SPS bad colors :(

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Hola :)
Thank you for sharing the photos of your beautiful corals! They all look quite healthy to me. My opinion of additives are as follows:
Calcium = 380-420ppm
Alkalinity/KH = 2.74-3.25 meq/L or 7.7-9.9 dKH.
Magnesium = 1300-1500ppm

I have used Iodine additives over the years but haven't seen any good or bad results so I do not add it now for the past few years.

Most SPS corals especially Acropora species change color due to changes in light intensity, spectrum, and duration (length of photo period). Other factors can cause changes in coloration but in my experience (IME) lighting is the number one cause. Be sure to note that coloration is NOT an indicator of coral health but rather an adaptation to its environment.

I do not feed any of my corals except what they get from food I feed my fish. I feed the fish a mix that contains:

Formula One frozen cubes (I vary the type of cubes).
Chopped raw shrimp.
Freeze dried plankton.
Dried seaweed.
Crushed garlic.

I feed once a day but sometimes twice.

THKs Kevin! :)

I will begin to correct some of my routines.

-First it will be to let add iodine.

-Second to let add rotifers and phyto.

As as soon as I have fish, due to leucosternon because "white point" .... i'm lost 5 anthias, 1 percula, 1 liopropoma swalesi and of course A. leucosternon..:( Only have a 2 Dascyllus, 1 parasema and Hexataenia...

...due to it the food entrance is almost null.

for that reason today as a "feeding" I have added "reefboster" (new shopping)

Is a: (description with fabricant)

REEF BOOSTER is a complete nutrient supplement containing all the essentials for the development of invertebrates which basically or partially feed on micro-plankton including corals in which symbiotic algae - Zooxanthelles - live and for which a micro-plankton booster is necessary.

REEF BOOSTER contains very high concentrations of the polyunsaturated fatty acid groups which all marine organisms need. A few drops in the food of marine fish makes it more appetising - an effective solution when starting to feed difficult or recently imported fish.

Contents :

Phospholipide, Aminosäuren, meerestypische Fettsäuren, Vitamine, Carotenoide.
Phospholipids, amino acids, omega-3 marine fatty acids, vitamins, carotenoids...
We reserve the right to modify the REEF BOOSTER formulation to include the results of our on-going research programme.

after smelling it it remembers ¿¿"codfish liver"?? to me...:doubt:


just after adding it the reaction of the acroporas it has not been made hope.





Adding rotifers it had been able to observe something similar, but not at a level so generalized of the colony.

Thks for your time

Best regards all
is peculiar....

The colonies that have removed their tentacles more have been the acroporas "cultivated"

Frags of friends and savages as soon as they have removed them.

some explanation?:confused:


I see a sun coral tucked under another coral (last picture, bottom left). Do you ever directly feed it, or it is getting its food from the flow in the tank?
Thks all!



I do not give him a specific nutrition.

Only that the pick up of the nutrition of the aquarium.

Dry food
And preparation ( reefsboster )
omg you have a sun coral !! ... that looks gorgeous.
i had one, but i had to give it away :( .
estas haciendo un buen trabajo dood !! :)
Take with me close to 6 weeks

He has gone away during this time adapting and it has happened to not to open he has somebody be open from the noon after the night.

And taking out some new polyp.

It seems like he is doing all right .

He is set below a montipora plate to have shade.:)
Thanks to wholes for your support and help .

The change to MH of 400w has been more than excellent.

The corals have earned a lot of intensity in the color.
Nevertheless that they come from 20k

The changes of additives also have helped .

All your help this doing to improve the tank very much.

The other day.... observe my skimmer, I could verify that it was not working correctly, after 4 months with him.:rolleyes: :( :D

Now right now this fixed:p

Certainly that help in some aspects or no.

I will keep on informing of as he evolves, and of the changes that he go doing, thus I eat of the misgivings that happen unexpectedly to me.

Very many thks!:)
Hello again to wholes:

As Kevinpo made a comment I have changed the bulbs for some Reeflux of 12k the difference to quantity of light is impressive, something normal.

That did not seem so normal to me the reduction comes from shadowy zones. Perhaps out of here a bad appreciation due to the 20k

Now I will be supposed to wait for checking if the seriatoporas and styllophoras those pink tones and styllophoras drive to appear like when I bought them.
( I wait than if )

I let a photo with present-day illumination to you here.
Actual lighting---- 2x400w 12k reeflux

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I have a question.

Lifelong montiporas are much more grateful in colors relating to acroporas. Maybe these be more tolerant to the changes that the Aquarius suffers ?

Densities, calcium, magnesium, kh, etc..?

Everything this comes to than my acroporas colors do not shine the same than when he buy them.
My phosphates are located to 0.045 ( test Deltec Merck )

Does he might than this little bit this doing that acroporas not shine ? And montiporas if they do it trouble-free?

Thanks to wholes!k
Naxo I personally from the pics see nothing wrong with your colors, you have a very nice looking sps tamk. Like Kevin said above and he knows what of he speaks believe me, for a tank that deep I would hsve 400 MH's for sure. Remember to acclimate your corals to the new lights when you get them.
NAx0 - I always look forward to your updates because I think your aquarium is beautiful!

Hopefully, Kevin will be able to answer your questions regarding the Acropora coloration issue compared to the montipora coloration.
Your tank is looking very nice. Regarding the coloration between Acropora and Montipora species, on average Montipora keeps its color much easier. It will lighten under high light and darken under lower light but the color remains about the same. Acropora will vary greatly in color and takes longer to adjust to lighting changes. Many Acropora species are also more sensitive to other changes as well (temperature, flow, etc,).

Generally speaking coral coloration is not an indicator of coral health. Sometimes it is genetic, other times it is nutrient, and other times lighting.
