setting up phosban reactor

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2006
i purchased a package deal? which is a kent nautilus phos ban reactor ,puralock phosphate remover(german made )and lifetech pump for $70 .i was hopping i can get your feed back and opinions regarding to start setting up regarding proper flow and how much media i should use.i was told to put all 150g of media into reactor and flow rate should be minumum? would appreciate feed back
reactor has been running for 2 days now.i used 150g of ph was at 8.4,now it seems to be at 8.0.should i be concerned about this change.flow rate is very minumum
Do you have any corals in the tank right now? Is your pH difference from they same time of day (not 8.0 when the lights are still off, and 8.4 during the end of the photoperiod)? When I used phosphate remover media, I had the media just percolating in the reactor. You don't want it bouncing around too much in there.
my tanks been running for about 3yrs full of coral.tested ph again still 8.0 theres realy little movement in media.should i be concerned?coral looks same no signs of stressing (just me:) )
As long as it did not do a big drop after you started your probably fine. What some people see is a huge swing. For example you add rowa and hours later your ph falls to 7.5 then goes back up. Along with the ph shift usually is a big alk swing. This is why you should start real slow.
