Sony playstation for Blue Ray?

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Oct 30, 2003
Was wondering what were thoughts on getting the play station for a Blue ray player also or should I get separate units.

Which leads me to my next question Play station 3 or X-box 360 If I should get separate players?
scooty that is a huge debate amongst the game geeks. i can tell you i have every game system on the market right now and as far as a ps3 for blu ray would say it is great. i would recomend extra cooling fans wicth can bea little loud but it is a great bluray player. as far as ps3 or xbox goes for a game system? i say playstation has better graphics and sound only becaUSE THEY HAVE THE bluray format. they have the ability to put a ridiculos amount of info on one disc. however xbox has so much popularity that if there is a game that is available for both systems i always buy it for xbox. i can go on xbox live and play with tons of people. ps3 is more popular in foriegn countries so you can go live and play someone in africa or where ever. then each system puts out games exclusivley. metal gear 4 was awesome and it is ps3 only so my honest opinion is get both. if you enjoy playing a game every now and then you will most likley play xbox more but anyone can appreciate the graphics and gameplay of the ps3
I too have the wii, 360 and ps3 and I don't even play them much anymore! If you are in the market for a blu ray player. I would just get the ps3. Not only it a gaming system/blu ray player it also have a full web browser unlike the xbox 360 and you can play online without having to buy a membership so online gaming is free also both the 360 and ps3 you are able to download movies and other shows and games. So I vote for the PS3 just for its capabilites and free online gaming. Although the 360 has a wider online audience (spelling).
As much as I love my 360 Elite I am going to have to say get a PS3 and save yourself the hassle of sending it in for service. Not IF it breaks, but WHEN it breaks. Plus when you watch a Blu-Ray movie on large HDTV you will piss yourself. The video quality is FANTASTIC!
Hey Hey now. PC you are stuck in front of a small screen. Console you can play on as big as a tv your wallet can buy and play it on your nice plush sofa . So Booooooooooooooooo to PC gamers!!!:badgrin::badgrin:
Thanks for the feedback!
I have a Panasonic 50" Plasma with an Onkio surround, I gave serious thought to just getting a high end Blue ray but being a part time gamer, I'd like to get one. I have the original Xbox & it is already impressive on the big tv but wonder how much blue ray games would be.
I'm still torn! :(
We bought a 50" Pioneer Plasma and Sony Blue Ray Disc player not even thinking about the PS3 being the same cost as the stand alone Blue Ray Disc player. We ended up taking the Blue Ray Disc Player back and trading it for the PS3. The movie quality is the same! My opinion is with the PS3 you pay the same $, or at least we did, and get the game player for free! I'd definately go with PS3 over the stand alone player!
I would go with the xbox 360 they have soooo many more games than the ps3. And get yourself a stand alone blu ray player thats what i did.
I would go with the xbox 360 they have soooo many more games than the ps3. And get yourself a stand alone blu ray player thats what i did.

Well think about it this way. The 360 you still have to buy a wifi antanae ($100) and don't come with a blu ray player and free to play on line ($50/yr for the 360). So if you do the math $200 for the 360+ $100 for wifi and $50 for online per year and then add a stand alone blu ray player $400-$800. Now you are looking at spending $750 to $1150 up front. Now with the PS3 $400 and you get all that upfont. Don't get me wrong I love my 360 and yes they have way more games than PS3 but you can't beat the package deal on the PS3 and I also think the graphics are waaaaayyyy better than the 360 even though the 360 has awsome graphics too.
We have this one we paid 399.00 now its 299.00

The biggest difference with the ps3 and stand alone blu ray player is the load times. The ps3 loads the movies alot faster then the stand alone.

I bought that same blue ray disc player for $399 from best buy and returned it for the 40gb PS3 w/ free Spiderman Blue Ray Disc for $399. Best buy usually has good deals on the PS3 around Christmas time. I'm not sure if they still sell the 40gb or not?
I bought the 40gb last year around Christmas time. They still sell it online, but not at Best Buy.

Basically it just has a smaller hard drive and no backward compatability support for PS1 and PS2 games. We have a PS2 also, so we didn't care.

When it was still PS2 vs XBox, my husband chose the XBox and I was sooo upset because the PS2 had a lot more games. Eventually we bought a PS2 for my daughter so now we have both plus the PS3.

Sony still continues to make games for the PS2 as well as the PS3 and some PS3's 60gb and 80gb play both and I like that.

Microsoft on the other hand just stopped making the old XBox console and games and offers no backwards compatability in the XBox 360 plus they like to make people buy add ons.

A lot of the games are also offered on both systems. My husband loves Call of Duty 4 and it's on both systems. The Wi-Fi connectivity is cool too and free.

[EDIT] I just noticed that the 40 gb being sold at naptronics is refubished, not brand new.[/EDIT]
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I'm leaning toward that PS3 now, that I have more information to compare with. I saw Wal-mart has PS3 cheaper than I can find at Best buy or Circuit city.
One thing about Sony & ps3/ps2/ps1 they merged long ago with that other gaming company & I believe they will once again be on top by next year & held the top games until X-box came out & Microsoft spent millions trying to dominate the market. Not being backward compatible also is a drag IMO. On top of that the graphics from what I see is better & loads quicker blue rays over the stand alone, again is another good reason to get it.
Folks I'm leaning ps3 :D