Sump design. Let me know what you think!!!

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Caribe Piranha
Jul 26, 2006
San Diego, CA
I plan to build my own sump out of a small glass tank. Don't know the dimensions yet but this is the design I have in mind. I guess I should mention that I have a 60 gallon tank (48" x 16" x 18") which I plan to drill and add an internal overflow box.

Check it out and let me know what you think (sorry for the crapy drawing)


Welcome to RF Carlos!! The sump design looks great IMO! Infact, it is basically something you see quite often which means it a good design. Best of luck and I hope you enjoy it here:)
I'd loose the sponge but keep everything else like krish said, it is a good design.

welcome to RF BTW!
Try to make your return pump area as large as possible. Unless that is you are going to run a autotopoff system. Evap is a bear.
The design is great. I have a 55 gallon tank, and have an old 10g glass tank as my sump, which works great! As has been said earlier, I'd get rid of the sponge (sponges are huge nitrate traps). Keep us updated!
Thanks for all your input guys! I am going to ditch the sponge and keep the sock I think.

Do you think I should just keep it this way or should I try to add some live sand with a refugium?
Do you think I should just keep it this way or should I try to add some live sand with a refugium?

Depends...Some people like the extra biological filtration and then some like to add a macro algae in there for nutrient export. It is totally up to you:)
krish75 said:
Depends...Some people like the extra biological filtration and then some like to add a macro algae in there for nutrient export. It is totally up to you:)

But if I add sand I would need to put some light in there, right? I think if it's not necessary I will keep it simple.
But if I add sand I would need to put some light in there, right? I think if it's not necessary I will keep it simple.

I wouldn't think you need light for just sand. Light is mostly for macro algaes that use the light. I kept mine simple. I just practice good husbandry and allow my skimmer and live rock in the tank to do the rest of the work:)
i think the return pump area needs to be bigger
maybe lower the baffles and share the return pump area with the refugium
Definately! I only had about a 24gal on my 90 until I expanded it to keep up with my Sea-Swirls back siphon when I swapped to the 75gal! 20 gals is perfect Carlos:)
That's good to know. I saw this tank at Petco and I plan to add the baffles to turn it into a sump. Do you think I can drill these little tanks so I can use an external return pump?
If it is an All-glass tank, then I'd say more than likely yes you can drill. It is usually just the bottoms you can't drill on most All-glass tanks because they are tempered. You should be good to go, but just ask them to be sure that nothing is tempered:)
It shatters into a bunch of small pieces. Have you broke a side window in car? Notice how it shatters into a bunch on tiny little pieces instead of cracking into big chunks. It's a safety thing to help prevent large pieces of galls falling etc and possibly cutting someone.