King_Neptune, again I am no Pro at carpentry and what not. Did you seem to run into small issues like I have? It seems that either my Chop Saw is off or the old eye isn't as good as it used to be. I measured out all my pieces and cut each individual piece with my chop saw. Ended up being like 1/16" under. Not too sure why., anyway I guess the biggest question would be: When you lined up all your boards and assembled them together, was there some (keyword some) overhang? I have a few pieces like this but I am confident that I can go back and line it up better to make the part flush with each other.
Also, on your second posted picture on this page. I wont be able to add that yellow line you made on your picture. Otherwise I will end up with a stand that has 2 front door and 1 side door. I would like to keep 2 front and 2 side doors if possible. I need atleast 16.5" width on my side door opening to allow my 100G sump to pass thru the stand.