Something wierd with RF.

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2006
Renton, WA.
Is it me or does anyone else get different results for the "New Posts" search? If I select "New Posts" in the upper right screen (Circled Red In attached Image) versus the "New Post" under the menu bar (Circled in Yellow) I get different results. I've tested this with IE and FireFox on Windows.

For example The Water Fountain "Music Poll" thread shows up one list but not the other. Also notice one results in total=39 and the other results total=52. Does this happen with anyone else?
the new post in red is since the last time you visited I believe. the new post in yellow will show new post for the last 24 hours. cycles at midnight I believe.

chuck will help!
You might be right. But what's weird is if you look at the URL string it's calling the same page/script.

I just thought it was a little weird since I was finding new posts under the yellow that I never saw..
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I think I just figured it out..

The Red URL link is this:,11,27
with this link forums 10,11,27 are excluded.

But the Yellow one is:,11,27
This one trys to exclude 10,11,27 but there's a type-o in the URL.

So based upon what I see. There's a error in the URL. With the search in red I do not get any Water Fountain threads. I think there is others also but haven't figured them out yet. What forums 10,11,27 ?

Chuck do you any ideas?
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Okay I figured out 10,11 & 27 forums are..
10= Equipment For Sale (or Free)
11= Livestock For Sale (or Free)
27= The Water Fountain

After comparing results those are the forums/threads I'm missing.
Thanks Chuck. I wondering what the heck was going on. It happens to the best of us. :)

What was the reason for the Exclusion of those forums?