuff if you tried. the guys from reef koi, yourreef and gonzo reef were really nice. First time ive met them and i was impressed. super great prices from them. I really wish i had been there saturday too. All in all i had a great time, picked up some great frags, and got to see awesome awesome corals. Thanks!
I only got to stay a few hours on Saturday, but in that time met some awesome people and exchanged info. As a starting business and a club BOD this event was irreplaceable. I really saw a lot of great people having great times and got to see some members that I haven't seen in years. I hope that Kevin and Tammy will bring it back again as they are great people and do try really hard. On a side note.....

Keving if you come back I'll help put up the stage scaffolding again LOL