Switching from fish only to seahorse and sponge

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Nov 21, 2012
Fife, WA
Hi everyone! Im so glad i heard about this sight. I'v been wondering where the seattle crowd was.

I got into the hobby in April, since then all money and time has gone into making the tank more efficient. A few months ago I acquired a 55g acrylic hex for near nothing. I decided to turn it into a seahorse tank. The project cost has escalated and now I'm selling the tank that started it all to fund my custom setup. I drilled my tank with four returns, purchased lots of locline, and soon I will fill it with: sponges, zoas, a mushroom, a sun coral, macro algae, five artificial hitching posts from living color and ocean aquaria. I am only putting tones of reds and yellows in.

Anyway I'm really excited about getting it up and running and hopefully meeting people locally into hippocampus.

Also, I need to sell an emperor angel and a mated pair of tomato clowns w/rosebubble. need to sell hydor smartwave, hydor magnum 5 & 7, reef octopus skimmer 8inch, aqua uv sterilizer w/wiper, photo ban 550, CPR refugium w/light and skimmer, metal halide combo light, 144g half circle tank, 40g sump, live sand, live rock.

I need to commission a sump made to spec if anyone local wants to contact me to give bids or barter for some equipment. Dimensions are 25x12x20 w/trickle filter, skimmer shelf, fuge, baffles.
for the sump i would get ahold of oceans by deign they are in tukwila and are a sponsor here. they are top notch at a fair price definitely give them a call. also a member "mercinary grunt" here has a hex seahorse tank might want to chat at him to get some ideas.
Welcome to the group. This place is very friendly and helpful. I look forward to your seahorse posts as I would like to them some day as well Too new at the moment. :oops:
i love watching Sea horses. We keep local Pipefish, and they are simply mesmerizing to watch. They dance around each other and swim through the eel grass. You will not be disappointed with the work you put into this.
Good luck,
Sounds like a amazing tank, be sure to post up some pictures as you build it :)

A word of caution, Seahorses are very demanding critters. They have specialized diets and need multiple feedings a day, often live food. Be sure to do a lot of research and learn as much about them as possible. Also different species have different care needs and environmental requirements so be sure to pick the right kind. I'm not trying to discourage you, just be sure you know what you are getting in to and that you can care for them before you bring them home.
Keeping seahorses is NOT like keeping regular salt water fish.
Seahorses are prone to bacterial problems that can cause death often, so it's best to keep them in cooler water as in 68° to 74°F, and, in tanks that have enough water volume to help with the water quality that populates the nasty bacteria like the vibriosis strains. Seahorses don't eat all the food put in, picking just pieces they think look perfect. In addition, when they snick the food, they masticate it and particulate matter goes out through the gills, further degrading water quality.
Large enough tank, lower temps, frequent water changes and vacuuming out uneaten food and detritus goes a long way giving a better chance of success.
Seahorses also are prone to pathogens that they haven't been raised with.
For this reason, it is recommended that you keep a species only tank. Even same species but different breeding source can be a problem.
You can find more information for those wanting to keep seahorses at the bottom of the page linked in my signature below: "My Thoughts on Seahorse Keeping"