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Well its almost all cleared up and my Salinity is about 1.022 will wait till it clears up all the way to check it out and raise it up some and my temp is at 79* and i need to buy test kits haha but that can wait some.
yes pretty much lol, I dont see the need in buying the test kits because i still have some time left before i need the. Just watch for the hairy signs haha or i should say alge
So took a picture today and its almost cleared up
So 2 days and its pretty much cleared up not crystal clear but still good. Now I see that I need about 2 bags more of sand and I had to add some more salt
O yeah the day I put water in there I had the shrimp and some food pellets in there to get them rotting and then added heat and movement and salt. I want to get this cycled and ready before may 8th hopefully but Who knows
Ok well I tested my params today and had the LFS verify my test.
Im using Seacham reefsalt and for 37 bucks a bucket(160 gal) i cant complain
Salinity: 1.026 (yes i know its high im lowering it)
ALK: 10.9
CA: 440
Mag: 1440
PH 8.2
temp 79-80 constant all day around
PO4(phosphate): 0
Amonia: showing less then 0.5
Nitrite: 2
Nitrate: 10
Plus i picked up some bulbs for my8 lamp tex fixture heres what combo i went with right now
ATI Blue +
Aquablue special
KZ fiji purple
2 ATI Blue +
KZ fiji purple
aquable special
ati blue +
I took some pictures with my phone as my wife has the camera and it just shows blue not what it actually looks like. I might change the Aquablue specials for someting a little bluer not sure yet.
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ok well its been three weeks now since i started my cycle. when i started my cycle i threw in some frozen krill let them rott completely, and i threw in some pellet food i still had. Well those were all gone and i saw a rise in my tests( well from what i can tell its hard to see on those test kits (salfiret)) and so in the middle of last week i threw in some more pellets like about a pinch or two, and well that discenteraded after a day. I just got done checking my nitrite, trates and amonia and im showing 0 on all
Could this be after only 3 weeks of cycle. Im going to take it in to my lfs and have them test my water just to make sure im not crazy lol.
yeah i was gonna start slow, just wish i would have known that it was good to go yesturday as we had a big convention lol and lots o corals for sale for cheap lol.
ok well i waited another week just to be sure and confirmed it with the LFS and yeah i was good to go. So i picked up some Chromis they were about 1/2 inch and only 3 bucks each so i had to try them out. :) I acclimated them and put them in the tank and they are sholling or how ever u say it. and they love the flow from the Vortech. I also got one piece of coral and thats a trumpet, its got a neon green inside with a brown outside. I dipped him and acclimated him and now getting him used to the lights then ill move him to his final spot.
Well good ole memorial day sales got me lol, I finally picked up my next fish which is a Yellow watchman and a small tiger pistol. He is small and awsome after acclimating them both and making sure they were good to go in the tank they go. The tiger found my left island right away and went under it then the watchmen and he went to the other rock but quickly found the pistol. I turned off the lights and let them get used to the tank. Well the pistol didnt take long at all to start his digging and he has lots of caves under the one rock. Thank fully I madesure the rock was secure to the bottom and not going anywhere. I also picked up some other corals. I now have a green with blue tip acro, a green slimer, still have the trumpet, nice favia, a really nice acan the big one. Its already growing 2 more heads on the side. then I hve a good fuzzy acro and a blue hair millie. I will get some good pics soon.
So yeah there I was hoping not have to be able to by my CUC yet until I get paid on the 15th :(. Well I now have GHA all over my tank :( and starting to get some brown alge on the sane bed. I also had some red slime in my sump, but that was my bad for running my sump ligh for 24/7. So I killed the lights for 12 hours killed it and did a 30g water change. Killed the red slime and sucked it all out. But I also know how I now have my alge. Stupid frag plug from a LFS (im not gonna name names) but I knew I should have took the frag off and mounted them onto my own plugs. I also have a hitchhicker that I just saw on my glass when I was cleaning it and that as a baby snail :) yay for 1 piece of CUC haha. But now I just have t let my go bad :( till I can afford a CUC.
So right now in I would say about a month actually less time my acan has devoleped 2 more heads on the side. This is a picture of when I first got him.
My 2 color acro has sproted 2 more arms.
My monti cap is much brighter and starting to shoot up more inside.
These pictures are all when I first got them.
I'm not sure how to adjust the white balance on this regular digital camera. But hope you enjoy the pics
Well i have the alge under control now, thanks to water changes/ mainly to siphon out the alge and a clean up crew, i have lots of nassarius snails and some cerths and some nerites. I just picked up 2 emerald crabs, they went to work right away. Plus I recieved 2 black and white Ocellarias Clowns, one has already started to become larger and they hang out with each other all the time, same with my 2 blue chromis its like u cant seperate the 4 lol. Now to just get some type of lps for them to host. :) next week is my Bday so I'm going coral shopping lol