Starting a Nano Type Tank

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Since I have a 10 gallon, I am going to put a 60-65 watt light on it. I belive it shoould be fine and work to reaise some small coral and other things. Any Ideas?
Since CF use less electricity but puts out the same light. If I uses 3 20w CF bulbs for my lighting would it be more lighting than I need.
I checked the site out and it just seems to good to be true. Low price= Low quality. I will do some more research about this company before I just throw my money away. Thanks
With a tank that small is a skimmer and a small canister really Necessary? Or do I just need one or the other or what and also can I just get away with just use a HOB filter and some good live Rock or what? Thanks
With a tank that small is a skimmer and a small canister really Necessary? Or do I just need one or the other or what and also can I just get away with just use a HOB filter and some good live Rock or what? Thanks

Any of the options you mentioned will work just fine, you can use a skimmer and/or a canister filter but you don't need either. You can use a hob filter but you don't need that either. I personally like running a skimmer over other types of filtration. I have a friend who ran a nano tank just on live rock and powerheads he just used water changes to keep the tank stable.
I think I am going to be running a small skimmer and some good LR and of course some powerheads with water changes every week or so, depending. But I am definitely going to get the lights when my tax money comes in. yeah!!!!