Swim Bladder Malfunction..

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Well-known member
May 16, 2007
I think...no nvm I know my clownfish has a swim bladder problem, I looked it up and it's doin flips in the water looking almost as if it was doing a "handstand" swimming upside down too and the lens around its eye is sorta foggy and puffed out...is there anything I can do for it.
Some swim bladder problems are from gas build up. This requires an operation.

Other bladder conditions can be brought on by internal infections. For this the optimum treatment has been antibiotics that are fed to the fish. You can see the problem -- if the fish isn't eating, it isn't getting its medicine. You didn't mention whether or not the fish was eating, but if its behavior is as you described, I don't imagine it is interested in food?

A weaker, but better-than-nothing treatment is to hospitalize the fish and treat with a double dose of Maracyn Two for Saltwater Fish.

You may treat it as an infection, but if it is another malady or an internal condition that would require surgery, then without the surgery the fish will expire. :(
You're right, this is total opposite behavior...at first it was eating alot better than the other new one I introduced, now the other one has been voraciously been eating and this one is now hanging at the bottom... is Maracyn Two ok if I hospitalize more than one fish just as a preventative as well as a treatment?
Yes. But you don't want to mix fish diseases if other fish have other conditions. But if the other fish are healthy you don't want to mix them in close quarters with an ill fish. Why risk the health of the healthy one?
Well, none of the stores around here had Maracyn Two for saltwater GRR!! the guy said there's really no hope but some of them live their lives out with that problem, although my mom thinks it has to be painful for the poor little fella.
Gel Tek makes medicated food that I used to hand feed a wrasse I rescued from a LFS. Most bacterial infections in saltwater are gram negative so don't get a ****cillin type.
So what do you guys suppose I do...it's hard to watch it cause I hate thinking it's suffering, and I don't want to kill it cause i'll feel super bad
With a sick fish have only a few options:
1. Cure it,
2. If not curable, than decide if it is suffering and either ignore it or euthanize it (or have another do so.)

No fun at all, but part of life and part of this difficult hobby.

Sorry for your loss and your pain my friend.
I don't have anything I can obtain to cure it :-$ or if the cause of it is even curable...it wasn't eating before and looked almost dead last night...how can I euthanize it the least painful way?
An overdose of fish anesthetic is the least painful way to put down the fish. The one that is most readily available to you is Clove Oil. You should be able to find it in most health food or vitamin stores. It is just plain Clove Oil.

If you need directions on how to use it, just ask.
I have heard of studies which indicate that fish caught and then released as a sport are pained by the hook in their mouth. I don't know the exact reference for this, but I will be exploring this topic further with veterinarians in a couple of weeks. A fish in severe stress is considered to be distressed. This, humans interpret to mean pain.

If the bladder is swollen and if a hook causes pain in a fish, then the infected or inflated swim bladder would be causing the fish distress or in human terms, pain.

Now, I'm seeing lesions and red marks across it's lower body from bumping into so much stuff :-(
I took it downstairs...wrapped it in a paper towel...took a few hacks with the sledge hammer...about cried.
Sounds like you gotta do what everyone doesn't want to ever have to do to their own fish -Euthanize it.

If you can't find clove oil, I heard someone used a blender. It's probably one of the most quick ways to do it. Although it'd be better to use the oil.
Well...I checked in the towel to make sure it wasn't breathing anymore...I probably would've cried if it was still breathing :cry: but my first hit landed right on the head so atleast it was quick