Sump Baffles

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I knew someone told me that, was it you?? I've seen a couple like that, why? I thought I needed dsb to handle my nitrate problem?
i could be wrong, but i think that you do not want silicates in your tank...not sure on the sand..i have a 72g and i used about 80lbs ,i has been a sand is about 2-3"
I knew someone told me that, was it you?? I've seen a couple like that, why? I thought I needed dsb to handle my nitrate problem?

I don't think it was me as i don't know to much about sand beds :p .
i believe you wanna do the 3 inches for the fauna to work in there, when i had it like that i got even worms living under it (it was really kewl) but there's also problems like you gotta watch you don't stir it that much, the same if you're gonna put animals in there..
I don't know if it would handle your nitrate problem but water changes will or at least they did the job for me :D :p .
I thought I needed dsb to handle my nitrate problem?

I have a bb tank (bare bottom) and 0ppm of nitrates;) A dsb will help with nitrates but they have to be taken care of the right way and have heard that over the years they can become clogged and release the nitrates. I figured, what's the point so I rely solely on my live rock. Works like a charm. What works for me may not work for you though so you have to go with what works best in your cast:)
will there be too much flow through my refugium if i have my 2 overflows emptying into it???? 600gph per overflow...if so, how could i slow it down just through that area without slowing the drain flows with ball valves????
Your pump will control it. So the overflows won't drain 1200gph unless you push a 1200gph return pump. :)Have you totally decided on a return pump yet?
i want that much flow, i just need to control it through the fuge area, so that it is not turbulent
Ahh...Well, you can just split up the lines coming in and not have them all going into one chamber. You will be doing the return in the center chamber with the fuge and the skimmer on the two outside chambers right or did that change?
i can't decide...will the water level remain stable in the skimmer section if i have one of the overflows dumping right into it??
Yeah it will remain at the level you set the chamber at with the baffle height. The baffles always determine the water level the only thing that can change that is if the return pump is off and the sump fills up a bit due to the back siphon etc.
Hey...I'll see if I can find the thread where I posted my sumps growth and transformation on the 75gal I had. I'm on the new computer now and haven't transferred ay pics yet to this one so I can't just grab them, but I'll look real quick. It may help you see how the baffles work a bit better:)
i think i will add an elbow or a tee at the bottom of the drain pipe so as to help disperse the flow around and not have it just dumping water in it
I ran 750gph through mine and it was fine. When the flow is spread out over the dimensions of the entire sump, it isn't as fast as you think. My fuge section seemed almost non-existant with flow!
That's what I use...A Tee. It helps with preventing the drain pipe from belching ait as well. Some people even cut slots on the pvc coming down in the sump. Also, try and direct the incoming water around the area of your skimmer pump. That way, you will be feeding the skimmer nice raw incoming water and not just sending it on a joy ride past it through your sump. I started a thread about that and how much of a difference that made with just the placement. Here it is. This was before I went to using a Tee:)
where did you get that flex pipe that is coming from the overflow drains???? i found something i thought was flex pvc, but i am not sure....a swimming pool store would prob. have it , don't you think?
Yeah...That was what came with my old sump but you can buy it at any pool place with the ends. I'll look real quick to find you a link to a place where you can buy the flex already made up. I'm still looking for that thread where I posted my sumps transformation, but I think I'm beating a dead horse because it wasn't one of my threads but a thread where I was helping someone and you know how that goes...I try to help out so much here that I tend to forget where things are sometimes. I'll get it evetually though:D