Suggestions for tank mates?

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2007
A, A
We have a 180g tank and currently have a purple tang. We are getting him an achilles friend and would like to add a 3rd tang at the same time as him. We were thinking about an atlantic blue... anyone have the 3 of these together? Any other suggestions?
Ewww...that's a tough one! That Achilles is going to be MEAN!

I had a Powder Blue, Tomini and an Atlantic Blue together, in my 200 at one time. They actually all got along fine, even though they were all added at different times. The Powder Blue regularly got into it with our One Spot Foxface though. Later, the Tomini started picking on the same Foxface. Every few months, the Foxface would get have a nice, deep slash across it but would always heal up.

If you're sure about the two additional tangs, you're definitely making the right choice by adding them at the same time.
We had an achilles and a powder blue in our 75 before and he was fantastic! He was way better behaved then the powder blue. However, we had a protein skimmer malfuntion and lost all of our larger fish including the achilles. It was a very sad morning. We have been waiting to replace him ever since! It seems during my research that the purple tangs can be particularly nasty too, and I know achilles can stress easily so thats why we want to add whatever we get together.
Update, Achilles and Atlantic blue dropped in yesterday. Both larger than the purple tang currently residing in our tank. After much puffing on the purples part and the complete disinterest the Achilles showed him everyone settled down. Everyone is eating great and no scars or scrapes to speak of. So purple tang, Achilles tang and Atlantic Blue can be housed far.
wow...I would have thought the purple tang would have been more aggressive.., but glad everything worked out....