Me, Myself, & Sherman too.

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yeah, the strange thing is that as I am taking it down, I find many parts I don't remember putting together! I say to myself, "wow, did I do that?" :lol: It was a lot of work no doubt, but every minute of the build was enjoyable, and good for my mind. I do not consider it a loss in any manner. Sure I see lots of money going to waste, but in the scheme of things, it was cheaper than therapy! :D
it was good having you guys over friday night,
hope you guys enjoyed the beers ;)
thanks for the reef talk (and the stout)
Beer was great of course! So much more to talk about though Russ. Tank and stand look great. I am very curious why you have your sights set on a larger tank though. Yours seems to be the perfect size, well lit, managable, etc.

Any news on the skimmer?
Bigger is always Better, right? ;)

I like the presance that a 90gal has (I'd even consider a 110 if I came across one used),
and it dosn't take anymore space in my house than my 75gal

also the larger volume would be nice,
more room for fishies, more volume means (typicly) slower variances in water chem

but mostly because I think a 90 would look better than my 75

as far as the skimmer,
I havn't gotten around to trying to place it higher in the sump yet,
hopefully I'll get around to it this week.

it seems to be adjusted fairly well so far,
(it's pulled about 1/2" out in the last 24 hours)
Jeff and I kept the beers flowing for a few hours after you guys left,
I ended up falling asleep on the couch with 1/3 glass of Old Rasputen on my chest.
woke up around 1am to a cold surprise running down my armpit ;)
Nice. I got home around midnight. Saturday I went to a beer making event. I arrived at about 9:15am and left around 5:30pm, "sampling" beers the entire time. :eek:

And before you do any tank upgrading, we still have much to discuss. I feel you are doing really well, and I want to encourage you to continually "up" your game.
cool cool,

I'm in no big rush to go bigger (it's alot of damn work to change out the tank)
but eventually ;)

if I see a 90gal (or even a 110) corner overflow for cheep, I'll probably pick it up and hide it in the garage til I'm ready
I agree. Not much of a difference going from a 75 to a 90. Wouldn't be worth the trouble IMO.

if I get a good deal on one it would be nice to go bigger.
like i said, I'd even consider a 110g tank too.
same footprint (and I believe my 2x250w lights would still be fine for what I want to have in the tank)
if I get a good deal on one it would be nice to go bigger.
like i said, I'd even consider a 110g tank too.
same footprint (and I believe my 2x250w lights would still be fine for what I want to have in the tank)

I would go for a standard 120g if I were you. It's still a 4ft tank and shouldn't be taking up much more footprint.
I would go for a standard 120g if I were you. It's still a 4ft tank and shouldn't be taking up much more footprint.

like I said in the other thread,

not only will I need a new stand
but it will take up a couple more square feet of my dining room (which I don't have any extra Square footage.)

a 120 or 150 hopefully will be in the plans with the next house
I don't get where you got those numbers but ok

90 48 1/2 x 18 1/2 x 25 3/8
110 48 7/8 x 19 x 30 3/4
120 48 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 25

Not much of a difference IMO