Survivor: Gabon

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Thanks for the condolences. I really appreciate them.
NaH2O, I am sending best wishes to you and your family, sorry to hear about your Lab.

If I was Sugar, I certainly wouldn't want to face the jury. I can't wait until they start scrambling to impress the jury.

I agree, she has done NOTHING to get where she is :D:D

I would be gone in the first week if I was on Survivor. I am horrible at games.:|
Woohoo! Last night was fantastic! Loved the way it all played out in the end. You know, I was thinking about what Willy posted....about how Sugar hasn't done anything. She actually has been pretty smart. This little scheme she cooked up for the tribal council was fabulous. I can't wait to see how it all pans out on Sunday. I wonder who is going to flop, and help get rid of Bob. Certainly, no one is going to want to take him to the end. He'll really need to win immunity.

Does the "revisiting former tribe mates" on the finale bore anyone else? I've always disliked that portion of the season finale. Thank goodness for DV-R....I just fast forward through that part.

Anyone have final predictions??? Trifecta?
I have always liked Sugar. But Bob seems to know how to play game best. I am thinking that Video Boy is going home next.
I agree, she has done NOTHING to get where she is :D:D

I would be gone in the first week if I was on Survivor. I am horrible at games.:|

NOTHING? In my book, she is the sharpest knife in the drawer and would win yet for poor challenge results.
She was brilliant enough to find the idol first time and has used it to perfection. She is a lot smarter than she lets on. Poor in challenges, excellent with low profile strategy. Last night she single handedly changed the course of the game. I hope she is number two to a Bob win.
She may be brilliant in her schemes, but as far as winning challenges( or lack there of) and helping out at camp she has done NOTHING to get where she is. She has been riding the coattails of everyone else. I think that will be her demise in the end.

OMG yes I hate the time killing "revisiting" crap. DVR snob :p

I also think Bob will take the million. Kenny is like a gnat at a great picnic.

From what I can remember Susie has played a pretty fair game but in the Bob is the man!
Go Bob Go

My pick has been Bob for quite a while. :cool:

I liked his reflection/comments as he was looking at the Gorillas.

Talented, creative, problem solver...winner. Kenny thought he had him right where he wanted him...and Sugar came thru to convince him who to vote for. Sheesh, Crystal_wham...yer out...why rank on people (Matt) right before the tribal vote...speaking of no game for the last episode.

I do think Bob has to continue to beat the young 'uns in order to take it Sunday however. Go Bob Go!
I can't believe the jury, voting for SUSIE? what? and what is the deal with being awful to Sugar the WHOLE game, jealousy is a horrible illness. She went to exile island more than anyone I think in the history of the game, was presumed stupid by everyone, and had to suffer that horrible *blank* Corinne. Bob did a heck of a job, and I liked him as well, but Sugar played the perfect game and was the only honest person i've seen on the show, and as for Kenny (who killed kenny) he needs to watch the show and see what a jerk he was thinking that Bob should still give him the necklace.. come on... loser.
I miss the days when number 2 got $100,000.
Felt Bob should have won and Sugar come in second. She played brilliant, Bob got her to do the dirty work avaoiding pissed off jury. He played the smartest game to date. Was nice to se such a group of kind hearted people make it to the end.
Bob Wins, Bob Wins !!!

Bob Wins, Bob Wins !!! My main man and pick from the beginning. Wow, what a great game.

I feel a great amount of sadness however, nobody voted for Sugar?!?!? What the hey...She was a gamer thru and thru...amazing how she concocted the scheme at the end to force a tied between Matty & Bob. Bob was smarter, went to work practicing the fire phase for last challenge. Matt seemed clueless, Man, Sugar gets big ups from me.

Ya, and the 10K should have gone to Sugar, but that's not the way the voting went down I guess. That's too bad, must have felt terrible after being an honest player to not get even one vote...but I loved that she called Randy a jerk to his face. I also liked how she flipped off Corinne due to her less that humane comments regarding the death of Sugar's father. Man, that's hitting low, no matter what type of personal feelings you have for someone, you gotta have some compassion when a person looses their parent. Corinne sucks, too bad they sensationalized that part, that's marketing to some degree I guess.

I would never have watched Survivor again if Suzie would have won, sheesh, what numb-nuts the jury was.

In the end Bob proved to be a great winner and a worthy contender, I'm really happy for him...1.1 mil and he's still going to be a teacher from the way it looks.

It's been fun contributing to this thread and thanks NaH20 for the initial idea, you rock!