Slate's 125gal build

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Thanks Charlie, this tank has been a ton of fun so far. I love being able to finally get into SPS and now I get to witness my tank doing good by watching stuff grow!
Thanks Charlie, this tank has been a ton of fun so far. I love being able to finally get into SPS and now I get to witness my tank doing good by watching stuff grow!

Hell Shane, your journey has just

Or as Jerry Garcia so aptly stated, "What a long strange trip it's been".
Everything is looking great Shane! Those are some really nice shots. You are lucky your blood shrimp comes out. I have 2 shrimp in my tank. They are always hiding behind the rocks. I think they are afraid of the big fish in the tank. They will, however, clean them from time to time.
Everything is looking great Shane! Those are some really nice shots. You are lucky your blood shrimp comes out. I have 2 shrimp in my tank. They are always hiding behind the rocks. I think they are afraid of the big fish in the tank. They will, however, clean them from time to time.

Mine usually hides as well. I think it thought i was going to feed the fish since I turned the powerheads off.
Everything is looking very nice, good job! I got into SPS not too long ago as well, and it is very rewarding when they start to really grow!
Tank Update:
Just got back from a mini vacation with the wife in Downtown Seattle. We hit the Barrier Reef sale on the way home today and I got my first clam! It is an ORA maxima(only about 2") that was labeled as a gold maxima but looked more like a blue to me in the store. I just finished acclimating it and now it is in the tank with the lights off, on a big piece of rubble I had so it will attach and then I will bury the rock a little to protect its bottom in a few days.

Also, like the retard I am, I haven't changed the bulb in my refugium fixture since I first bought it and managed to kill all the chaeto hehe. So I needed an excuse to make a reef cleaners order for some more snails anyway so I am gonna try their chaeto and it comes with pods to diversify my pod population! Biodiversity for the win.

Other than that corals are growing and fish are getting fat!
I turned on my actinics real quick to take a peak at the new clam since it was opening up. It does look like a gold maxima and has sweet patterns. Must have been the lighting on the BR tank that made it seems a little more on the blue side. Super happy with it so far.
Here are a few pics of the new baby maxima clam I got yesterday (I have some black screen over the tank on this side to acclimate it to the lights. So between that and my camera it is really hard to see its coloration.)


It is already starting to connect to its rock. Should be able to burry the rock in a couple days to protect it.

Now some random shots I took super quick after the shooting the clam.



nice looking clam..may want to move the clam alittle more to the right...the torch's tentacles can extend out, reach and sting the clam..all it takes is one sting and good bye clam.