seafood food

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Lil update here

Ordered a cuissinart processor chopper blender thing from work for my 5yr thing woooohoooo lol.
Makin fish food I will b

Looked at winco but couldn't find those mystery bags.... albertsons and safeway r prob my best local bets. I'm not a hellmart fan.
^^^ very true, I remembered when I was on vacation the blue tang was so hungry lol attack my brain and drags around the tank sharing w/ other fish to eat.
I'm with Todd on this one! I admittedly feed my fish almost every time I walk by the tank... they beg, I can't help it! I have a big skimmer and do weekly 50g water changes to help counter it though.

I've also been looking into making my own food. Those food choppers certainly make it a little easier. My husband thinks I'm crazy spending a half hour in the mornings hand chopping krill, clams, squid, and shrimp into tiny little pieces for my anthias to eat! :loco: Either way I really need to cut down on my fish food budget. If you guys come up with a good recipe feel free to share it! I'll be tagging along on this
WOW! I have a hard time believing that there are Reefkeepers out there still starving their Fishes for sake of their Coral or to reduce maintenance. Very few Fish species will thrive with this philosophy. Most of our Reef Fish prefer multiple feedings a day and some require it. Exceptions could be very light fish stocking in large system with copious amounts of pods and macro algaes. I feed and have fed 3-5 times a day for over 30 years now in most always high bio-load systems. I try and keep a varied diet by usually having 3-5 different frozen foods plus NLS pellets and Seaweed Extreme pellets in two sizes. So in my stuffed 125g I will normally go through 4-6 cubes of frozen and maybe a teaspoon each of the two mixed size pellets.
Now back on topic, I am also to the point that I'd like to start making/mixing up my own frozen concoctions but would like to keep it varied and not just one large batch of the same ( I love steak and potatoes with a veggie side but would not want it every day) So maybe we can turn this thread into a couple/few regional Group Workshops and create some real quality fish food mixes to all share in.....???

Cheers, Todd

You guys that feed 3 - 5 times a day, do you have a cyano problem? I'm feeding twice a day, one cube of mysis in the morning and one in the evening for 10 fairly small fish and I'm getting some cyano. Does feeding often contribute to cyano? I have 3 anthias, and I don't want to underfeed. I've got the 3 anthias, 2 clowns, 2 bangaii cardinals, and 3 chromis. My phosphates are at zero and my nitrates are about 2 ppm - I'm running a pellet reactor but no macro algae.

I heard that there is a nitrate zone where you don't get cyano or hair algae - maybe about 5 ppm. Below that, cyano - above that hair algae. Has anyone else heard that?

Matt, no Cano or HA algae here...check your lights..old bulbs can cause cyano as not enough water much skimmate is your skimmer pulling out? If u have Cano, try running the skimmer more wet to pull the nutrients out...I know I said PO4 is zero and nitrates are two, but go back to the basis...algae needs light and nutrients to grow..eliminate one or the other and algae stops growing
Matt, no Cano or HA algae here...check your lights..old bulbs can cause cyano as not enough water much skimmate is your skimmer pulling out? If u have Cano, try running the skimmer more wet to pull the nutrients out...I know I said PO4 is zero and nitrates are two, but go back to the basis...algae needs light and nutrients to grow..eliminate one or the other and algae stops growing

My skimmer is pulling quite a bit out. I've got LED lights. Maybe on too long, my blue's start ramping up at 6, whites at 8. White's go off at 6, blues at 8.

I thought Cyano was bacteria, not algae. I know if I turn my lights off for 3 days the cyano will die back. I did that recently, but it's coming back.
How old is the tank? I feed a ton and haven't had cyano for years, only did for about the first 6 months of the tank's existence.

I'd also check out the flow possibility. I've been running an mp60 on my 210 and maybe I've started taking it for granted.

There's also a cyano control thread you can check out right under this one