Starting a Nano Type Tank

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So pretty much all I need to start is a good supply of water some salt mix, a good size piece of live rock, some live sand, good lighting, skimmer, powerheads, a good test kit and patience. Any other ideas???

Yeah, lots of money! :lol:

I would consider finding a good metal halide setup rather than PC's. I started out with PC's and they were fine, but ended up switching to halides even though I do not keep SPS. I even have halides over my freshwater planted tank. Regardless of what lights you choose, however, get the best quality equipment from the beginning rather than "saving money" short term on cheaper stuff, then having to upgrade later (which will come soon enough) because upgrading will cost more than getting the right stuff to start with.
Money that is a very bad subject when it comes to this hobby/obession. I guess I can always make more... There is soo many choices when it comes to all of the equipment and everyone has a different opinion. Which sucks because I dont want to buy anything that I dont need.
I was doing some measuring yesterday night and my tank is not a 20 gallon but a 10 gallon. That changes somethings for me. This is just somethings I was thinking about getting for my tank let me know what you guys think.
1Penguin 150B Power Filter
2. Fission Nano Skimmer
3. Instant Ocean 50 gallon mix
4. Whisper Submersible Heater
5. Maxi-Jet Powerheads/Pump-- Model 400 (106 gph)
6. Ocean Direct Caribbean Live Sand
Let me know if everything would work. Thanks
I would recommend against salifert test kits. They had some issues with many of there test kits lately giving false readings. I'd go with api for n02, no3, n04, ph. Elos for cal, alk, mg, etc...Good luck and happy reefing!

Really. I just bought 7 of each Ca Alk and Mg and all of them were just tested at spectra labs, all were close enough. My elos P is way off but thats a hard one for everybody.

I dont think this is a wide spread issue
All Of This Will Cost Me Around 100 Dollars So Not Too Bad But I Still Need Live Rock, Some Test Equipment And Alot Of Time To Let The Tank Settle Before I Add Any Thing Else. How Long Is A Good Time To Add Fish Once I Get My Chemicals Reading Zero.
I used to have a 10 gal tank that I had a lot of fun with, I had it set up for about 1 month before I added a fish. Keep in mind that a 10 gallon tank can only hold 2-3 fish depending on what you have. I had two percula clowns and a green banded goby that got along great in there. My setup was very simple, a Rio nano skimmer which I was very happy with once I got it setup and working right (I have heard less than desirable results about the fission skimmer). A submersible Catalina heater located in a hob refugium made from an Aqua Clear filter. My lights were a 96 watt pc hood from Coralife that had plenty of light for a tank this size. I did two 2 gallon water changes a week with instant ocean and used all salifert test kits. My tank did great until the day I upgraded to a 55.
For what it's worth,
Here is my updated list
Penguin 150B Power Filter--22.00
Instant Ocean 50 gallon mix--11.00
Whisper Submersible Heater--10.00
Maxi-Jet Powerheads/Pump-- Model 900 (230 gph) $15.00
Total with shipping: $72.95
Taam Rio Nano Protein Skimmer—32.99
Total with shipping—41.00

Any other ideas or comments

I would:

Forget the power filter
Buy the IO
Swap the heater for a ebo Jager
Switch the 1 mj90 for 2 or three mj1200's or even better get their wave maker package.
Skip the rio skimmer
Get a back pack or pm skimmy and see if he has a better suggestion.

Before we all contradict each other and help you into confusion I have a bit more advice. You will get a lot of different opinions on how to set up a nano, so take consideration of everything you are told and plan your tank with those recommendations in mind. Remember they are recommendations, not rules; there are many ways to accomplish the same thing and you seem like you are on the right path.
One more bit of advice, your primary filter for a tank this small is live rock and water changes, as long as you keep regular on putting new water in the tank it will basically take care of itself.
The only purpose for a hob filter would be for running carbon, which I did on mine but is not necessary.
Keep us updated as your plan evolves so we can see how it turns out.

Alright I think I know what I will get as far as mechanical stuff go. I need any ideas as far as lighting goes. Will a simple dual bulb incadescent lights work or just change the bulbs or the whole fixture or what i dont know. I am set on getting some small Marroon Clown Fish and hopefully a pair. Any ideas on there anemone's that would be good to use. Thanks for all of your help.
Alright I think I know what I will get as far as mechanical stuff go. I need any ideas as far as lighting goes. Will a simple dual bulb incadescent lights work or just change the bulbs or the whole fixture or what i dont know. I am set on getting some small Marroon Clown Fish and hopefully a pair. Any ideas on there anemone's that would be good to use. Thanks for all of your help.

A simple incandescent bulb will work, but only for fish and rock. The rock won't be very pretty at that, and you might have a problem with algae. If it was me, get a power compact florescent fixture, and you can keep LPS, Softies, Zoas, Shrooms, and other low light corals. Or, just get a 70W or 150W Metal Halide, and keep whatever you like.

I agree with Don and the rest, skip the hangon filter, they're kinda a waste of money. SW uses more natural ways of keeping water clean.
Research the anemone idea to death before trying it. Keeping clowns is one thing, keeping an anemone healthy and happy is a different level entirely.
As for light one of the reasons salt water inhabitants are so stunning is they are kept under lights that brings out their color. Get the best light you can possibly afford, especially for an anemone.

I bought a hood/light this weekend and it was an All Glass Aquarium standard florescent 10 gallon hood. it had a bulb in the unit but I know that it wont be enough light so I am going to upgrade the bulb. But I am not really sure what bulb I should get either a Compact or just a better Fluorescent one. Any ideas?
i hate to say this and hope you dont take it the wrong way, but if you intend to keep any kind of corals, you wasted your money... check out or and look into a 65wx2 pc retrofit kit with 50/50 bulbs or a 70 or 150w mh retro kit.... a standard flourescent strip light will only let you keep fish
I was checking this out as we are starting a new NANO tank. What is an HOB filter? Our tank is one of the ones that comes with everything. There is a filter cartridge that has a spnge like material then cabon, then ceramic beads, I assume we will remove those at some point when the sand and rock take over. There are also two more sponge like items in the two containers that hold the pumps. Do those need to be removed?
I was checking this out as we are starting a new NANO tank. What is an HOB filter? Our tank is one of the ones that comes with everything. There is a filter cartridge that has a spnge like material then cabon, then ceramic beads, I assume we will remove those at some point when the sand and rock take over. There are also two more sponge like items in the two containers that hold the pumps. Do those need to be removed?

If you are planning a reef tank (ie a tank with corals) than take all sponge type filters out as they produce nitrate. As long as you have a good supply of live rock you don't need any other biological filtration. HOB stands for Hang On Back, like many power filters. If you have a tank with everything built in you don't need one (you don't really need one anyway). Using carbon is a matter of preference and if you set up your tank properly you don't need anything to cover for your live rock while it is curing. Just make sure you wait long enough for the live rock to be cured and add live creatures slowly, the tank will take care of itself.
