!st amphipod collection this year

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Paul B

Well-known member
Jan 19, 2006
New York
On such a beautiful day as today I was on my boat. I diden't go anywhere with boat gas at over $5.00 but it was great for collecting. Luckilly for me (and my fish) my marina in the Long Island Sound is a Mecca for amphipods, copepods and grass shrimp. I collected a load of pregnant shrimp and amphipods.
I just pick out the larger pieces of seaweed, fish and crabs and dump it in. My fish are in their glory. I do this almost every week in the summer and have been for many years.
I know a lot of people do not live near the sea but all I can say is
Move :lol:
Have a great day.
Never worry about introducing disease or pollution into your tank? I used to do this on a regular basis while breeding freshwater fish. I'd go to a local pond and catch tiny fry and tadpoles. I ended up introducing a nasty parasite into my tank that wiped out my spawn several times before I was able to rid my tank of it...lol.
I have been doing it for over 40 years. No paracites yet. I also use NSW so it would be redundant to worry about it now.
This is what I collected today in a few minutes. That dark stuff is all amphipods.
very nice paul.
i dont get it tho, you collect up here north, isnt that like 15-20 degrees deffrence then your reef?
Actually the tide pool where I collect is in the 90s. I sometimes also collect them under the ice in the winter.
Wow, Paul! Those pods look huge. Nice harvest :)
Last night we collected thousands of amphipods and pounds of grass shrimp. way too many for the 4 five gallon buckets we had.
:lol: across how many forums do you post Paul? :lol:

Amphipod collecting with Paul is no joke...wind, rain, hail, freezing water, thick decompossing muck and pitfalls of razor sharp rock are but a few of the things he goes through to collect these huge mutant pods :D
Amphipod collecting with Paul is no joke...wind, rain, hail, freezing water, thick decompossing muck and pitfalls of razor sharp rock are but a few of the things he goes through to collect these huge mutant pods

Oh Don't be a Sissy. :badgrin:

across how many forums do you post Paul?
37 or maybe it is just 4
I was there again today and I will be there tomorrow as it is where I hang out.
I want to get a trip going this wednesday morning if anyone wants to go collecting or just take a boat ride.
Let me know
The collection went very well

We collected small anemones which I have never seen before which is odd since I have been collecting here all my life.

They are rather good looking and I am going to put a bunch of them in my Long Island Sound tank. I already have 4 of them in my reef (which of course is not a good idea but experiment I will)

They open up to about the size of a golf ball with white tentacles, agreen body with distinct fine pink stripes on the body.
I will post a pic eventually.
I doubt they are photosynthic as they are found in very muddy water which is 8' deep at high tide and only a few inches deep at low tide.
I have been feeding them mussels but in my smaller tank I will give them new born brine shrimp. I have only seen them in this one tide pool out of many. The pool is about 50' by 50' and gets run off from a lake at low tide. If they can live there, they can probably live anywhere except that their food intake is probably high and they may possable need the high nutrients and (unfortunately) pollution present at this location.
The anemones are still looking good and I think one of them split. They will probably take over my tank and maybe even my living room :shock:
They seem to like small pellets even better than mussel meat.
When I get time I want to get a bunch of them for my local tank.