what do we want to add to the site
So I talked to Josh yesterday for a bit and he says things we want to add will be very easy now that he has the site transferred to something more manageable (or something close to that.. lol).
I'm looking for suggestions to enhance our site and get members looking there.
Here are some ideas I have:
:idea: A seperate page (button) for new members
:idea: A section members we want to acknowledge. I really want to thank some members from time to time. For example, I would like to write a thnk you to Joe and Bob who together bought enough raffles tickets to support a flight for a speaker. I freaked out at Joe and said what more tickets and he simply said, "hey I'm supporting the club." It kind of changed my outlook on the massive ticket purchasing.
:idea: A section for did you know... for example, who knew that Paris has been keeping tanks since she was 17, and has raised discus and everything in between. I never would have guessed. Thats the sort of fun reading, and they do NOT have to be big spectacular tanks.
:idea: I know Mark has discussed with Josh for a rotating banner on the top for the sponsors - is that underway or what do we need to do for that to occur?
The page needs some life, right now it is just words.... any ideas?
i want to stay away from member of the month - I dont want to have to search for someone to keep it going all the time.
What can you guys think of?