Sleeping fish

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May 22, 2004
I have a percula that lays on the sandbed and "sleeps". Is this normal behavior? I assume all fish have a rest period but this one seems odd. It didn't do this in my 30 gallon but is doing it now in the 90 gallon.
How long ago did you start your 90? is the fish breathing hard? Are there any other fish in the tank that have been beating on the clown?
I know my fish sleep in various locations in the tank. One sleeps upside down under the coast to coast overflow. Others in the rock work, and my clowns sleep against the overflow at the surface of the water.

Does the clownfish behave normally when the lights are on? When does it lay on the sand....after the lights have been out for a bit?
My male ocellaris would lay in the anemone for long periods of time during the day and sleep in it at night...... unless there was a batch of eggs to tend to then he wouldn't stop fanning the eggs!
my baby as soon as the lights go off, she goes and lays down on a hairy mushroom that it's surrounded by xenias for the whole night so i believe it's normal
My fish in the past have layed down also. I know this because this is usually the only time I can catch them. I think it is quite normal IMO.
yeah besides think about all the swimming they do, all the fighting they have to go through just to get a piece of flake :D i mean after that even i would go to sleep for a little :D
I have seen several different types of clowns lay in a sand bed and "sleep". I believe this is a normal behavior for them, especially if the substrate is soft enough for them.
Hey Thanks Nikki, been here awhile, but just saw this thread and had to reply because I've seen many clown's do this. I usually breeze through while I'm at work. Have a great day!
The sand is very fine and soft. So it makes more sense to me. It doesn't seem to be breathing hard, and when the lights are on he is very active. Thanks for all the responses.
Rock-N-Ruin said:
my tank is bare bottom, what should my clowns do????

They'll find a place to sleep. My tank is also BB, and my clowns sleep against the overflow at the water surface. I've seen other BB tanks, where the clowns sleep in anemones, softies, and LPS.

Hope this helps.
Mine sleep in a giant bed of Xenias. You can't even see em when the lights go out.

Hey Nikki did you get any damage from those tornados the other night?
No, thank goodness. I did wake up around 2am, and the wind was so strong I thought for sure there was one close by. We had a little hail, but couldn't see outside for that "green sky" look (since it was dark) you get with tornados. Anyway, the tornados were south of here, but I thought for sure we were going to get hammered. We just sat and watched the radar (waiting for the sirens) until the heavy stuff passed.
Well thats good to hear.

We got hammered last night with all thos storms that blew in. Sure enough i lost power for about an hour and a half. Do you think it effected anything in my tank? When i woke up for work this morning i didn't see any polyps out like i usually do. I don't think an hour and a half could drop the temp in my tank that much.