Site Problems - Again

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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From what I've heard, Macs are a bit more stable and less prone to hackers. Probably because 90 percent of people run some form of Windows.

More stable? I would say that depends on your definition of stable. Macs/*nix are definitely less prone to being compromised because you are absolutely right, more than 90% of people run some version of windows. Thats like shooting the side of a barn compared to a beer can on a fence post.
Macs are more stable because the Unix framework is put together different, the old PC jab that they are not hacked because it is a small percent is not true, the first person who can put out a in the wild virus to the Mac masses would get way more attention than they ever will for a PC virus, before the present OS X system software, the previous Mac systems (6,7, and 8)had plenty of viruses and attaches back when there was only about 1-2% market share compared to today at about 7-8%, it has nothing to do with market share. They are more stable and secure, that is a fact.
When you find out who is behind this...can you send them to Hawaii so I can feed them to the Tiger Sharks?:eek:
search google for "kgeba joomla"

apache server php, you know what version is running?
And my Grandfather said Tiger Sharks were not dangerous and neither were waterspouts.... He and his brother owned a fishing pier in Indian Wells Fla. along with 5 other guys. Spent alot of time there as a kid. I loved it. Do they even have Tiger sharks in the Gulf of Mexico I was only about 10 at the time. Know they had nurse sharks and hammerheads.
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Previously posted by Sherman
We should hijack this thread.

Previously posted by Damsel13
And my Grandfather said Tiger Sharks were not dangerous and neither were waterspouts.... He and his brother owned a fishing pier in Indian Wells Fla. along with 5 other guys. Spent alot of time there as a kid. I loved it. Do they even have Tiger sharks in the Gulf of Mexico I was only about 10 at the time. Know they had nurse sharks and hammerheads.

Sounds like you got your wish Jason :lol:
Just trying to please :D about the hijack for Sherman....

Seriously, I don't know if this has any connection to the problems the website had before but Reef Frontiers has been running slower and more erratic for me the last few days. The power of suggestion is strong so who knows. I am on a mac btw. Had not had any noticeable problems up until a few days ago. Probably just the power of suggestion. :oops:

Just made the first step toward moving to a new hosting company. When the transactions and setup are complete, I will let you know when I am ready to shut down this site for the transfer to a new (more secure) server :)

Stay tuned
Looks like the new server should be ready early in the week, so if the site goes down, it's because it's moving time :)

Just a heads up in case you all of a sudden can't access ...
I can hear the theme song to The Jeffersons playing now..."Well, we're moving on up...."

Chuck, awesome! Thats exciting, let us know if you need any help testing stuff before you go live