SEA-MAX 2011 in Seattle, WA!

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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I do want to thank you for being here on the forum and responding to the comments. If you have no plans to continue SEAMAX, then I feel it speaks well of your character that you take the time to talk about what went wrong in your view. You could have just walked away and cut your loss.

Thank for recognizing my intentions. I am one of the most tranparent individuals anyone will ever meet (to a fault, actually) and not to convince or sell anyone on anything, but rather to communicate basic information.

If you think back about it you'll notice that company owners RARELY expose themselves to the general public, ever, and I think most people can guess why that is. Perhaps I am a glutton for punishment, I dunno, but I've never been afraid of playing the "bad guy" if the situation calls for the bad guy role. I am a pretty black and white guy who tells it like it is. If compasion, coddling, or coersion is what you seek, please go down one floor and two doors to the right to the complaints department. I don't do fake
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So some of the vendors got $ now, but others did some banking.
I Agree, I went home after SEAMAX and got ahold of CHris (REEFKOI) and bought nearly 400$ worth of LED lights from him. Because of his display. AND I found some new Coral websites to buy from. And last I was Even checking out that new controller they had on display.
SO yes. Banking was done!
Looks like if we as a Reef Community in the PNW wish to have another event like this we had better start our own planning now. :D

I truely hope there is a event in our area(PNW) that keeps the comradery of Vendors, LFS, Aquarium Clubs and hobbyist together at one place once a year!!

I too would be interested in getting in contact with vendors and manufacturer reps for the area. Not to step on toes, but I would like the opportunity to start networking for another tradeshow/expo in our area.
There is Planing. It's gonna be the PSAS Frag swap in February.
Wait till you see what they got in the works. :)
I and other Oregon reefers would be interested in a frag swap! I already do some trades with some of you Northern reefers! Gotta love UPS ground shipping! :)
If anyone is interested in starting something for next spring let me know. I bet three or four of us could get it done. TACOMA dome convention center. Easier to find, free parking, and I bet we could get just as many vendors there. WHO'S in
I'm always in to help the hobby out, hopefully after everything settles down a bit MAX or another will be willing to entertain a return.

Cheers, Todd
Hey Kevin,
How can the clubs contact the vendors so we can promote businesses? That way they do not walk away feeling it was a loss? I met some really good people at your show!! I welcome any of the vendors/Lfs that want to contact me or visit our club! Spend the night at my lil house! I think any other saltwater aquarium clubs would do the same. I would welcome any vendors sales that are going on, any latest gadgets that vendor is selling, a new up to date on things. I am pretty sure that is how clubs promote business. I remember LFS almost coming to blows in Seattle years ago. THat is just how competitive it is. But treating everyone as equals as always been a goal. I know again from experience we can not share personal email addresses of club members. But I feel its a duty to help prevent losses, educate people with up to date information. Please tell them to contact me.

My true belief is we are all one in this hobby taking care of each other!
We treat each other as equals we go further!

Communication is our best tool!

Hi Ed,
congrats on your support and participation in SEA-MAX. All five clubs did a wonderful job on their booths and created definite value to the show. I have to appologize for the loud volumes coming from the SEA-MAX Theater at times. We didn't find out until later that some kids were playing with the equipment and turning up the volume on our brandnew audio/visual equipment. For sunday, we taped down the volume controls and this seemed to thwart young curious fingers from then on.

Any of the five clubs who participated and supported SEA-MAX and who has the capacity to send a few representatives, will be offered the same free booth for Marine Aquarium Expo in southern California March 30-April 1, 2012. If you have the tenacity and desire to participate in our main event, we will accomodate you. All you need do is register same as last time and we will take care of the rest, absolutely free

we appreciate everything you do
Kevin Adams
Hi Ed,
congrats on your support and participation in SEA-MAX. All five clubs did a wonderful job on their booths and created definite value to the show. I have to appologize for the loud volumes coming from the SEA-MAX Theater at times. We didn't find out until later that some kids were playing with the equipment and turning up the volume on our brandnew audio/visual equipment. For sunday, we taped down the volume controls and this seemed to thwart young curious fingers from then on.

Any of the five clubs who participated and supported SEA-MAX and who has the capacity to send a few representatives, will be offered the same free booth for Marine Aquarium Expo in southern California March 30-April 1, 2012. If you have the tenacity and desire to participate in our main event, we will accomodate you. All you need do is register same as last time and we will take care of the rest, absolutely free

we appreciate everything you do
Kevin Adams

HAHA, yeah, the sound from the theater, was pretty loud, Saturday. Sunday was MUCH BETTER!

I'm sure our club will be talking about MAX, in the near future, but I'd like to throw out a tentative and unofficial (so far) acceptance to your gracious invitation, right now, for the Spokane/Couer D' Alene Reef Society!!
My son loved it!

I would like to thank all for a wonderful event. I found it very interestingand took my young son. He loved the "touch tank" and it was difficult to get him to leave.


  • Mike at Seamax (800x600).jpg
    Mike at Seamax (800x600).jpg
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There is Planing. It's gonna be the PSAS Frag swap in February.
Wait till you see what they got in the works. :)

Nice to hear about another frag swap, But what I'd like to plan is much larger than a frag swap. :lol:

Although I will be in attendance at the swap too.

Hi Ed,
congrats on your support and participation in SEA-MAX. All five clubs did a wonderful job on their booths and created definite value to the show. I have to appologize for the loud volumes coming from the SEA-MAX Theater at times. We didn't find out until later that some kids were playing with the equipment and turning up the volume on our brandnew audio/visual equipment. For sunday, we taped down the volume controls and this seemed to thwart young curious fingers from then on.

Any of the five clubs who participated and supported SEA-MAX and who has the capacity to send a few representatives, will be offered the same free booth for Marine Aquarium Expo in southern California March 30-April 1, 2012. If you have the tenacity and desire to participate in our main event, we will accomodate you. All you need do is register same as last time and we will take care of the rest, absolutely free

we appreciate everything you do
Kevin Adams

Kevin that is super generous of you! I will pass this message along to my local forum the PNWMAS and we will definitely do this if we can make it work. I for one thought you did a great job. Having organized smaller functions, I know there is a great deal of hard work and behind the scenes time and energy that goes into these things. I felt badly that it was not better attended because I know how much time and energy and money the vendors also put into this.

We really appreciated free use of the frag tank and booth. The movie was quite loud LOL but I didn't even think to say anything about it because I was so appreciative of the opportunity you gave our local forum! I was also just too excited seeing all the different booths!
HAHA, yeah, the sound from the theater, was pretty loud, Saturday. Sunday was MUCH BETTER!

I'm sure our club will be talking about MAX, in the near future, but I'd like to throw out a tentative and unofficial (so far) acceptance to your gracious invitation, right now, for the Spokane/Couer D' Alene Reef Society!!

Dangit - now what have I gotten myself roped into?? Sunny southern California in the spring??? If I go, I may never get my husband to come back home with me!! hahahahaha

Kevin that is super generous of you! I will pass this message along to my local forum the PNWMAS and we will definitely do this if we can make it work. I for one thought you did a great job. Having organized smaller functions, I know there is a great deal of hard work and behind the scenes time and energy that goes into these things. I felt badly that it was not better attended because I know how much time and energy and money the vendors also put into this.

We really appreciated free use of the frag tank and booth. The movie was quite loud LOL but I didn't even think to say anything about it because I was so appreciative of the opportunity you gave our local forum! I was also just too excited seeing all the different booths!

Just wanted to add - It was great meeting you guys!! I know on occasion we have some of us crazy Spokane people down in your area sneaking into your meetings and the other awesome events you guys have down there. Hope we can meet up again soon!! :D
Just wanted to add - It was great meeting you guys!! I know on occasion we have some of us crazy Spokane people down in your area sneaking into your meetings and the other awesome events you guys have down there. Hope we can meet up again soon!! :D

No need to "sneak" into our meetings! We always have an open door policy for crazy reefers!:DYou are always more than welcome to come to our meetings! The next one is a good one! It is at Westside Aquarium in Hillsboro Sunday August 7th. There will be free bbq and a free raffle and you will get the chance to see Tim (the owners) new 1000 gallon acrylic tank built by James at Envisions! (the tank with sump totals 1000 gallons!)

Kim, way off topic, but we've also recently invited you guys to our Annual Frag Swap/BBQ, up here in Spokane. Hope to see you here! August 13th!

Sorry everyone for getting off topic. I heart frag swaps and it sounds awesome but I already have plans that weekend. Keep me posted about the February one. I can definitely attend that one as long as it is not superbowl weekend!
As one of the many vendors, who attended SeaMax, I can honestly say it was a huge success! This was our first trade show and we absolutely loved it. From our point of view, it was just about the financial gain, but even more importantly, about meeting so many great hobbyists and fellow vendors! Once we've had time to completely gather our thoughts, we'll post more feedback, but for now, suffice it to say that we'd do it all over again, gladly!
Thank you Henk for the kind words. In the overall scheme of things, yes, I believe SEA-MAX was a great show for those who attended. We definitely brought our best "A" game, hoping it would spark the start of an annual or semi-annual event, and I know you did too. I am sorry we couldn't have done more
Nice to hear about another frag swap, But what I'd like to plan is much larger than a frag swap. :lol:

Although I will be in attendance at the swap too.


Yep ours will just be a small get together of about 10 businesses 3 corporations and all the hobbyists...
Wow I just caught up on this thread. What I see is a bunch of people making business way too personal which is generally never a good idea.

Either the numbers supported a return show or they did not. Why the show failed is mostly a moot point now- at the end of the day the numbers either work or they do not. Ultimately cash is king and the rest is speculation and whining. Sometimes a series of events is planned with the expectation of losses the first few times. This event was not planned this way and needed to be a success in order to return to the area. This wasn't a huge secret and Kevin even mentioned it on here.

Unless there was a specific plan to lose money the first show with an equally specific projection of profits later on it would be totally ridiculous for Kevin to bring the show back here and continue to lose money and most of this "constructive critism" directed at Kevin specifically is just a bunch of whining since it doesn't make a difference anyway.