SRS Meeting Ideas and Club Feedback

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Lions stalk orcas!
RF Premium Member
Feb 19, 2009
Spokane, Washington, United States
The focus of our last meeting was mainly on ways we can improve the club and increase attendance at our meetings!

I would love anyone's feedback on how we can make our meetings and our club better. No holds barred, lets hear your thoughts.

Here are some ideas we've discussed thus far:

- Sending info on presentation topics and raffles 1 week prior to meeting to give people more advanced notice
- Have hands on type presentations as well (i.e. fragging workshops, reef craft workshops, acrylic workshops)
- Include a meet & greet portion to our meetings so we all can get to know eachother better
- Schedule some frag swaps
- Get brochures about our club out in the local LFS to spread the word
- Clean up our email list so we have a more accurate count of "active" invitees (we have over 100 people on our list, yet our average attendance at a meeting is 10-20)
Those are all great suggestions. Another suggestion deals with the location. I know it's really difficult to get enough people interested or able to host meetings at their homes. However, I think a lot of the enjoyment of these meetings, is seeing other people's tanks, learning about their set ups and such. Having a meeting in a classroom makes "seeing" a tank pretty difficult. I know that we've also had meetings at Kevin's in the past, which is awesome. Tanks to look at!! If more meetings could be held at places that actually have tanks, I think attendance might be better. Unfortunately, as I mentioned, it's difficult getting enough people who are able to host meetings in their homes. I know Barbie has offered to host meetings at her store, several times, but it hasn't seemed to happen yet. Not sure why it hasn't. She has a room upstairs that is set up with a long table and chairs that would be very nice. We have our freshwater meetings there on a regular basis, though I haven't attended any of those lately either. BAD ME!!

I know I've always wanted to host a meeting, but because of my work schedule, I was always away from home. Lately, that's changed, so might be able to host a meeting in the near future.

Some of the "hands on presentations or workshops" will require the meetings be held in the presence of an actual Kinda difficult to have a fragging meeting in a classroom, although, I suppose it could be done.

I know these things that I mention have all been discussed before, with no definite outcome. That's partially the fault of us as members, for not being active enough. I'll be the first to point a finger at myself for those faults.
Those are all great suggestions. Another suggestion deals with the location. I know it's really difficult to get enough people interested or able to host meetings at their homes. However, I think a lot of the enjoyment of these meetings, is seeing other people's tanks, learning about their set ups and such. Having a meeting in a classroom makes "seeing" a tank pretty difficult.

Agreed :) And let it be known that anyone who wants to have a bunch of fish nerds at their house drooling over their tanks feel free to shoot me a PM or email us @ [email protected]

PS Our schoolhouse location is our easy backup when all else fails - helps us all feel good about publishing a meeting schedule in advance since at least we know we have somewhere to go :)
meeting place

Well, I've already mentioned some ideas about meetings to Joanne,
but on the meeting place, I think it would be great to have it
at Barbies sometimes if she is willing.
It sounds great for doing both hands on things as well as general meetings.

For us, coming from Post falls, something in the valley (like the school)
or a shop you know would make it easy to plan on and feel comfortable.

I'll admit feeling intimidated a little :oops: about the thought of going to someones house. No good reason there! But still I said it out loud.
Lots of people Im sure go to the local shops, that might get more members coming?
The focus of our last meeting was mainly on ways we can improve the club and increase attendance at our meetings!

I would love anyone's feedback on how we can make our meetings and our club better. No holds barred, lets hear your thoughts.

Here are some ideas we've discussed thus far:

- Sending info on presentation topics and raffles 1 week prior to meeting to give people more advanced notice
- Have hands on type presentations as well (i.e. fragging workshops, reef craft workshops, acrylic workshops)
- Include a meet & greet portion to our meetings so we all can get to know eachother better
- Schedule some frag swaps
- Get brochures about our club out in the local LFS to spread the word
- Clean up our email list so we have a more accurate count of "active" invitees (we have over 100 people on our list, yet our average attendance at a meeting is 10-20)

Here is some of the stuff we do to help get the word out. In order following your list.
1- We send out email invites about 2-3 weeks before meeting. Then a reminder email 4-6 days from the meeting.
2- We have had acan fragging partys, (along with other corals), usually 2-3 people do the fragging and are there to answer questions while doing so... and everyone can watch. These are bought by the attendees, in advance, that wish to and then there is a random drawing to choose a frag.
3- Some of us have had smaller 'informal' meetings and a local pub or eatery to get to know each other better. (ie. eugene area, salem area, and portland area have had these meet & greets) Since we are all scattered up and down the Willamette Valley.
4- We try to use the 'meeting' thread on the forums to set up frag swaps before hand. That way people have some time to get their items together. Used equipment and other things can be traded this way also.
5- LFS that support/sponsor the club have computer printed 'flyers' at there stores to let people know about the club/forums. Saying something like monthly meetings, summer BBQ, Xmas party, guest speakers..... COME CHECK US OUT!!!
6- Have a sign up sheet at the meets on occasions to get updated email address' from members and update the evite list at least once a year.

I know you have probably thought of all of these things but thought I'd try to help out.
The only reason Mike and I haven't attended a meeting yet is because of the day/time they are scheduled. Mike doesn't get home until 8pm on most Saturday's but we both have Sunday's off.

I also asked if it is a kid friendly meeting a while ago because the only way I could go with the scheduled meeting times is if I bring my kids. I know my son would be bored out of his mind, but my daughter would be ok. Does anybody bring their kids to these meetings? Mine are aged 9 and 11.

Frag Swaps would definately be cool. I would personally not want to cut my frags at the meeting location though. That would have to be done ahead of time as most of my corals are mounted to rock.

Brandy, if you reminded me i could bring a gamecube and a TV.

I do think we think we could make frag racks, if one wants to keep them then they pay cost and if they don't want to keep them we could sell them @ the next meeting for a couple bucks more than cost...
The last two meetings I attended were at the school and nobody brought kids, but that might just have been because a few of us were old and our kids are out of the house It doesn't bother me if someone brings their kids, but like you said it could be boring for the younger ones unless they had something to keep them occupied:)
I've brought Madison to 3 meetings. Each was held at someone's home and I PMd this person, in advance, to clear it with them. I've also brought her to several FW meetings. She's my lil' fishnerd and enjoys them. That being said, I would totally understand if someone was hosting a meeting and would rather children not be there. I've just never ran into that situation....yet.
This is just my opinion on kids @ the meetings -

We are trying to be a family oriented club, and we even sell "family" memberships, I had always run under the assumption that kids are welcome additions!

As we all know they will turn into reefers as well... its addictive :badgrin:

Honestly, if I had kids of my own I would bring them - no question.
I'll have to try it at the next meeting then. So what is the price of membership and the advantages to being a member vs. just showing up?

When is the frag swap? :D
I'll have to try it at the next meeting then. So what is the price of membership and the advantages to being a member vs. just showing up?

When is the frag swap? :D

Memberships are $25 for an individual & $30 for a family - per year...

When you become a member you get:
- The prestige of being an SRS member :lol:
- A cool membership card of your choice
- The membership card gets you a discount at Kevin's & Barbie's stores, and any other local shops we can get on the hook... It's up to them to decide the official discount amount and on what items

Frag swap date TBD - but soon - its a popular option :D I'm thinking we will do the frag rack building 1 month, and then the frag swap the month after - it seems to make sense.
Kids in Meetings? I personal hate kids even my own. Cant wait for them to get off to college.

Oh no of course they would be welcome by me.
I would never mind have kids at the meetings, if I ever make one.

I have three teenagers now but remember trying to get out of the house with the kids during the younger year was tough sometimes to find a place to go with three kids. If I ever get the 630 gallon set up I would love to host a meeting in my home.

Another thing to get more people involved and willing to host a meeting in their home, might be kind of cool to get a gift as a host.

Another thing that could be cool is a potluck pinic at a central park.

I actually think what the PSAS is doing sounds fun, we should copy them!!! :D
so are we doing a frag swap tonight?

No "official" swap is planned - but I'm sure no one minds if/when anybody brings along some frags to share... It's not against any by-laws I know of :D

We will likely organize a BBQ/frag swap sometime later this summer - gotta keep the annual tradition going!! Probably discuss a date on an official swap tonight @ the meeting.
I don't have a date to share yet, but the fw club is talking about doing a "swap meet" one day late may, early junish. You basically rent tables and sell your fish related stuff. Because the club is non profit we were going to advertise it some and see if we could get a good turn out. Tables will be $30 or 1/2 for $20 (I think, don't quote me yet!), and we intended to offer to include our local salties, as well. None of us is sure how big this will go over, but I just wanted you all to know it's potentially in the works ;).
