Skimmer question

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Blue Tang
Nov 28, 2005
is this a pretty good skimmer for the money?????-ASM G-1X.....will it work in my 30g sump???? will it fit in my 30g sump?
you need to measure your sump Footprint and to check if you can fit in ther the skimmer. before you by asm i suggest to you to check the "octopus" skimmer they have very good feedback and less price here is link to the web page : the tunze skimmer are good to . but after read a lot of all this skimmer i think good way to go with octopus. here it's one post in reef central about this skimmer :
I hear a lot of people swear by the asm's as well as the Euroreef's. Infact, I almost bought a Euroreef (which Premium Aquatics has on special right now) for my new cube because I didn't think my AquaC would fit, but it did. I don't think you can go wrong with an ASM. They even have re-circulating mods for them to make them even more efficient skimmers. If you are looking into getting a nice skimmer for a great price, check this out :)
I have the ASM G-1x and think it works great. But if this is going to be for the 150 you're talking about on another thread, then this skimmer would be to small IMO. You need to step up to a min the G3 model. Skimmers are usually over rated on the capacity. Take the rated number and divide this in 1/2, this will give a good number for the actually size of tank the skimmer should be put on.

IE: My G-1X is on a 75G, but is rated for 150G.
the problem with the asm they come with the sedra pump wich was come with the euro reef to . personal i have the euro reef cs8-3 that come with the sedra pump s5000 and after 4 month the pump could not make or build foam and i spend now more $200 to change to another pump (better one ) modify the skimmer to get a better result ,so the total come very high and anyone that have sedra pump and follow on good skimming and check a good result find out that this pump after working 5 month start to loose power even if you clean it with vinegar if you check with air flow meter you will find out that at the begin the pump work good but after it's going down and you can see that you still have skimming but not have the same performance.
the asm have good feedback to but if you read the post (the link that i put about the octopus) you can see some picture how it's working and compare the price he can buy bigger one and less price.more skimming at good result with less price.
the euroreef is rated at that going to do the job for a 150g tank?
Nope! I wasn't even thinking 150gal tank. For some reason I was thinking 30 gals. I guess I was thinking about the sump you were getting :oops:
i saw that you have 30 gallon sump i don't know the size but if it's small one you will have very small place for the skimmer and problem with bubble i think you need to that size tank at least 50 gallon sump and go on bigger skimmer if you realy want good skim result a bigger skimmer with bigger pump will push more water to the skimmer body and will give you a better result and personal i don't suggest to go on the cs80.
i don't suggest to go on the cs80

I agree...I wasn't thinking 150gals. I was thinking 30 gals. On that same note, a bigger pump with a bigger skimmer doesn't necessarily mean better. If water is rushing into a skimmer at 1200 gph and coming out at that same speed, then chances are you are defeating the purpose of having a skimmer. From what I understand, it's all about dwell time and contact time so if the water is rushed into and out of the skimmer too quickly before it has time do do it's thing, then you won't have great results. Now this is only going on the notion of increasing the pump size on a skimmer that is rated for a pump with less gph. Nevertheless, there are skimmers that are designed to run off of extrememly high flow rates in which case it is fine, but then you have to keep in mind that on that same note, some skimmers are designed to be operated on very little flow and therefore upgrading the pump size will be degrading the efficiency of the skimmer:)
krish after i run the sedra 5000 for 4 month i was very upset i upgrade to the new gen x 6000 modify one (the good one) the pump feed more water inside and the bubble are better if you ask me i think that the best pump for feeding the skimmer it's the eheim 1260 deltec and h&s run with the bubble more tune , now for the octopus i read a memmber post he have the euro reef and the octopus on his 125 gallon and he said that the octopus have better result and compare the prices if it was me i buy the octopus

by the way here it's small picture for my bubble with the modify pump you can see the quality of the bubble and compare to the sedra very big different my air flow metter show with the sedra 6 after go down to 3-4 in this pump it's between 15-20 .
click on the image

ok i've read the link for the octopus skimmer.....they don't say how many gallons they are rated for...i am looking at the needle wheel 200 for $189.......does anyone own one of they produce good micro bubbles???also, do they pull out a lot of skimmate?
krish after i run the sedra 5000 for 4 month i was very upset i upgrade to the new gen x 6000 modify one (the good one) the pump feed more water inside and the bubble are better if you ask me i think that the best pump for feeding the skimmer it's the eheim 1260 deltec and h&s run with the bubble more tune , now for the octopus i read a memmber post he have the euro reef and the octopus on his 125 gallon and he said that the octopus have better result and compare the prices if it was me i buy the octopus

by the way here it's small picture for my bubble with the modify pump you can see the quality of the bubble and compare to the sedra very big different my air flow metter show with the sedra 6 after go down to 3-4 in this pump it's between 15-20 .

Yeah, your skimmer is producing really nice bubbles! I'm not saying though that you can't upgrade a pump for a skimmer to something bigger (ie more gph) but in a lot of the cases, it is not recommended or not necessarily better. A lot of these skimmers you buy these days have been tested with numerous pumps and then the manufacturer gives you the recommendation of which pumps to use which tested out the best. Take my skimmer for example (AquaC EV-120) I use a mag5 and I know if I were to put a mag7 on it, it would be useless in my case. I've toyed with this skimmer many times and feel like in my case, less is more. This may not be the same for another skimmer though like in your case which is evident. In any event, the only point I was really trying to get across is that bigger isn't necessarily always better. I don't want someone to think that if they threw a bigger pump on a skimmer it would make it better. :)
ust found a website that has the asm g3 skimmer for $242....premium aquatics sells it for $308....i like Premium alot , but i will have to go with the cheapest seller if i get
krish if you will see euro reef change all the pump to the gen x and modify them and you can understand they do so because the sedra wasn't so good for long time i know because H&S use the eheim euro reef couldn't put this pump on them skimmer (they was partner and it was agreement between when they split) eheim don't give them the promotion to use with this pump i read that they will be able to do it in the future but botttom line if asm use the same pump it will be less preformance in the future and i don't believe that there is anyone that pay from hard working money for skimmer and after 4-5 month need to buy other pump we want to have skimmer to work at least good production for 1 or 2 year after that i understand .....
if i know that in the begin i was add more 500 and buy the deltec ap851 and not start to add here and there more money to fix my skimming result ( after real work about 4 month )
Yeah...That sucks because IMO, when you buy something, it should be working at it's optimum with what was recommended for it and really, we shouldn't have to find a way to improve it, but I guess nothings perfect...:)
so should i go with the asm or the octopus....the octopus is a newer unknown it reliable???
ronj said:
so should i go with the asm or the octopus....the octopus is a newer unknown it reliable???

did you read the other post here i copy for you part of it :

NW150: 6"x23" reaction chamber, Offlabled OR 2700 $139
CS 80: 5"x22" reaction chamber, sedra 3500 pump? $200

NW200: 8"x24.5" reaction chamber, Offlabled OR 3700 $189
CS 180: 8"x24" reaction chamber, GenX 4100? $628

In both cases, the reaction chamber on the Octopus is bigger.
In Both cases, the pump on the Octopus is better.
In both cases, the octopus is significantly cheaper.

I dont own a CS80 or 180. I do have a 5-2 though, and my octopus is better built.

by the way we all try to help to give the best idea but this is your money and your
decision we can wish for you the best skimmer and best result
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My G-1x has been running now for over a 6 months. I have not experienced any issues with the pump. I'd have to say my skimmer is actually working better now it has some more miles on it. Everything is all relative, What works for one skimmer might not work for the other brand. I agree with Krish sometimes more is not better. The whole idea with a skimmer is to produce as mush bubbles as possible along with trying to keep the longest dwell time also. More flow might mean more bubbles but less dwell therefore it will be less effective.

Where's SkimmerWhisper at? I'm sure he'll chime in here also.
does the asm g3 produce lots of microbubbles... i am leaning towards this skimmer, but i don't want to have to buy a better pump for it after i get it.