Tangs Tangs Tangs...

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Good to see you have plans for when they need more room, the set-up is really beautiful with so many schools swimming around like that.
"as we speak, the tang police special task force has your house under surveilance and they are planning their swat style recovery operation for those tangs!! get out of the house while you still can!!"



Hahahhahahha......Man,...i feel the pressure....Yellow Tangs r really FAT...eating well. I'm shocked....has anyone put lots of Tangs in a tank? 100-300 gal size? or R they all in jail from the Tang police?.....Am i the only one?
"....has anyone put lots of Tangs in a tank? 100-300 gal size? or R they all in jail from the Tang police?.....Am i the only one?"

They just sort of disappeared........ Funny I never thought about that before...
Every last one of them ....Just gone.

And the writing on the wall's...

I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
I will keep just one tang.
:) Paul
Nice, let me know where to get some nice fish like yours. What are you gonna do with your other purple tangs? Throw them my way, lol.
Hahahhahahha......Man,...i feel the pressure....Yellow Tangs r really FAT...eating well. I'm shocked....has anyone put lots of Tangs in a tank? 100-300 gal size? or R they all in jail from the Tang police?.....Am i the only one?

At the size they are right now you don't see a problem but problem will be as they grow you will know that they will circle the tank & become very aggressive toward each other & any other fish that won't out fight them, it will become obvious.
Looks very cool man :)..If i had a bigger tank i would deffinently do something like that.

Good luck :)

Hahahhahahha......Man,...i feel the pressure....Yellow Tangs r really FAT...eating well. I'm shocked....has anyone put lots of Tangs in a tank? 100-300 gal size? or R they all in jail from the Tang police?.....Am i the only one?

No, I think they can live in harmony if happy. I had six tangs in 90 gallon for a long time.
I fed them alot. I had a Euroreef CS8-2 skimmer working good for me.
Each fish had a hiding spot to sleep in. When you move your fish that is when they establish territory or try to. The larger tang is usually the most dominate. He gets more food, etc. I wish you luck in which ever way you decide.