Squirrels are Freakin Evil

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Staff Housemonkey
Jul 31, 2003
I'm not scared of much, (besides big fuzzy spiders), but I'm coming to the realization that squirrels are a menace and have a plan to take over the world...

Here's the proof....I wrote this 12-14-2003, and this is a TRUE STORY.

Okay.....This is how my day started....
I'm a bartender at a large Concert nightclub here in St louis, (The Pageant). it also has a 3 am liquor license...(which means I'm usually bartending until 4:30 am or so ), and I didnt get any sleep until about 5 am this morning. My girlfriend woke me up @ 10 am, saying that the dog was acting strange. Tyler, (87 lb lab/shepard/chow mix) was running to a specific window, looking up at it, and whining. He wouldnt go outside, just ran straight to the window. I get up, stagger to the window in my boxers, and pull back the blinds to see whats got the dog all riled up. A squirrel is hiding behind the blinds, inside the house. It looks as startled as I was, gave a sqeek, crouched down, baring its teeth in a defensive posture. I let out some early morning mishmash of startled profanity, and dropped the blinds back in place. In the background the talking heads on CNN announce that Saddam Hussein has been captured.

I must have missed the find a fugitive meeting....

Heartened by the knowledge that our brave men and women in Iraq had captured their dangerous fugitive, I prepared to assault the window sill, flanked by my ridiculously excited dog, and my even more ridiculously scared girlfriend, (What if that damn tree rat has rabies??!!!). I armed myself w/ an outsized unused fish net, a pair of thick work gloves, (those lil suckers have some wicked sharp looking teeth, at least 3 feet long each. I know, I saw every one of 'em when it bared its teeth at me!) and a large empty 40 gallon rubbermaid trashcan and lid. The plan was to drop the net over the squirrel, scoop the lil terrorist off the window sill, into the the trash can, and then banish him to the great outdoors.....we all know what happens w/ plans right?

In Slow motion.....

Blinds get pulled back, net drops over surprised squirrel, squirrel freaks, squeals, (God as my witness it squealed), and begins to jump around and claw at the net, the dog lunges forward trying to get a look at the action, girlfriend screams, I go deaf. Scoop squirrel off window sill to put into trash can, squirrel pulls Jedi Knight/ Matrix kung fu move, flips out of the net, does 3 somersaults to land on the edge of the trash can, pirouettes neatly, gives me the finger, and lands gracefully on the floor.

In wicked quick time....

Squirrel dashes towards the cracked open basement door, dog barks and thunders off in pursuit, (you'd have thought we had cornered a bear in the house by the noise made by the dog), now hysterical girlfriend passes out, I realize that things arent going according to plan.
Squirrel shoulders thru door, dog barrels thru door, I take two steps towards the door, girlfriend hits floor.
Squirrel pull yet another jedi knight/ matrix move, vaults onto the hot water heater, and manuevers through the plumbing like a 14 year old russian gymnist on the uneven bars, dog crashes into several boxes en route to the water heater causing a minor avalanche of stored goods, I reach the basement door.
Squirrel reaches window which was barely open, (infiltration point) stops long enough to mock us, vow revenge, and escapes....
I'm not saying there is direct connection between Saddam and the demon squirrel. Nor am I speculating against the fact that the squirrel could have been an advance scout looking for a safe haven for Saddam. At this point in time, all leads are being followed up on. All members of the house are on a heightened security alert as a precaution against further squirrel advances.
the score:
US troops vs Saddam a success, Nick and Tyler vs squirrel a loss.
Next time I'm calling in close air support.
:guns: :wit: :guns:
Stay tuned for further bulletins as events warrant,

Later that day

Loud noises eminating from the vicinity of the basement hallway, have the dog, and the girlfriend on high alert. The girlfriend states that she heard someone stomping up the stairs. She grabbed Tyler by the collar and calls out "Hello???" to anyone who might be hiding yet dumb enough to answer.
(We live in a two family flat in St louis. The upstairs apartment is currently vacant while the landlord who is good friend of mine, renevates. The squirrel's original discovery, and the suspicious noises took place/ are coming from a stairwell that allows upstairs tennants access to the basement w/o going outside.)

Our apartment is in a safe neighborhood in the city, but I've heard of people breaking in not too far from where we live, so I grab the gun, and the dog, and begin to investigate. Suddenly, my opponent turns the corner, sees me, and races off...but this time, the doors are firmly shut. Escape is impossible for something w/o opposable thumbs. Thinking quickly, I grab the dog, notify the girlfriend that it's back, and put the gun down. Rocio lets out a squeek, and slams the door shut, trapping me with the Satan squirrel. Now, I'm cussing, holding the dog, and trying not step on or kick the gun. The Three Stooges tripping on acid couldnt have come up with this.

I get the dog and the gun downstairs, and back in the house w/ the Rocio, and grab the net. Properly armed, I advance on my opponent with steely resolve. There's only one way this is gonna end. The squirrel is perched back up on the same window sill it was disovered on, making those "C'mere" kinda moves you see in Kung fu flicks on cable @ 4 am....I'm not frightened, Its Go Time!

Slow motion...

I make a quick feint w/ my left hand, causing the Squirrel to move right to evade, my net swoops down swiftly from the right, trapping it helplessly. The Rubbermaid beckons....
Lid off, Squirrel scooped in, lid shut.......VICTORY!!!

I call out to Rocio to tell her that I've got it, she pops out like a startled Jack-in-the-box, and immediately askes if she can help me........................ "No thanks Honey, I think I can handle it from here"....(I swear this really happened....I couldnt believe it)

The vicious beast was captured in the trusty rubbermaid, I escorted him outside, across the street, and banished him. The squirrel, realizing that he was defeated, raced off to seek safer, less defended locations for a possible base of operations.

Naturally now that the conflict was over, Rocio wanted to celebrate. So we took Tyler to go get pictures w/ Santa @ Petsmart.........sigh.....what a reward.....at least he got a stuffed squirrel chew toy as reward for valour in battle and suffering the indignity of being photographed w/ a fat man in a red polyester suit clinging to him like he was the last jelly doughnut on earth.

I swear this has been a surreal day. I'm wondering if someone slipped some ecstacy in my coffee last night. Saddam, squirrels and Santa.....theres an unholy trinity if I've ever seen one.

Yesterday, this story was posted.......

Two Women OK After Being Attacked By Squirrel
CRETE, Ill. (AP) -- Authorities say two women in the Chicago suburb of Crete are fine after being attacked by a squirrel.

Crete Police Chief Paul VanDeraa says one woman was scratched in the leg and bitten by a squirrel February 16th as she walked from her porch to her car. Three days later, a squirrel scratched another woman.

VanDeraa says the women live several blocks from each other. Will County Animal Control set traps in the victims' yards and caught a squirrel.

He says the squirrel didn't have any signs of rabies, but it is being held as a precautionary measure.

Coincidence???? I THINK NOT!!!!
They are diabolical evil minded tree weasels with plans of world domination!! Be on your guard when near trees or simialr habitats these malicious beast frequent.
I'm trying to find another link from a guy who was almost killed when a squirrel attacked him while he was innocently riding his motorcycle. As soon as I can find a valid link, I'll post it up too.

Be careful folks, you cant trust squirrels. The soft bushy tail and innocent looks are all just clever RUSE!!!! Anything that can run DOWN a tree should be carefully watched.
Roling around on the floor. Yep the little cute deal is all a act.
I even have nocturnal flying squirells that come to my house.
A large tom cat with claws is a decent natural control. LOL
LMAO!!! Nick, you should be a writer! Screw the saltwater hobby, we won't be mad, and write a book!(LOL) You sure have a way with words!:lol: That's was good:lol:
LMAO.....:lol: :lol: That is so funny. Too bad you didnt record that, you would have for sure won the $10,000 on Americas funniest home videos.....:lol: :lol:
Top Notch way with words. You really should look into writing. What a great story. Makes me think of my healer racing along the fence chasing the little Rodents.. (Hairier than normal RAT!!!)))

I love that commercial where the two squirrels run out into the road causing a car to veer off the road and go off a cliff, they give eachother hi 5's afterwards. Hilarious.
classic story..though I haven't ran into one yet I'll be watching out for flying nuts..maybe I'll go buy myself a slingshot..hmmm
Here is my plan, its just wrong. Make a box feeder. About 18x18" square. put a heavy gauge wire mesh in the bottom. Feed them for a month or two. Then line the mesh with double sided sticky tape. Mwaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaa........
super funny

Thanks for sharing Nick I loved it:
About 2 years ago I was deer hunting in north eastern oregon Blue moutains and Stalked up on a Brown Pine squirrel in a small podorsa pine tree this dude had a Mushroom about the size of a tennis ball and he was holding on for dear life to this thing He was about 4 feet in the air so he didn't want to jump and leave his dinner! I got about 18" from this guy and that was his limit !
He got on his back 2 feet ballencing them he looked at me and hissed real loud I knew not to get to close to his chow! I backed up a little and watched him eat that Mushroom like a ear of corn in about 3 min the only thing left was the stem he shoved it into the base of the Pine and proceed to chew me out till i left, Boy I am glad he wasn't one of those big silver grays I didn't have my magnum with me :D I will have to see If i can find his pictue I did take that!:rolleyes:
OMG! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love that story....thanks for posting it! Nick emailed me the story about the women being attacked by squirrels, and I've been thinking about the ninja squirrel Nick faced ever since!

How is the squirrel population at the new house, Nick? :lol:
I saw the title to the thread and I had to look. I haven't read that story in a long time. Thanks for the chuckle....I needed one today.
LMBO!!! Nick that's an awesome story :lol:
Probably they read that Steve wanted to sell squirrels as a fish tank pet and they freaked out, so now they wanna take over before is to late :lol:
Suicidal Squirrel

I have a good Squirrel story for you.

About five years ago I was at a park with some friends playing soccer. It was a big wide open place with one huge tree (i'm guessing 150ft high) in the middle out in the open. During a water break I noticed a squirrel out in the grass, about 30 yards from the base of the tree and a couple hundred yards from anywhere else that would give it cover. I thought to myself "that squirrel needs some exercise" so off I went. My plan was to cut the squirrel off from the big tree and see how fast it could run out in the open. Keep in mind here that I am a friend to most animals and that I had no intention of harming the little guy. As I got closer the squirrel looked up at me and for a few moments we had a stare down. I am certain the squirrel knew my intentions as I could almost hear his squeaky little voice saying "bring it on!"

At the last possible moment he started to run, just as I had anticipated, straight towards the big tree. I veered in to cut him off and that was the day I learned that four legs are better than two! In three big leaps he was above my head in the tree. Now I am no squirrel, but I am a rock climber so up I went. I'm still not quite sure what my intentions were since there were about a million branches mr squirrel could climb on that I could not but there were about 20 people watching so I could not give up easily! (yeah I know, ego thing.)

At about 60 feet I think, things got a little tricky and I was starting to realize this might not be one of my better ideas. That is when the elusive squirrel hatched his plan. He stopped!, just out of reach, turned around and watched me climb. Just as I got close he hopped a few branches higher! It was kind of like when I used to try to coax my dog outside in the winter by calling to her and then stepping closer to the door when she came. Maybe this is turning into a story about how dumb I was rather than the squirrel.

Back to the action! We went up and up and up until we were out near the edge of the tree, 3/4 of the way to the top. This is where I called it quits, I was sitting on a three inch diameter branch over a hundred feet off the ground with no rope. Then I noticed that I had the squirrel cornered on the end of the branch. It was either come back toward me or jump to a different branch. I sat still to see what the descision would be. There were plenty of options for the branch jump so that made the most sense to me.

But not to him! with one giant leap he was airborne, straight out away from the tree with nothing but a hundred feet of air underneath! I couldn't believe it! No this was not a flying squirrel. I've seen them take some falls but nothing like this!

After a few seconds of freefall he bounced a couple of times and lay still. I couldn't believe it! I thought to myself "I killed him!", I would have felt bad about that. My fears were soon laid to rest since there was now a good audience watching the event from the ground. Instantly half the crowd was running to the squirrel's location to investigate the damage. As the onlookers approached I was relieved to see mr squirrel get up, shake himself off and evaluate the situation. Seeing the people headed in his direction he decided that he had had enough! After shouting a few curses in my direction he hightailed it out accross the expanse of ballfields to the thicker trees on the other side, at a pace that no human could possibly match.

Well there it is, my squirrel story, I hope I don't offend anyone by my lack of compassion by not leaving the squirrel alone to begin with but I think it makes something good to read.

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Hope I don't offend anyone but here in Louisiana they make a good gumbo when smoked, I have to say there great, I guess it is like eating fish even though I love them as pets, can that be called an oxymoron?
Thats a pretty good story Tim. Glad it wasnt you that did the free fall thing. LOL
Yeah Gabby, the double sides sticky tape idea is a great way to populate your underwater atlantis playset. It works with almost all small mammals and small reptiles.
underwater atlantis does not reccomend the use of any living animals in its playsets. These playsets are only for experinced reefkeepers looking for the next level of diffuculty. underwater atlantis is not responisble for blindness, balding, impotence, or any other malady stemming from underwater atlantis playsets. Use at your own risk. Not for sale in alabama or kansas
Thats a pretty good story Tim. Glad it wasnt you that did the free fall thing. LOL
Yeah Gabby, the double sides sticky tape idea is a great way to populate your underwater atlantis playset. It works with almost all small mammals and small reptiles.
underwater atlantis does not reccomend the use of any living animals in its playsets. These playsets are only for experinced reefkeepers looking for the next level of diffuculty. underwater atlantis is not responisble for blindness, balding, impotence, or any other malady stemming from underwater atlantis playsets. Use at your own risk. Not for sale in alabama or kansas

ROLF !!!!! :lol: i didn't know it could afect impotence... but then again now days that doesn't matter :lol: