Some shots of my new cube

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Thanks guys! It's coming along nicely. A few things left to iron out and then I'll get it all colorful in there...Finally!:)
Nice tank Krish. Can't wait to follow as you populate it!

Thanks!!!:) Hopefully it will be pretty soon...Just a few things to work out and fine tune then we can add some colors:)
I have a few in there now...They're always busy:p Ever since I put those wild caught zoo's in my tank, I've been having small issues here and there with some bubble algae thatcame along with them. Since I did the swap, I only took the best of the rocks that didn't have any noticeable bubbles on it (just small patches of turf looking algae) but nothing to worry about. It shuld clear up soon:)
:oops: Just looking out for you :D How many is a few? At least 15 astreas and about 3 turbos IMO is good for your tank. Remember just IMHO. :p
Not sure, but they are tons here I can grab whenever free so I'm going to grab a couple this weekend at low tide:)
Hey, like me you just have to walk to the beach ain't this great :D :cool:

So we can derail the thread and everybody hate me too like when you post pics from the Bahamas. This is from PR

you're lucky you can get snails for free, here snails are freaking $1. something:doubt: and if you go for some with colors on the shells ..... ohh boy it's like asking for gold, i saw ones one time for $ 3 bucks almost 4:eek: .
ROFL! Yeah man!!! Click on my link in my signature about the Bahamas!. That would piss you off a big time if you lived in Alaska!:p

you're lucky you can get snails for free, here snails are freaking $1. something and if you go for some with colors on the shells ..... ohh boy it's like asking for gold, i saw ones one time for $ 3 bucks almost 4 .

See...If you moved back to Mexico, you could be doing the same thing:p
See...If you moved back to Mexico, you could be doing the same thing

that's a good point buddy :D .
But in the long run it'd cost me way way way more to keep saltwater because prices over there are crazy too :p .
No, no, no! If there's anything we know about Mexico, it's "Don't drink the water."

ROFL! Yeah, Sherman has a point Gabbs! Stay where you are and just wait on your ro/di unit to drip you out 3 gals of water per week for your water change:p
LMBO!!! that's true
I never had water just from the tap, we always had to boil it first if you wanted to drink :D :p.
What's this??? Survivor or what!

LOL!!! sort of .... trust me you can't just eat something in Mexico like you do in here because you get dihirrea for a week :lol: and it's true.....many family members have gone through that :p .