
Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Right now Im making a chocoloate royale cheesecake, making a nice 12lb spiral cut ham, mashed potatoes and ham gravy from the ham, and corn and green beans with bacon, for dinner and dessert :D
The food sounds good :p
Not all tap water is as bad as they make it out to be. There are people who have good water and can get away with using it. RO/DI is the best we can get for our tanks so that is the best way to go. Not all people can afford all the equipment needed when they first start out and not all people know what they need either. I would rethink the using of a pump to move water from the tank to the sump. This is a recipe for disaster.
i agree with reedman, you need to take the advice people giv eyou or people will just start to ignore you, answer the questions we ask you and then we can help you out more!

it hink before you get sump you need go through and answer all the questions we have asked and do some reasearch before posting!

and get an RO/DI unit BEFORE you get a sump! why spend that money when you dont haev good water to start with?

and what type of salt do you use? and do you do weekly water changes?

Definitely do the sump diy, new tank and cut baffles less than $100, probably less than $75 (mine was and I have extra acrylic leftover). Use the extra dollars towards an RO/DI on Ebay (they all perform the same task regardless of cost) and get a good skimmer maybe an ASM for few less dollars than the ER. Just my 2 cents.

Trent H.
You can by ro/di from lfs's. 50cents a gallon at indoor reef. All you need are a couple cheap home depot buckets.
i have all u need a cpr overflow pumps pipe 10 20 30 50 gal tanks sitting around. but u do not listen to the smart reefers in here and are very rude and post it , so . i will not sell to u,
u should go reed some books, and reed these posts and try to learn what to look for.

your phos and sillicit are probly throw the roof

nbd13 wellcome to rf
you sound very smart
nice to have u
and nice posts
Dont you guys understand that im still a kid and dont know a fraction of what you know, I dont know what baffles are and your sitting here flaming on me... I have been reading some of the shorter posts, but im really busy during these few days for the holidats so dont be giving me a bad time cuz you make me fill like S***. Hope your really happy....
Nick, I havent got to the dimensions, im alittle busy during these few days, but I dont have any drilled holes in the aquarium, so I will have to get an overflow box? I think I have seen hang on back ones, could they work, or would I need to use it under the tank? I have only a small door so it will be pretty hard to get some of this stuff in there, will I have to make a new stand? If so I cannot do that. As for the skimmer, are there any nice cheap reliable ones?
I will look into getting a ro/di unit as soon as I get the money to. Sorry for getting alittle pissed off, but you gotta understand, stuff thats easy for you could be very hard for me. I have been very busy and been off and on here for the past 2 days for only 3mins, cuz im preparing for christmas. How many gpd would I need to get, and how much do they phosphate and silicate test kits cost? What does this drilling do and what does it look like? Unfortunately I dont have drill, and its glass, so Im stuck with an overflow :( Why do I need overflow for the sump to work? Will it be hard for me to construct it? Im not very good when It comes to art and stuff (You gotta have art to construct a nice sump! LOL)
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Ive done alittle more research on the hand on tank over flow and my question is, is the overflows purpous with the sump is that the outtake will be connected to the overflow and the outtake water will go through the overflow and into the tank? And the overflow to bring the water down into the sump?
we didn't mean to make you feel that way but it's frustrating for us as well. we try to help you and we ask questions and most of the time you don't answer them then proceed to ask more questions that we could've solved if you would've answered the original questions. we are here to learn from each other....
Check it out. For me I used a company called CPR to get my overflow. You do not have to drill your tank. This is very important! get the aqua lifter pump to suck the air out of these overflows. I will post a photo of said system. I will post a photo of my sump. They reason people are telling you not to pump water down and then pump it back up is this. No two pumps will ever pump the same amount of water, especially if one is down hill and one is uphill, the end result of these differences will be You Guessed It. A very very very large puddle in the floor. LOL Now on the other hand if you use gravity to feed your sump through a overflow it will flow out no faster than water is pumped into the tank. (do you see how that will work?) if not I will explain further.
Ok A sump is very very very easy to make. You dont have to waste your money. Lowes will cut glass to any size you want. If you buy a tank that will fit under your stand you will measure across its width and get two pieces of glass that wide and 6 inchs high.
I will stop now I do not want to waste my time. If you are interested in exactly being walked through my way of doing it I will be glad to share it with you. If you would rather do it some other way it is totally your choice.
Please do not think I am being short. I am trying to help I just learned a long time ago that if someone wants my help I expect them to do what I think is right. If not I will save my time.
Hey Saltwater Teen, these guys are just trying to help you here and I am sure that we can get you setup nicely. Nick and others are a little frustrated because you took the time to ask a question, but are not taking the time to help them help you.
I will try to explain a couple things to you to help you understand how everythign works. The way a sump system works is as follows: Your main tank has a overflow installed, what this does is as the water level in your tank reaches a certain height it 'overflows' into your overflow and this water gets routed thru drainage plumbing down to the sump. What this does is it keeps a constant water level in your main system. There are several different types overflows that all work, some are better then others. Like nick stated the best way to go is to have your tank drilled, this is done by a glass shop or certain local fish stores. This is not always a option for everyone due to tanks being setup already. It usually costs about $30 to have the hole drilled for you. Now option b is to use a overflow that operates off of a siphon. These do work and with regular maintenance are a pretty safe option. What these do is they have a small box inside the top of your main tank, and a small box mounted just on the opposite side of the glass with a siphon tube connecting them together. Anyway the water flows down the drainage pipework into the sump via gravity power, and then flow thru a series of dividers/baffles to keep the bubbles down, gets skimmed heated and everything else. Then it gets returned to the main tank via your return pump. Once the water gets returned to the main tank it the causes the water to overflow and it is all one big happy process. I would go w/ a mag 9 or 12 if I were you for simplicities sake. These pumps can be run internal or external, and what that means is how it is mounted in relation to your sump. A internally mounted pump would be actually submersed in the sump with the plumbing going right back to the main tank. A externally mounted return pump is mounted externally in relation to the sump, and has a hole drilled w/ a bulkhead in the side of the sump gong to the intake of the pump, then the output is plumbed back to the main tank. There are advantages to both styles, but internal is simpler and easier to go with for beginners. So once you have your overflow taken care of you can then worry about the sump. I would listen to these guys here and save a ton of cash!!! It really is simple to create you own sump from a old glass tank. We will lay it out for you with measurements and diagrams to follow. I am sure that if you absolutely are not able to handle it, someone would be willing to help you out with this. (I will help you if you can wait for a couple months for me to get back in town and I am right down the road from you) I would not recomment that sump from etss because the skimmer is not what you want, trust me on that. I would look to ebay for a euroreef es 5-3, this would be a fantastic skimmer for your setup!
Anyway just some food for thought, and we do want to help you out. You definately have some researching to do before you go out and order anything. No need need to rush anything here.
SWT don't give up on anyone here and they won't give up on you. I have read a lot of your posts and see that you ask a question which is what this place is all about, but when someone asks for more info it really helps to give it otherwise it gets frustrating for them to help. I say them, cause all the people I have dealt with on here are great and have a wealth of knowledge. I have gotten tons of help. I'm in the same boat as you in that I am trying to learn and I'm over 40 years old..... :D I don't think anyone meant to "flame" you personally so don't take it that way. Read some of the other posts people do and you'll notice that a question is usually answered with another question and so on until the experts have enough info to give a well thought out knowledgable answer, then acknowledge the answers. You can then use the grocery store method of learning, you see a lot of thing s to buy, but put the things in your cart that you want to use......remember we all are just typing to each other so detail is very important.
it ok to ask Questions, but should research them, and them if u dont under stand, ask.the internet has so so much info,

heres a tip
if u dont have a rodi u should use a phosphate remover and carbon. get test kits learn about water! it make all the dif

hay did not want to be hard but some one has to say whats on there mind, if it was me i would want to made aware

there are so many smart reefers in here,

hey tom thanks for the fags doning great the pupule nane has grown about 20 new tips about .5 long but ornge monti got grown over by zoos

and mary xmas to all