switching to a spray bar v/s a 4 set of sieo's

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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
What is the pro's and con's1 I currently have 2 sieo's 1500's? and 2 maxi jets...Yet ugly to look at effective1 I have a mag 1800 a friend wants to sell me !But what is the possibility of making a spray bar on this non drilled 125 gal with a 55 sump work?..Hope we can come up with some good ideas..I am fresh out!:lol:
dont do it!!!!!
all it's going to do is get clogged and fail, i think there are much better ways for you to introduce the high flow needed for your display.
also, you should only have like 3x going through the sump from the main display, any more and your shooting yourself in the foot.
break down and buy some koralia #4's or tunze pumps and make a gyre of flow out of them for your tank:idea:
I have been using top and bottom spray bars for alomost 16 years and never had one clog.
I've found that the top spray bars are pretty ugly and really don't add the flow you are looking for.

There may be better ways to get more flow.
How about a over the top closed loop to sea-swirls?

I need a air meter.
u are just still tryin to sell those arent you?!l.o.l. love yeah fin too funy! well that is of coarse the best way and dont get me wrong what i want to do .but for the money was thinking other..but for looks to pennies i looooooooooove the sea swirls and ver affective idea!
I have to agree with Mark. People can do wonders with good aquascaping and a few powerheads. Locating Powerheads across the surface to a clear path on the other side of tank will do wonders!. You should try it first at least.
Spray bars are not entirely flawed in practice, however they are very inefficient utilizing allot of in tank space while also requiring allot of pump power to operate effectively. I ran 5' of spray bar for 18months then cut it out with a wire saw and never looked back..

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