September Frag Swap!!! - Make Trades Here...

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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New Nano-tank and new member

I just got the water cylcing in my new nano-tank and I'll be looking to put a couple corals, etc in it over the next couple of weeks. If you have any suggestions on corals, etc that would be good for a nano-reef tank, and for newbies, I'd love to hear from you. Looking forward to picking up some live sand and maybe a couple of corals tomorrow. I definitely need some color in my little bit of the sea :)

Looking forward to meeting some folks tomorrow night :)
I will be bringing some sand (used from my tank in trash bags) as well as some live rock. We can talk about the rock when we are there about price, but the sand is free. I know someone here was already looking at getting some of the sand but not sure if he wants it all or not. Look for me at the meeting :)
sorry sales from my company liverock have been very high recently and i will not have any rock to bring here but can do a large order for all us psas members and all of you would recive great discounts. The dive for LR will be Monday so next week if people are interested there will be LR.
Re: New Nano-tank and new member

douglask said:
I just got the water cylcing in my new nano-tank and I'll be looking to put a couple corals, etc in it over the next couple of weeks. If you have any suggestions on corals, etc that would be good for a nano-reef tank, and for newbies, I'd love to hear from you. Looking forward to picking up some live sand and maybe a couple of corals tomorrow. I definitely need some color in my little bit of the sea :)

Looking forward to meeting some folks tomorrow night :)

If this is your first tank, I would hold off a bit on corals until you are sure the tank is stabolized. Dr. Mac's site used to recommend waiting until you have corraline growing on the glass to at least the size of a dime (before introducing stoney's). I think this is good advice.

You will probably have at least one major algae bloom - it would be really discouraging to kill a coral because it got smothered in algae.

Mushrooms would probably survive right after the cycle is over, but I would think carefully about where to put mushrooms in a nano. They can spread rapidly, and are agressive to many corals.

Many soft corals are quite hardy, and could be put into a tank fairly early.

What you should be thinking about (instead of what you can put in now) is what you want to end up with in the tank. Nano's don't have much room for a wide range of corals, and (in my opinion) need more planning to effectively use the limitted space.

Tonight's meeting will be a good opportunity to talk to lots of people about their tanks. There will be people there with amazing large tanks, as well as simply fantastic nano's. Lots of people will be glad to give you suggestions from their own experiences.
Vandur: "Green Slimer" is a brown staghorn acropora that flouresces green under actinic. Very fast grower. i may have a loose piece left if you locate me early.
New to the group, looking forward to the meeting.

Hello gang,

Just moved here and getting settled. The new 350g in the wall is filled and ready for the critters. Have a few things on a buy/sell/trade list.

We have;

135g glass tank. 6' x 2' x 18'' front to back.

3.5'' Clarkie Clown

Looking for;

Live rock, was going to Portlad Sunday, but if I can get it here, wooohoooo

macro, and some sandbed critters that didnt make the move as well as the other inhabitants did.

Thanks, Chris

(253) 862-4361
ANyone need a ride to the meeting from the Sumner area?

Pam and I will be going to the meeting. We can take a couple people from along the way if you need a ride.


I just wanted to say thanks to everyone (Piercho, Paul H., Paul M., etc..) who had frags for sale, for trade, or for free at the swap meet.

On a side note, I wanted to tell Paul that his display tank was georgous. Both my girlfriend and I haven't been to interested/impressed with SPS corals, but I think your tank totally changed our minds!

Woo-hoo, more reef stuff (I'll be posting some pictures once my new frags get settled)!!

Thanks to Paul and Mavis for hosting the meeting! Paul, your tank looks even better in person :) BTW, I fell in love with that little red/orange clown goby; I want one! Where did you find him?

It was good to meet so many new people, renew acquaintances with those I've met before and put faces to names. I'm really looking forward to being part of this club.

I had a good time tonight. Nice to meet new faces, and see some old ones ;) I think everyone left tonight feeling satisfied with what they got in trade.

Thanks again for your hospitality Paul for having this at your place.

And as Alice stated, its nice to put names to faces :)

- Elmo
I didn't expext that it would be a blast. And like Elmo said, a lot of people left feeling satisfied and I am one of them...

To all people I met at the meeting, you are all awesome.... more power to you all.

Elmo18, Piercho, Dnjan, Gordo, Fragman.... thank you all for your donations....

And to H2ODoctor, thanks man....

To Zack and Matthew... nice to see again guys.

Dang, I will check your tank and food anytime soon.... pleasure to meet you man....

Wow, What a night. thanks to all for sharing and selling your frags. My tank looks much happier with all the great frags I got. With any luck I can help out others more next year.

thanks Again

I would like to thank Paul for opening his house to all the members.

I hope your back lawn is not in too bad of shape.

Nice to meet alot of new people.

A fun time was had by all.