SEA-MAX 2011 in Seattle, WA!

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I would gladly pay the $25 fee again next year to be able to see new things, meet new people and see/touch the latest trends. To see the LEDs and "exotic" corals in person (and be able to buy them if I want to) is well worth the $25. I also agree that going to a movie is $10 just to get in, so for this even to be $25 is perfectly reasonable. I sure hope the economic worked out and that the show will come back to the northwest.
The Zesty boys would like to thank Kevin, Tammy and the whole MAX crew for all their hard work putting the show on. WE HAD A BLAST!!!!! We would also like to thank all the hobbyists that stopped by the Zesty Reef booth. Can't wait to do it again!!
Great event. I was initially taken aback by the 25.00 entry but it is well within reason for the specialized nature of the hobby, high profile venue and the level of effort involved. I was delighted to run into some "ol school" reef mentors and friends. I also greatly enjoyed being able to see all of the latest technologies in action. I would and will go anytime its in town and possibly even Portland.
The fact that it had pretty low attendance was why it is not a national event. Hopefully it will come back again and grow. I am sure there are a lot more reefers that would have come if they knew about it. Advertising something like that is tough and expensive. I sold some corals on Craigslist recently and found very few people knew about reeffrontiers or the local clubs.

I was glad to be able to go and not take a plane to do it. I suspect it did not make any money for the vendors which is too bad. O got some good deals on frags

Bob Fenner was amazing. He was worth the price of admission. The next Seminar on Sunday was ho hum. It was about getting your reef on cruise control. He talked about why you would want to do it and then said he just finished a book on the subject and for 30 bucks we could buy it.
I had a great time at the event and hope it returns. The good weather may have kept some people away, but knowing how good the event was, people should plan their family events around it to support the promoters. Summer does work best for those from out of town. There were quite a few of us from north of the border. We would have loved to take some Zoas and softies home with us with the Canadian dollar stronger than the US. You would get a huge response from Canadians if for future events you could arrange for onsite Fish and Wildlife documentation. The Northwest Flower and Garden Show used to do that and would have busloads of Canadians coming down.
I had a great time at the event and hope it returns. The good weather may have kept some people away, but knowing how good the event was, people should plan their family events around it to support the promoters. Summer does work best for those from out of town. There were quite a few of us from north of the border. We would have loved to take some Zoas and softies home with us with the Canadian dollar stronger than the US. You would get a huge response from Canadians if for future events you could arrange for onsite Fish and Wildlife documentation. The Northwest Flower and Garden Show used to do that and would have busloads of Canadians coming down.

Pinhead, thanks for posting! You may have been one of the Canucks I spent some time visiting with, who stopped by our club's booth! If so, it was great meeting you! If NOT, I hope to meet you NEXT TIME!
All in all good times. Glad I seen everyone Saturday.
I was taken aback by three vendors prices but the rest were all amazing.
Good show and good times.
Hi Everyone,
I am just now waking up (believe it or not) after being up all night. Our crew didn't get out of the Seattle Center's staging area until 2;30 A.M. so we are simply beat! I want to thank all our wonderful volunteers for thier incredible support and dedication! The amount of work you guys (and gals) did was simply phenominal and I only wish I had the ability to do more in reciprocation for your efforts.

I am a bit embarrased by the harshness of my response to noworries. Your post caught me at a bad time, but it did not justify the ferocity of my unprofessional response. You were merely stating your personal opinion...good or bad, it was an honest opinion and I am the last person in the world who condones censorship or suppression of one's right to expession of their opinion.

I wish to officially comment on SEA-MAX but first let me clear my head and put together words that best express what I wish to convey. I will get back to you soon enough.

On a more time sensitive situation: I'd like to offer one of our 275-gallon water containers that we used for SEA-MAX absolutely FREE to the first person who can pick it up here in Seattle within the next 48 hours. We are only 3 miles from where SEA-MAX was so whoever wants the 48"x40"x48" water container (with steel cage, built in water spout and lift pallet) please contact me immediately at (714) 260-6660, it may seem bulky but only weighs about 50lbs. we can easily help you load it into a truck bed or trailer for you.

We do have a second 275-gallon container with a plastic pallet that id like to bring back with us, but would be willing to sell that one for $100 if someone wants it.

so to sum it up:
- we have onel steel cage 275-gallon plastic water container for FREE to the first person to pick up here in Seattle

- we have one plastic pallet, steel cage 275-gallon plastic water container for $100 to the first person to pick up here in Seattle

will write more later

(714) 260-6660
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I think the problem most people had was they viewed this as a "Frag sale". I loved being able to walk through and buy corals but I think more people were expecting more of that. If someone was only going for livestock, then yes 25 was a big price for admission. If you were going for the information or to hear one of the speakers then you got your moneys worth. The only frustration I had (and I understand why they were there) was being told that they are only wholesale and the items would have to purchased through one of the stores. I did get a lot of good information and found out that there is a local builder of glass tanks that had a great looking cube! I think if there were more dry goods to buy I would have spent more money, but still spent plenty and got some great corals. I understand the frustraion of people who don't feel like they got what they paid for, but it really depended on what you wanted to get out of it.
I have his info. I know he's located in arlington. PM if you want more info. I have a number but not a business name.

Thank you! Awsome expo (1st expo ever) imo!!! I was their all day sunday cuz i helped close up...didnt get home, acclimate(20frags), and go to bed till 1am. I woke up late for work the next morning but would totally be willing to do it again in 2012 Kevin! If u come back...ill buy more and volunteer again (LOL)!
Only regret is not getting a pic with the mermaids =( lol!
Barrier Reef had a blast. Great people, great networking, and great speakers (wish I could have made Fenner's). Depending on a person's expectations I can see why some may have been disappointed. We had a general idea what to expect and the results mirrored them. Our suggestions are similar to some mentioned above.

1. Plan the event anytime outside of June-September if its in the PNW.
2. Offer a discounted ticket for the second day. Or offer a 2 day ticket for say $35.
3. Make sure the Seattle Aquarium water is pre-heated. We didn't use it but understand this caused issues.

Otherwise I think the event was well planned. If you come back, we'll be there!!
I enjoyed the event and will surely attend again!!!I appreciate all the work and time all the staff and vendors have put into it and hope they will do it again...i will continue to support rf sponsors as much as I can ..we cannot take them for granted..we need to appreciate them..i don't think they walked away with a big profit..would you work for free?!?thanks guys for a lovely event!!!
I know its all rave reviews from us from Spokane!! Our club had a great time, and we are ready to do it again (and hopefully win more raffle prizes, teeeheeehee :) ) The sponsorships and networking alone paid for our time, hotel, gas, time off from work, effort, etc!

In the end, events like this are not about cost - the education we all gain is invaluable!!
Here Here! for all the rightfully deserved praise of this SeaMax event and to the staff and exibitors as well. Kevin, my constructive criticism on 'time of year' was just that and glad that most took it as meant. I will definitely plan to attend future shows and would also like to be much more involved. If you feel for the need of a regional advisor (and gopher) please feel free to contact me. I would truley like to have SeaMax become a annual or every-other-year event here in the Pacific Northwest.

Cheers, Todd
I too will be in attendance for future SeaMax event's. There have been a LOT of great ideas and different views thrown out here, but I feel that all in all most everyone who attended was pleased with the event as a whole.

I did like seeing and touching all the different dry goods from synthetic LR to LED fixtures. I am a guy that likes to touch, see and get an idea how it works before sepnding my $$$ for something I've only seen in a magazine. That along with being able to talk to the reps about their products to the big "frag sale". I will say that tere are a few manufatures that I really found to like their products even more so since this event and will most likely buy their products now since being able to see how they work and how they look and how they feel.

Y'all get the idea (I hope). We either came away loving this or we didn't.


p.s. Last time I went to a movie with my wife it cost us around $120 with dinner included. Without dinner we usually spend around $40. So this event is not expensive by any means for what you get.