So Mad!

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
So I leave my house yesterday around 12:00 noon headed up to Seattle to visit friends and snag a few frags from barrier. Although the tank light weren't on yet everything seemed fine in the tank. Got home around 10:00pm new frags in hand and........the tank is really cloudy! All polyps retracted, mushrooms looking shrunken and zoo's closed up very tight. My skimmer is spitting out foam like crazy so the first thing I think is I had a fish die and overloaded the system. Nope all fine so i go to test for ammonia..... my test kit is expired (it's been 3 years since i set up). Urggg! i am going on the assumption of a re cycle so i did 50% water change and added some zeolites to the sump i had leftover from trying the zeovit system a few years ago. I was up until 3:00am and the zoo's are starting to open and I see a few polyps coming out on my sps but the water is still a little cloudy. I have to wait till the store opens to get a new ammonia kit to test that. Don't think i am looking for much advice at the moment just letting out some frustration! i am doing another 15 gallon water change now.
My nitrate is 0 pH 8.3, cal 400 alk 10dKH temp 79.3
Man this hobby can REALLY be frustrating at times!

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It seems to have been the weekend for frustration. Today is a new day so hopefully things will be better today!!!
The corals all still OK?

Xenia is history but I was trying to get rid of that anyway. My millie's are looking stressed but they do have a few polyps out now. Zoas are opening now. Frogspawn and mushrooms are starting to poor coral beauty however got too stressed and is looking like it is coming down with ick. I am hanging in there!
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My biggest frustration is that i haven't dialed in what went wrong in the first place.
I have about 100 gallons of ro water on hand.

Thats good. It may seem small, but that is still a silver lining to your cloud. I notice that people often keep little more than enough water to do their regular partial water change. Keep fighting! You will have this whooped soon.
Maybe sombody put hands in the tank with something on them on the other hand I had a similar cloudy situation just a few weeks ago and it was due to a skimmer malfunction.
Like your tank though-I know it is not in tiptop at the moment. Still NICE TANK!
Maybe sombody put hands in the tank with something on them on the other hand I had a similar cloudy situation just a few weeks ago and it was due to a skimmer malfunction.
Like your tank though-I know it is not in tiptop at the moment. Still NICE TANK!

The weird thing is....nobody was home! Spookie!:eek:
I am at work at the a few things here and then jet back home to some ammonia checking.
My first guess would be that the power went out while you were gone and your flow stopped and all the oxygen got depleted. This would have caused your PH to plummet, possibly killing your xenia(since they dislike low PH and no flow) and your oxygen levels to fall, thus stressing out your fish. Corals however usually do ok with lower oxygen levels(except for Xenia, which I think has somehing to do with why its a poor "shipper"). This would have also caused your skimmer to go nuts when it turned back on.

But if none of your clocks were off, who knows.
My first guess would be that the power went out while you were gone and your flow stopped and all the oxygen got depleted. This would have caused your PH to plummet, possibly killing your xenia(since they dislike low PH and no flow) and your oxygen levels to fall, thus stressing out your fish. Corals however usually do ok with lower oxygen levels(except for Xenia, which I think has somehing to do with why its a poor "shipper"). This would have also caused your skimmer to go nuts when it turned back on.

But if none of your clocks were off, who knows.

Sounds like a great explanation,however, like you stated the clocks were all correct. Just the weirdest thing. That is the worst, not knowing what it was so i can prevent it in the future.
My first guess would be that the power went out while you were gone and your flow stopped and all the oxygen got depleted. This would have caused your PH to plummet, possibly killing your xenia(since they dislike low PH and no flow) and your oxygen levels to fall, thus stressing out your fish. Corals however usually do ok with lower oxygen levels(except for Xenia, which I think has somehing to do with why its a poor "shipper"). This would have also caused your skimmer to go nuts when it turned back on.

But if none of your clocks were off, who knows.

Sounds like a great explanation,however, like you stated the clocks were all correct. Just the weirdest thing. That is the worst, not knowing what it was so i can prevent it in the future.

opps!!! posted twice.
Well i just finished checking ammonia .25, not a huge spike but definitely enough to stress and kill corals. Doing another water change and adding in one of those cycle products that is suppose to contain nitrosommas and nitrobacter sp, I never really had a lot of faith in those products but i am trying one anyway.

Hey Todd if you're still around, are you game to keep my 3 new frags i bought yesterday?? I still have them in the bags.
Bummer Willie...:doubt: When I first looked at the tank, I thought, "bacterial bloom" but not so sure...Hope you get everything in order man.