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Thanks I like it because its lots of swiming room for my fish but then again I have to think of where I want to place each coral first lol.
So a little update, I have been battling with cyno first it was only on the sand now its on the rocks :(. I was using flakes and pellets and have stopped that. I have been feeding a couple times a day instead of all at once. I also tried cutting the light schedule down to only 3 hours a day for 2 weeks and nothing. I tested the nitrates and there none. I wish i had a phosphate test to check those. I do run carbon but dont really see a difference when I have it on or off. I do water changes every weekend and its about 30 gal which I want to go down to half of that. So im lost and on top of that. My Powder blue tang has ick and passed it on to my clowns so Im starting up a couple QT's for them. Has anyone tried to QT in 5 gal buckets?

I have picked up some frogspawn which was two seperate branches and i accidently broke them into two seperate branches. I have one lower then the other just to see were the best place is. I also picked up one head of duncan and man hes awsome just waiting to get more sprouts from him. and then another called metor shower.

Then acro that I did have I have a buddy of mine trying to make it better it just wasnt doing well in my tank so i rather give it up before its to late.

So theres the updates and no pictures as its just blue on my normal camera.
Ok so I'm going to take some pictures tmr but I thought I would right an update here. Well so far I have some coraline growing on the back, glass and my powerdeads. Plus a deep red on the rocks :). Also if you havent see my other post I have lots of sponges growing everywhere. And the amphipods and copepods and triggerpods galor. lol all on the inside of the tank and the fuge. Corals are looking good. more heads on the Acan its my prized piece right now.

Now for the bad :(. I had a Powder blue, got ich and well I didnt get him out to the QT fast enough :(. It passed it off to my clowns both died and snails ate them. One of my chromis got sucked up into one of my maxi jets so hes a gonner. So I just have one blue chromis and my watchmen goby.
The tiger pistol shrimp and goby have a vacation home now lol. I noticed one day that the jumped to the center rock. now they go back and forth between the two.

So all in all I think im going to only have friendly fish that love to swim and also QT lol
just purchased my first zoo;s ever lol. I like them and you can see the remenence of hair alge its all brown now. Im trying to get it back to zero. I picked up an alge blenney and he loves the stuff so he will be nice fat and happy when he gets done lol.

Heres update pictures lol
Center look at the growth on the monti and my trumpet coral the bottom has turned into 3 heads the top one staying the same. You can see the watchmen but hes really protective of his shrimp so its hard to get pictures of him. But you can see him poking out right above the watchmen.

left side, amongst all that alge there is a green tabling acro lol. Dont know the damn just know its like forest green and cool looking.

Now for the always cool looking FTS

Heres a video of my watchmen and alge blenney staring each other down.
Nope mo chiller/ fans or anything just open top t-5's and lots of water displacement. It doesn't get that hot here to often to need it.
Nope mo chiller/ fans or anything just open top t-5's and lots of water displacement. It doesn't get that hot here to often to need it.

so dont your light produce heat? so just a fan could be enough huh?
what you mean by water displacement?
T5's lights do produce heat but its not enough to affect my water. When it did reach its higher temp here in the bay area all i did was open the cabinet doors so its not like a sauna down there and the temp never went about 81. By water displacement I mean that I have a lot of water surface area so that it can evap if needs to to try and regulate the temp.
T5's lights do produce heat but its not enough to affect my water. When it did reach its higher temp here in the bay area all i did was open the cabinet doors so its not like a sauna down there and the temp never went about 81. By water displacement I mean that I have a lot of water surface area so that it can evap if needs to to try and regulate the temp.

hmm..ok about the fan??is that ok??
can you take a pic on your lighting system?
I have a picture of my lighting system in the beginning of mybthread but it's just a tek light fixture. I currently do not run a fan on my system I only mentioned if I needed to I would Put one blowing across my sump. With how the weather is where I live I don't have to do anything extreme or special to regulate my temperature.
So yeah the alge blenney loves the abundants of food available for him lol. I also notice my watchmen gobie isnt to happy when he gets near he opens his mouth up wide sucks in some water to make himself bigger, but the alge (named swamp thing) just is like whatever i do what i want lol
I got them from a local lfs here. I also met the guy who owns Marco rocks when he came out to one of our big conventions. But ya you could try him direct or if you order from brs just say I want big pieces.