steve i need your help

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2005
i have a clown tang about 4" and i can't figure one problem . you will not believe what i am going to write here but this is the story...
first i am quarantine any fish i buy at least one month before i put him in the main display. i have this fish about 4 month and i notice that he have one spot (look like ich) in one fin , when i bought him i checked the sg and it was at 1.012 i reduce my sg in the QT and run hypo treatment with him (i do that because i want to be sure he don't have any ich) after the treatment i start to increase the SG and the fish look fine i never put attention to the small spot on his fin .when i saw that i start hypo again now this spot never gone and it's not Lymphocyctis . i thought that maybe it's problem with internal or bacterial infection or body fungus I have suspect that maybe it’s hlle to (i have ground prob), still when the fish in hypo treatment i try to treat this fish with (and you will not believe but this the real truth) : Maracyn-Two (didn't help), Metronidazole (didn't help) , melafix (didn't help), cupramine (didn't help) sano remedies (didn't help). some of those treatment was together if it was ich it was gone but this spot exist and the fish till now about 3 month in hypo (i treat a lot of fish in the past with hypo against ich and i success with that i treat to with cupramine and have good result to) i have more 4 tangs without any problem that i treat them before to .

i feed my fish 2 time a day with seaweeds and one time meaty food that i make .( most i use with krill , mysis shrimp,cyclop ) i mix all together and add to this : selcon,marine c,zoecon,garlic xtreme ,vita chem. i put all in the freezer and after 24 hour i have ready food to one month. with the seaweeds i do the same every time i feed the fish i add some drop from the vitamin each time other type .

i check my salinity with refractometer (sybon) ph level 8.1 all the time nitrite -0 nitrate - 0 amonia -0 every week 15-20% of water change i use ro/di.

the fish look great don't have any other problem less that one spot again it's look like ich but i never had problem like that before it is never explode or case of reinfect . i also try to do a freshwater deep but nothing.(i know it's not effect against ich but i try that to )

I attach here the picture of the fish you can see at the left fin very small white spot like that it about 3 month.(the first picture)

the second picture he look on you and want to know what do you think:D

I want to know if you have any idea what it’s can be , again even when I increase the sg the spot stay the same and there is no any other explode then that .




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The tang looks quite healthy actually. I appreciate the pictures very much and normally help immensely but the "spot" you are speaking of is visible, just not very defined. It will not be easy to ID from just that alone.

I am curious why you are so possitive that Lympho may not be the problem here? The iridovirus that causes the skin hypertrophy will not be affected by any of the meds/treatments you've indicated above. About the only way to possitively ID this would be under a microscope. Of these treatments mentioned, none will affect gram possitive bacteria so if fungal, the meds thus far would be ineffective.

Can you give me a bit more detail on the spots appearance?

At first glance I would say this is nothing more than an anomoly. More commonly it will go away on it's own as long as food nutrition is top notch along with water quality and the cause is no longer present or a concern. With what you've indicated in terms of water quality/feeding/nutrition, I do not think your dealing with something contageous or threatening to the host fish. In fact, it may be a misdevelopement when the fin grew back after being damaged or was always like that.

thank for the replay i try again to post a picture with shape if you click on the picture it will be more bigger it's very hard to catch him all the time in action .
i am not think that it's Lympho because the spot very small and i keep my water parameter all the time in good level . i check every other day all those parameter specially when i treat fish with medication .more then that the fin was full from the begin . and i did all those treatment to avoid any suspect "if the little guy could make it i believe he was punch me because all those test on him":lol:



Thanks, I knew where it was located but the pic is far too small to make even an educated guess. The only thing I can suggest is play wait and see. If it has been three months (?) and has remained unchanged, I seriously doubt it will in future.

You did not indicate if the tang was still in the QT or the main?

yes the tang still in the QT and more 2 weeks it will be 4 month . i will give him the time and then i start increase the SG after that i will leave him like that more 3 weeks to be sure 100% it's not ich. if i will see everything ok i will put him in the main display.
Having gone through hypo this long as well as a Cupramine treatment, I'm fairly certain this is not C. irritans if all was done properly. The only thing you have not treated for is gram positive/fungal infections. Personally I don't think it will change the condition of the fish but since it's in the QT already, you might try that. Either Maracyn I for FW (Tetracycline) or better still Nifurpirinol/Furanase. As I said though, I doubt it will change anything.

steve thank for the help i forgot to write that i try the maracyn for fresh and maracyn for saltwater.
i know about the Furanase and i think the Metronidazole have the same effect .

i will see after increase the SG if there is any change with the fin i will by the furanse and see if there is any different. i put here the picture of the medication if you have any other type that you think can be better please post the name.

The pic you posted is exactly what I was suggesting. FYI, it does not work anything like Metronidazole. They treat two completely different things.
