Tangs Tangs Tangs...

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2006
los angele, california
8 yellow tangs
1 pwdBlue
3 Purple tangs
other fish....

I'm doing the TANGS ... mass amounts of Tangs in my tank....its been 2 weeks..and they are fat and getting along...WoW....eats 3 leaves of romaine a day....

water condition is great. had the stuff in the tank running a year before i put all the fish in there....largest is almost 6 inches...smallest is 2.5 inches....purples tangs are pigs...wow..great appetite.



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thanks, i've had this tank for 8-9 months....my first was a 65gal tank running for 4-5 months...then trasferred to the 100 gal.

it's a 100 gal tank with a 30gal secondary tank that has my macro algae and 30-35gal sump... the 30gal macro algae tank(refug) really helps with the water quality for me.






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Cool tank. I purchased a 210g system which included three tangs; blue hippo, mimic and a purple. They all seem to get along. I really like yellow tangs for their striking color. I have been worried to add one due to the aggression amongst all the tangs. I'll be interested to see how yours get along after while.
I was told to add them all at once, I added groups of them...and not one at a time. Blue tang, PwdB, and one Yellow Tang was added at diffrent times. The 3 purple was added at one time...then recently i've added 7 yellow tangs at one time. There are so many tangs that not one aggressor seems to be able to handle all of the adjacent tangs... During the first 48 hours there was some chasing and aggressive moments..but no constant persitant chasing ... I believe it's not recommended to add this many tangs in one tank but I have a friend who sells and raises SW fish. He told me he adds groups of tangs in a tank all the time... Just have to make sure your "system"; environment can handle the bio load. I rely heavily on my mature refug and skimmer. I also do weekly 15% water changes. I used to use Catalina ocean water from LFS but I've been attacked with the red stuff...and heard they get the SW from 100 yards out our poluted LB harbor...YIKES...so i get mixed salt with RO water. The corals have been blooming larger since the RO/mix and the red stuff is now gone....~~~FYI
Okay, so I get to be the killjoy..beautiful fish but you really need a much larger tank to house all those Tangs together..I only have 2 Tangs in my 240
Glad someone else spoke up, I didn't want to be the first one. They sure look happy and healthy at this size but they grow fast and personally I wouldn't put over 5 tangs in a 180. Additionally, the tank is still relatively young.
It is a beautiful looking tank, with all that activity in there! :D

I would recommend you stop feeding "land" based food (romaine) and switch over to sheets of Nori, and other "SEA" based algaes for your Tangs. I think their health would be much better in the long run for you.

I also am hesitant of having the three Tangs I do in my 180gallon system, let alone as many as you do in your 100gallon system... but my 3 are doing well together, so I am just going to continue providing the best I can for them, and hope I am rewarded with many many years of life for them. :D
I give it 6 months till they outgrow your tank!!! Either you did not know or care about the size the get and will need. A fish store does this but sells them to different tank oweners.

as we speak, the tang police special task force has your house under surveilance and they are planning their swat style recovery operation for those tangs!! get out of the house while you still can!!:eek:
just got home....thanks for all your concerns and love for this thing we do.... u guys are right...tangs love to swim and have space...just the way they were created. they will be moving to a 800 gal tank soon...they were fed nori, romanine and macro algae... wow..they are soo healthy...water condition is excellent with 15% water change on Friday. I was told theh yellows ....they were hand caught near hawaii....i believe it really makes a difference...im keeping one purple tang. thanks everyone.
plack I was thinking "fish store, thousands of gallons, people doing water changes etc." as much as I love Tangs ......I know my one poops a bunch so punky34 good luck on the detris factor. Ya might want to foster out some of those Tangs. They would still be yours.
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