So how big of a tank should I get?

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2006
I'm thinking of moving to a larger tank.
But I'm not sure what size ( already asked and the boyfriend said no to the 100g :cry: )

So this is what I have to work with
MH 150w HOB light
Remora Skimmer HOB
25g fuge
300gph fuge return
620 Seio
2xMaxi-jet 400
1x Rio 180

I don't mind having to buy a new pump or two, but I really don't want to get another MH light( other supplimental lighting for the edges could work?)
I'm not sure what size of a tank (dimensions)I could use my light on, think I read somewhere that 2 ftx2ft is the lighting area of a MH, not sure if this is true though, would that mean that there is no light outside the 2ft? or is it just less intesnse?.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Stock is ( and will be)
Monti's as the only sps coral

And some fish ( 2x O.Clowns, 2xHi-fin gobies, 1x Hector's goby)
What size do you currently hsve?
I read somewhere that 2 ftx2ft is the lighting area of a MH, not sure if this is true though, would that mean that there is no light outside the 2ft? or is it just less intesnse?.
Altough a MH is generally good for a 2' area, 150 will limit your depth.
The light will just be less intense on the outer edges.
2ft is the max for the MH would have light on the ends, but not really enough ...what size tank do you have now???? you would probably have to upgrade the pumps for sure if the tank is going to be bigger
Right now I have a 30g tall(24x12x24).I am planning on making the tank or getting someone to make one for me so I'm really open to any shape.

So far the 150w has been good for my depth, I like it, I keep less light intense corals lower down. I would like something wider, much wider, 12'' is horrible and longer.

I had 2 lighting idea's

1. Placing the corals stratigcally, more light requiring corals under the MH to less intense light requiring on the sides.

2. Or adding 2 lights along the width of the tank. One on either side of the MH, not sure what type of lights could work for this and if this is any less expensive then getting another MH (and need to keep power suckage in mind)

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I've been secretly planing a 2' cube. They are 60gals and would give you some great depth and prob wouldn't take up any extra room or need extra equiptment. ;)

How has your sump worked out after the baffle blow-out?
How about a nice 525 gal? I will throw in free sand, some LR and a couple buckets of salt.:D
naw dude, i was thinkin more like a 10million could house a whale shark for a little bit before it outgrows that. then you could upgrade to buying a section of ocean and buying glass to enclose that section...then you could house a whole "school" of whale sharks :lol:

hahahahhah but could do a 55 and have low light corals on the side. ...mjuen, or soemthing has a 55 w/ stand for 45$ as dirt.

Right now I have a 30g tall(24x12x24).I am planning on making the tank or getting someone to make one for me so I'm really open to any shape.

So far the 150w has been good for my depth, I like it, I keep less light intense corals lower down. I would like something wider, much wider, 12'' is horrible and longer.

I had 2 lighting idea's

1. Placing the corals stratigcally, more light requiring corals under the MH to less intense light requiring on the sides.

2. Or adding 2 lights along the width of the tank. One on either side of the MH, not sure what type of lights could work for this and if this is any less expensive then getting another MH (and need to keep power suckage in mind)


I would do a high end reflector like luminarc or Lumenmax and stay with combo you have. I have considered doing a 30 Oceanic cube like this sevaral times. The better the reflector, the more light amplified back into tank. Just my oppinon:)
65 gal

A 65 gallon would be perfect for that light,they are 36 by 18 by 24,all you would need is a couple retro fit vho's and you're set.
a 50 gal corner tank would be great but not just anyone could build it but i have seen them go for fairly cheap and a single 150 would light it great for low light corals. just my two bits.
Thanks everyone for the feedback

I didn't think I had so many likey

Meche I like the depth idea, but maybe slightly wider then 2ft....the fuge is still running, even with the broken silicone on the baffle, once I made the water level on both sides of the baffle the same all was well :)

Brenden to have a tank that size...well lets say i'd really have to work on the boyfriend for him to allow that into the house:doubt:

Cwazy Clown, I live in Toronto, Canada, would end up being an expensive tank

returnofsid I'm not to worried about the skimmer I ran skimmerless for the first while, as it is I don't get alot of junk out of mine ( I hope that's a good thing...)

Ed Hahn I'm not sure what type of reflector I have and I don't think I can take my light apart it's a hole unit thing, Light is a coralvue aqualight HOB unit.

Is there any drawbacks to having a super deep tank?
well lets say i'd really have to work on the boyfriend for him to allow that into the house

I would consider that a win-win situation. :D

Is there any drawbacks to having a super deep tank?

A 150W MH won't penetrate that deep, I think you would be pushing its limits at 20-24". Surely your SPS would have to stay in the top half.
Wait a minute your a girl and you can't convince your boyfriend to let you get a 100g? I thought girls could talk guys into anything? j/k
Sorry didn't mean deep meant depth as in width, 3 dimentionality( not really a word) my tank right now is only 12''deep and there are SO many negatives just wondering if there are any negatives about a deeper tank

Brenden the tank looks awsome

I think I will go with front to back depth rather then length so I can keep my existing light.

Would there have to be alot more flow in a tank with front to back depth opposed to a tank with the same volume but longer ( side to side)?

I've also read that the bioload capacity is dependent on the footprint of the tank rather then the volume, if the tank is deep ( ie 2'x2') is that equivilent to a tank of the same volume that is longer and not as deep?

I want to add a bit more live stock to the tank so I want to plan so i can have what I want.
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