Spinners new "MO FLOW" outlet design

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Apr 21, 2012
Here is one of my "MO FLOW" SPINNER return outlet designs, standard size is 16" long but can be made smaller or larger. This "MO FLOW" will process around 1000gph +- has both surface wave action and VORTEX flow adjustments. Designed to be used with a system return pump but can be plumbed several different way's along with using its own pump if wanted.




Questions and awards alway's welcome
* An acrylic support strut is used when installing at top of tank, egg crate is for demo only:)
The "MO FLOW" SPINNER sits just under tank surface water and is feed water from sump on the top. In a nut shell the SPINNER spins with no sound creating surface action and vortex downward current. Both the spinning and flow can be adjusted on the "MO FLOW" and a gate/ball valve controls how much water you send to it.
I will post a video asap:)
What did you use for the rotating part?
Do you have a model that comes with black O rings instead of the red ones?
What size is the PVC pipe?
What is the max RPM???

What is next in you never endless bag of gadgets??

Looks good bud. It is obvious that your mind never stops.
Yah, what Dave said except that I can do the math to figure out the PVC is 3/4"and think red O-rings are cool.

Cheers, Todd
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You might recheck your math...lol its 3/4":)
It a custom designed piece on the inside that allows it to spin with no friction or wear.
The red o-rings are not needed just part of my DIYOCD:)

If you look up through your tank to the bottom of DT surface water you will notice it mirrors this is where the spinner sits. Both the rotation and vortex flow can be adjusted to move as slow or fast that is wanted. When they spin they create a ripple effect across tank surface when using two spinners ripples and vortex flow can be made to go both ways.......yes if wanted you could make white water at aquarium surface.
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I'd be curious and interested to see it in action. Post a vid if possible. :)

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Yes these two storm's have really helped some flooding and mud slides because of the fires this past summer but needed rain.
And yes the spinners work well:) They are 1 1/2" mpt spa jets so already proven to work at 20gpm+-
Builds going well lots of fun things, sent my Flowwolf back for the new model upgrade they have made some nice improvements.
He a DIY man he can build them and better just by looking at the picture's like you:)
I watch your video's they inspire me for real.....so keep them coming!
On eBay under 1 1/2"mpt spa jets with many styles to choose from:) Then install in a 1 1/2"fpt fitting of your choice and feed water to it. I used Banjo fittings for mine but would not use them(Banjo) if your using ozone.