Skimmer ideas for a 10 gal?

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2010
Mill Creek, WA
My son has a standard glass 10 gal nano set up with 2 hob filters. One with Purigen and one with crushed live rock and poly. I think he could benefit from a skimmer. Is ther an inexpensive one that would work with that size tank and maybe hang on the back? Thanks:)
The aquaticlife 115 is rated for 30gallon it's an internal skimmer. I loved mine when I used it (sitting under my freshwater tank now) Pulls a lot of skimmate for a little thing and was easy to use. Only irc I had with it was the flow adjustment knob which when wet was a real B to turn. Other than that for it costing around 60$ it's a good deal. If you want I could probably sell you mine but you might want to look around a little more to see if you need and or want one that is smaller. But I'd definitely look into the 115
The aquaticlife 115 is rated for 30gallon it's an internal skimmer. I loved mine when I used it (sitting under my freshwater tank now) Pulls a lot of skimmate for a little thing and was easy to use. Only irc I had with it was the flow adjustment knob which when wet was a real B to turn. Other than that for it costing around 60$ it's a good deal. If you want I could probably sell you mine but you might want to look around a little more to see if you need and or want one that is smaller. But I'd definitely look into the 115

Thanks for the tip!
Alot of people with small tanks say you dont need it. Just keep up with your water changes on a weekly basis.
I'm running an aquac remora on my 8g sps tank. But when I did have a 10g, I ran an aquac on it as well. Caution on a skimmer in a small system... it'll put out alot of microbubbles
just spend $40-50 and buy someones used CPR bakpak skimmer...get the model with the maxi-jet or acclea pump if you have a and good skimming for a 10g. also, better than the more expensive aqua c remora skimmer. you can also throw the heater in the return chamber of the skimmer and a small bag of carbon as well. just make sure you dont block the outlet of the skimmer with either...
i would personally never run another nano without a skimmer again...
but then i dont really like doing water changes more than once a month or so. :)
u can have my cpr, it sits on a self completely useless, i prefer not to have to worry about a skimmer ever
excellent!!! there's a free skimmer...

if you get it, you can do these mods to it:

with a mesh modded maxijet or acclea pump they are a good little skimmer.
and if you get this for free i would almost say just buy the acclea pump for's only 20 some odd dollars:

and if you do order that, you might as well order this $5 attachment to catch any stray micro bubbles:
The aquaticlife 115 is rated for 30gallon it's an internal skimmer. I loved mine when I used it (sitting under my freshwater tank now) Pulls a lot of skimmate for a little thing and was easy to use. Only irc I had with it was the flow adjustment knob which when wet was a real B to turn. Other than that for it costing around 60$ it's a good deal. If you want I could probably sell you mine but you might want to look around a little more to see if you need and or want one that is smaller. But I'd definitely look into the 115

use a piece of green tubing which fits perfectly on the adjustment knob to get more grip. i just installed mine int eh first chamber of my biocube29 and i can get to the adjustment this way without even removing the cover
well i feel like a jerk... my wife made me move some stuff to the shed in the spring... that was in the box i moved out there...

just went to go get it... found the lid.. when i picked it up i bumbed a peice of wood... and it shattered.
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well i feel like a jerk... my wife made me move some stuff to the shed in the spring... that was in the box i moved out there...

just went to go get it... found the lid.. when i picked it up i bumbed a peice of wood... and it shattered.

Thanks all, for now I'll just go with frequent wate changes.
I have a Seaclown you can have. It's the one rated for a higher volume tank. It's been a while since it's seen water. Am thinking of getting out of the hobby anyway, so I won't be needing it. Not top of the line, I know, but hey, it's free. :)
I have a Seaclown you can have. It's the one rated for a higher volume tank. It's been a while since it's seen water. Am thinking of getting out of the hobby anyway, so I won't be needing it. Not top of the line, I know, but hey, it's free. :)

Awesome! I'll take it. What size is it and does it hang on the back?
I believe it's the Seaclone 150. Might be a little bit overkill for your 10 gallon. It's not the quietest of PS either. Anyway, you can have it. Check out DR. F&S for pics. I'm going to look for it today. It's under one of my tanks which are under drop cloths. I should be able to locate it and then we can make arrangements for you to pick it up. Ask the skimmerwhisperer about the Seaclone for advice - whether it's alright for your tank or what.