While I did not get to hear from him I did read up on others reviews and His published articles. Here's what I thought
First I tried to find out what dissolved organic carbon is!
It is as I understand thing's the thousands of dissolved compounds found in water derived from organic materials as the result of decomposition of plant or
animal material.
He says it spikes around times when fish activity is higher--like feeding time and when the light's first turn on.
Also DOC can also promote the growth of microorganisms by providing a food source.
Since Organic content is usually higher in surface water than ground water Our Top surface Water filtration by skimming or Fine Granular activated carbon seem to work.
Since many of us use carbon to prevent, and aid in any chemical warfare it seems this is just confirming what we do.
Mearly Pointing out it could be more beneficial/important as first thought.
I believe skimmers do Have a valid place (he did not say they did not but just that DOC levels are more important and that they will only remove 30% so he kind of inferred they were not as great as we thought they are)
and I don't believe his experiment took into acount the volume of air taken in as well as the rate of the water going thru the chamber.
To Me I would rather see tank's with ONLY corals and different levels of doc.
Then look at the DOC with more emphasis on how it affected the coral growth if and when.
Perhaps introducing some DOC or Fish poop /coral food and watching what happens--?
Does it merly go thru a cycle as I suspect and benefit the coral up to the amount it could consume and then any amount over that point would be like waste and be harmfull.
I guess I really don't understand any particular benefit's from finding this out except to try adding more carbon to see if the growth rate increases?