Target feeding candy coral

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I usually wait til the lights go off then I turm my flow off and turkey baste them with a little mysis so there sweepers can grab it more easily. Just have to keep my shrimp off them for a few :)
I usually wait til the lights go off then I turm my flow off and turkey baste them with a little mysis so there sweepers can grab it more easily. Just have to keep my shrimp off them for a few :)

Granted..I only do this once a week...:rolleyes:
I use plankton about once a month the way jake described. Not needed. Only do it when I am bored.:D
i target feed all differnt corals on the vary rare occasion
i feed trachys, euphillya, goniopras
I target the trumpets and welsi after the lights go off and they are extended. I do it when I think of it prolly once a week.
I usually wait til the lights go off then I turm my flow off and turkey baste them with a little mysis so there sweepers can grab it more easily. Just have to keep my shrimp off them for a few :)

If you put something out for the shrimp first, they will be less likely to steal from the corals you are feeding. (at least that worked for mine)
I target fed my trumpet for the first year I had it I used mysis shrimp that I fed to each head with tweezers. It had 5 heads then...3 years later it has over 50!
Thanks for all the replies. I will get some mysis and see if I can get that to work. Mine extends its feeders about an hour before the light shuts off so I will try then
If you feed while the lights are still on, you may need to fight the fish off as well.
Well I fed it this eve and dang never thought those polyps could get so big. Luckily I have no fish in the tank so it was not to traumatic keeping the hermits off. I just fed them some and they left it alone. I was worried at first that mysis would be too big but the coral made short work of them.