The amazing corals growth

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Italian Reefkeeper
Nov 3, 2005
The italian Blu Coral method for your SPS.
What do you think?

Translation from italian, by Pietro Cremone.
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the first problem with this feeding method is that most folks are very unlikely to be able to get the particle size reduced (mechanically) small enough to be even remotely edible by targeted sps corals... regardless of whether corals will hold/digest it or if it is even good for them.

At best, the degredation of the matter will be of some benefit by way of dissolved organics, increased bacteria, etc

But that (rotting food) is a dangerous way to feed the tank.

This method may be good for Acros, but if so, ity is not because of that abundance of solid food in the recipe.
Anthony, just to play devils advocate would you account for the amazing growth rates and colors the Italians are able to achieve with this method??
thats impossible to say my friend. I'm looking at pictures and sometimes bad translations with lacking information on husbandry and anecdotal claims at best.

I'm not saying they are not getting good growth... but I am saying that it is physically impossible in houshold food preparations to get particle size small enough for typical "sps" corals to eat. Literally/physically impossible without serious equipment that no one I know has at home ;)
At best, the degredation of the matter will be of some benefit by way of dissolved organics, increased bacteria, etc

I personally think that a lot of this is going on. HOWEVER, IT'S MY THEORY based on how I ran my SPS prop tank. I imported a lot of food. With that said, I was serious about my exportation of excess nutrients as well.

Fish eat food, fish poop, bacteria attacks the poop, good flow delivers the poop to the coral where it is captured in mucus nets. Poop is degraded by bacteria leaving only bacteria in it's wake. Coral eats bacteria.

Food that is small can also be captured in the mucus nets even though it's too big for most SPS polyps to directly eat it. However, bacteria attack it and degrade it, bacteria gets eaten by the coral.

Given the importance of bacteria as a food source in marine ecosystems, it might not be surprising to learn that they are also a primary food source for corals. It has been found that bacteria alone can supply up to 100% of both the daily carbon and nitrogen requirements of corals. All corals studied consume dissolved organic material, bacteria, and detrital material. This is more than can be said for any other food source, including zooplankton and light.

Coral consume bacteria in a number of ways. First, they can use their mucus and well-developed epithelial cilia to entrap and consume both attached and pelagic bacteria. Some corals, such as Turbinaria species, can beat their mucus into webs with their cilia, and these webs are cast out like a net into the water column to ensnare particulate material, primarily bacteria. The cilia then pull the net backwards towards the colony where the polyps consume the bounty. The amount of nutrition gained by bacteriovory under normal conditions is unusually high in terms of efficiency of capture and ingestion, and studies show a range of average gains from such resources that depend on both the species and the environment (in terms of the availability of bacteria in the water column). Table 1 presents some data from Sorokin (1979, 1991).

Ciao Anthony,
the BC method is devised in order to feed not directly the polyps of corals SPS but to feed all the aquaria system. It is normal that if you dont have a large bioload meant like many stony coral colonies or frags, all that do not come consumed from bacteria and zooplankton and it remains in excess. For this reason, in the BC method it is obligatory to use very big skimmer, for many liters, more of those contents in the tank and much light for the photosynthesis processes. Macroelements like calcium and magnesium is nearly to the level of the saturation (Ca 500ppm, Mg 1400-1500 ppm). The people who use the BC method do not advise the DSB, but many live rock. The BC Method is not made single "pappone", but of more sequences to give at the system the several trace elements, amminoacids, omega3, vitamins, carbone source and other. There is the technique to remove the collection cup of the skimmer or switch off the foam pump when put into the tank the frozen pappone in cubettos and other maneuvers in order to obtain the grow so much all the system in way graduates them. In Italy, nearly all expert reefkeeper use BC and "pappone" that works very well also without the HGH, used like one more speed.
I hope to meet you in Italia for a nice tour in some italian house ;)
I hope to see you in Italy soon indeed my friend :)

Regarding the (over)feeding method. This is good for farmers, but dangerous for home displays... very easy to crash (especially for newer aquartists).

It would also be very telling to analyze the quality and quantity of the skimmate produced... I think you will find it to be remarkably similar in quantity and quality to the net daily import of food ;) Presuming the skimmer is performing well.
anthony, ti stimo molto, ma le vasche italiane son un esempio che non solo per le farm puo essere un metodo di conduzione giusto, anzi, il bello è proprio quello... in vasche piccole, si riesce ad avere risultati che si hanno in moltissimi litri di acqua, in piu ci sono pure le dimostrazioni, di vasche che usando questo sistema, durano e crescono senza problemi da decenni, quindi mi sembra piu una presa di posizione da parte di tutto il mondo verso questo sistema.
come possono succedere crash se iniziando con una minima dose e testando la propria assimilazione il giorno dopo? lasciando smaltire il tutto nei giorni successivi? mi sembra a questo punto che sia molto piu pericoloso lavorare con ceppi batterici nei deep sand bed che dover solo stimolare organismi bentonici a dover mangiare prodotti in decomposizione come dei frullati di mitili... se proprio vogliamo fare un paragone...
in piu, borneman gia nel suo libro, corals, descrive appunto lo stesso metodo di conduzione come fonte primaria di cibo... va bene, bornaman, dosava tutto giornalmente, noi lo suddividiamo in piu giorni, aiutando il sistema a smaltire il tutto, ma credo che il principio sia il solito... o magari sto parafrasando le traduzioni da me fatte?

riguardo invece il discorso degli elementi, io, per farti un esempio, sono dell'opinione che serve a poco aumentarli... se non per un avere una sicurezza in piu... ma a mio parere, basta semplicemente unberlinese per poter applicare tale metodo.

best regards;) leonardo
anthony, ti stimo molto, ma le vasche italiane son un esempio che non solo per le farm puo essere un metodo di conduzione giusto, anzi, il bello è proprio quello... in vasche piccole, si riesce ad avere risultati che si hanno in moltissimi litri di acqua, in piu ci sono pure le dimostrazioni, di vasche che usando questo sistema, durano e crescono senza problemi da decenni, quindi mi sembra piu una presa di posizione da parte di tutto il mondo verso questo sistema.
come possono succedere crash se iniziando con una minima dose e testando la propria assimilazione il giorno dopo? lasciando smaltire il tutto nei giorni successivi? mi sembra a questo punto che sia molto piu pericoloso lavorare con ceppi batterici nei deep sand bed che dover solo stimolare organismi bentonici a dover mangiare prodotti in decomposizione come dei frullati di mitili... se proprio vogliamo fare un paragone...
in piu, borneman gia nel suo libro, corals, descrive appunto lo stesso metodo di conduzione come fonte primaria di cibo... va bene, bornaman, dosava tutto giornalmente, noi lo suddividiamo in piu giorni, aiutando il sistema a smaltire il tutto, ma credo che il principio sia il solito... o magari sto parafrasando le traduzioni da me fatte?

riguardo invece il discorso degli elementi, io, per farti un esempio, sono dell'opinione che serve a poco aumentarli... se non per un avere una sicurezza in piu... ma a mio parere, basta semplicemente unberlinese per poter applicare tale metodo.

best regards;) leonardo
Anthony, I estimate you a lot, but the Italian tanks are an example that are good for the farms and not only be, a good method of conduction, indeed, the beautiful one is just that one... small tanks comes with succes like large system with many liters of water, there are also the demonstrations, of tanks that using this system, grow without problems from decades, therefore I see more taking of position from part of all the world towards this system as they can succeed after crash if beginning with one minimal dose and testing the own assimilation the day? leaving all the assimilation in the succeeded days ? me it seems to this point that is a lot dangerous to work with bacterial stocks in deep sand bed that to only have to stimulate benthonic organisms to having to eat produced in decomposition like of the pappone... if just we want to make a comparison... Borneman in the its book, corals, it exactly describes the same method of conduction as primary food source... goes well, Borneman, dosed daily all, we subdivide it in more days, being helped system to assimilate all, but creed that the principle is the usual... or I am even paraphrasing the translations from me made? care instead the speech of the elements, I, in order makes an example you, is of the opinion that serves little to increase them... if not to have a safety level ... but to my opinion, enough simply berliner method for being able to apply such method.
Best Regards, Leo
Ciao Anthony,
the BC method is devised in order to feed not directly the polyps of corals SPS but to feed all the aquaria system. It is normal that if you dont have a large bioload meant like many stony coral colonies or frags, all that do not come consumed from bacteria and zooplankton and it remains in excess. For this reason, in the BC method it is obligatory to use very big skimmer, for many liters, more of those contents in the tank and much light for the photosynthesis processes. Macroelements like calcium and magnesium is nearly to the level of the saturation (Ca 500ppm, Mg 1400-1500 ppm). The people who use the BC method do not advise the DSB, but many live rock. The BC Method is not made single "pappone", but of more sequences to give at the system the several trace elements, amminoacids, omega3, vitamins, carbone source and other. There is the technique to remove the collection cup of the skimmer or switch off the foam pump when put into the tank the frozen pappone in cubettos and other maneuvers in order to obtain the grow so much all the system in way graduates them. In Italy, nearly all expert reefkeeper use BC and "pappone" that works very well also without the HGH, used like one more speed.
I hope to meet you in Italia for a nice tour in some italian house ;)

anthony, ti stimo molto, ma le vasche italiane son un esempio che non solo per le farm puo essere un metodo di conduzione giusto, anzi, il bello è proprio quello... in vasche piccole, si riesce ad avere risultati che si hanno in moltissimi litri di acqua, in piu ci sono pure le dimostrazioni, di vasche che usando questo sistema, durano e crescono senza problemi da decenni, quindi mi sembra piu una presa di posizione da parte di tutto il mondo verso questo sistema.
come possono succedere crash se iniziando con una minima dose e testando la propria assimilazione il giorno dopo? lasciando smaltire il tutto nei giorni successivi? mi sembra a questo punto che sia molto piu pericoloso lavorare con ceppi batterici nei deep sand bed che dover solo stimolare organismi bentonici a dover mangiare prodotti in decomposizione come dei frullati di mitili... se proprio vogliamo fare un paragone...
in piu, borneman gia nel suo libro, corals, descrive appunto lo stesso metodo di conduzione come fonte primaria di cibo... va bene, bornaman, dosava tutto giornalmente, noi lo suddividiamo in piu giorni, aiutando il sistema a smaltire il tutto, ma credo che il principio sia il solito... o magari sto parafrasando le traduzioni da me fatte?

riguardo invece il discorso degli elementi, io, per farti un esempio, sono dell'opinione che serve a poco aumentarli... se non per un avere una sicurezza in piu... ma a mio parere, basta semplicemente unberlinese per poter applicare tale metodo.

best regards;) leonardo

Sono ovviamente d'accordo....aggiungo solamente che è un sistema provato e riprovato sia in vasche da 40 litri, che in vasche da 3000 ...con ottimi risultati in entrambi i casi.
Sono ovviamente d'accordo....aggiungo solamente che è un sistema provato e riprovato sia in vasche da 40 litri, che in vasche da 3000 ...con ottimi risultati in entrambi i casi.
I am obviously of agreement... I want say only that it is a tried system and re-tried in tanks from 40 liters up to 3000 liters... with optimal turns in both cases.
I learn nothing from these posts when they are in a different language than the one in which I am speaking.... STOP! please....
I learn nothing from these posts when they are in a different language than the one in which I am speaking.... STOP! please....

Not everyone speaks english and those that do not are welcome to post in what ever language they can.
If you would like to read the post give google translator a shot.

This translates
Sono ovviamente d'accordo....aggiungo solamente che è un sistema provato e riprovato sia in vasche da 40 litri, che in vasche da 3000 ...con ottimi risultati in entrambi i casi.

To this
They are obviously in agreement….I only add that it is a tried system and riprovato is in bathtubs from 40 liters, than in bathtubs from 3000… with optimal turns out to you in both cases.

oh yeah..

well thanks for that! That was helpful?

personalmente desidero leggere che cosa dicono ed im volendo occorrere tempo tradurre per imparare più circa che cosa stanno facendo. se il vostri troppo pigri per usare il babelfish allora non si preoccupano di scattare sopra il filetto. continui prego tutto dal reefitalia che siete benvenuti qui:)
edit: Billaweed... please use your spell checker, go lighter on the sarcasm, be more understanding of guests of any language... or just quietly find another forum. Stern warning or not... that's my name at the top. And my forum has strict(er) rules for courteous behavior. I see your points and find merit in them. Please just find a nicer way to say it or hold your tongue if you want to post here, my friend. Read nothing more into my words either than their most literal meaning. Anthony Calfo