The last episode of TANKED!

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Just finished watching the episode and thought the childs boat bed was AWESOME!!! :rockon:

You cannot tell me that you would not have liked that bed when you were a child his age. Really? And I think this child really really deserves this themed tank that ATM provided. I guess I am just toooo much of a softie sometimes, but I got a little teary eyed watching the child with his new tank.

Now for the living reef tank, it was very cool desgin wise, but I say they didn't fill it with enough lr or corals. I do like that they explain things in simple terms for everyone to understand, which is importnant for those NON Reef people watching. I do think the show is good for what it is meant to be, entertainment and not educational. If you want educational come to RF, if you want entertainment, watch Tanked.

Yea it is what it is and most of what goes on comes from the Discovery Channel. Their is going to be a second season, he told me they were in the middle of it.

I am very glad that this subject was brought up. I truly hope more hobbyists read about this because this is a VERY important opportunity for our beloved hobby that many readers/viewers may not even realize.

As a promoter in the industry, I can tell you that my profession forces me to see things from a different perspective and/or higher vantage point; and by that I do NOT mean any reference to any position of superiority or advanced knowledge (I am a mediocre hobbyist at best) but rather to the many clients in this industry that we are responsible for. Thus certain advantages emanate merely due to our central position in the industry. In any given show, (currently our eighth) we have to consider the welfare and professional interests of over 200 exhibitors on average, all with different needs, requirements, and vested interests. If not bound by a common goal, our expos would be little more than loosely-organized flea markets of Booths, Banners, and Billy-Come-Latelys, each trying to sell you the latest and greatest smorgasbord of foreign-made products.

But fortunately it’s more than that. We saltwater hobbyists are a different breed of cat; each of us passionate and/or downright “tenacious” in the quest of maintaining life in the context of a glass box in the middle of our living rooms. Such is the root of all evil whenever something new comes down the pike. Inherent Mother Hens that we are, we question, scrutinize, and sometimes even attack those that we perceive as a threat to our precious commodity we refer to as the reef aquarium hobby. Worse yet are those anonymous individuals wanting to show off (innocently enough) their newfound knowledge of reef husbandry to the virtual masses. Therein lies the most significant problem.

First let me just say this: in my humble yet professional opinion, “Tanked” has the potential to do more good for the saltwater hobby than any of our MAX shows (or any other show for that matter) could accomplish in a hundred years! If this show takes off, and is syndicated throughout the United States, it will reach more viewers and create more awareness than any other event in the history of this hobby. The only other event to come even close is Disney’s “Finding Nemo” and even that had its limitations. Finding Nemo was positioned as a children's movie, therefore the aura of mystery still surrounded the saltwater industry since Nemo did little to introduce a true representation of saltwater aquariums. "Tanked", on the other hand, is practically a documentary compared to Nemo in terms of knowledge and representation. Yes, "Tanked" has its limitations too, but when/where on earth are we ever going to have the subject of saltwater aquariums brought home to "Joe Smith TV Viewer" ever again? This is our one and only chance to be in the spot light (so to speak) and surely you realize there is power in numbers. This is our one fighting chance of fending off the numerous environmentalists, preservationists, and host of other radicals wanting to takeaway your rights for this month’s new “feel-good” movement. And given the current political trends, we need every bit of help that we can get.

Now, before passing judgment and complaining about how "Tanked" doesn’t meet your quality standards, have you thought about the consequences of those actions? Do viewers really need to know how long acclimation procedures should be, or how many fish should live in a given the context of a 30-minute program? Don’t you think hobbyists (or potential hobbyists) will find this out for themselves once they become involved and educate themselves? Wherein have we ever burdened Hollywood with the responsibility of educating television viewers with every detail possible? If this were the case, I’d expect "Tanked" producers to throw up their arms and abandon the controversy altogether.

PLEASE try to send some praise for what these people are doing instead of chastising them for what ends up on the cutting room floor. Considering the newness and uncertainty of this show's future, the cast and crew of "Tanked" need our support more than ever. Please give them a chance for the mutual benefit of everyone involved. If "Tanked" gets canceled, then everybody loses!

Respectfully Yours,

Kevin T. Adams, President and CEO
Sunset Promotional Services, Inc.
Marine Aquarium Expo (MAX)
Aquarium & Pond Expo (APEX)
Seattle Marine Aquarium Expo (SEA-MAX)
well, i on the other hand only have had my initial response and opinion strengthened by watching more of tanked...

I wish this show should go away, and i completely disagree with you maxx, IMO, this is in no way positive for reefing,
and to marginalize actual professionals and basically say that environmentalists/preservationists should just shut up, is foolish and shortsided.
and if this winds up being a missed opportunity because someone gets smart and cancels this crap, then i couldnt be happier.

also, to suggest that we will never see a show on aquariums ever again if we dont like tanked is just slightly mis-guided and presumtuous,
if not just plain silly. and honestly i'm a little dismayed that a pro like yourself cant see beyond the dollar signs in your eyes to
promote proper stewartship of the ocean and it's creatures.

I WILL NOT send tanked my praise, and i hope they wind up on the cutting room floor.
.....and yes, i understand the "consequences of my actions", thank you very much.
They need to do a behind the scenes show. Maybe show what goes into everything that they do. I'd like to see something like that before passing judgement. As far as the money into the industry theory Im not real sure. I can say that Ive quoted one steel stand and the customer reference the show. With the economy being what it is I think more people just get sticker shock and change their mind.

They need to do a behind the scenes show. Maybe show what goes into everything that they do. I'd like to see something like that before passing judgement. As far as the money into the industry theory Im not real sure. I can say that Ive quoted one steel stand and the customer reference the show. With the economy being what it is I think more people just get sticker shock and change their mind.


It would be cool if they told us the total cost for design setup and maintenance of some of these systems. As far as the show goes.... I find something I like about each and every show. I hope the show continues. No matter what people think of their business practices they make some pretty awesome tanks. I think of this show as entertainment more than educational. I can see it bringing a lot of people into the hobby. If nothing else it's a program i personally find interesting and enjoy watching. Personally i think it's up to each individual in the hobby to do their own research and make their own decisions (and make their own mistakes(I know we all make them)). Good Job TANKED! looking forward to next season.
well, i on the other hand only have had my initial response and opinion strengthened by watching more of tanked...

I wish this show should go away, and i completely disagree with you maxx, IMO, this is in no way positive for reefing,
and to marginalize actual professionals and basically say that environmentalists/preservationists should just shut up, is foolish and shortsided.
and if this winds up being a missed opportunity because someone gets smart and cancels this crap, then i couldnt be happier.

also, to suggest that we will never see a show on aquariums ever again if we dont like tanked is just slightly mis-guided and presumtuous,
if not just plain silly. and honestly i'm a little dismayed that a pro like yourself cant see beyond the dollar signs in your eyes to
promote proper stewartship of the ocean and it's creatures.

I WILL NOT send tanked my praise, and i hope they wind up on the cutting room floor.
.....and yes, i understand the "consequences of my actions", thank you very much.

So, by your logic:

1950's: "Lassie" should never have aired because they didn't show proper dog training techniques in sufficient detail.
1960's: "Flipper" had no right being on the silver screen because of the plight of bottle nose dolphins vs. the tuna industry.
1970's: "BJ and the Bear" should have been banned since it portrayed a Chimpanzee living on the road with an 18-wheelin' truck driver.
1980's: "Gorillas in the Mist" was grossly incompetent in letting Sigourney Weaver infiltrate an innocent pack of Silverback Gorillas.
1990's: "The Lion King" should have been scrapped because it didn't disclose the political turmoil, genocide, and plight of the African people.
2000's: "Snow Dogs" is out of the question due to the inhumane (but Canine approved, apparently) weather conditions that they went through.
2010's: "Tanked" ....well, I guess we already know your feelings about this one.

FORTUNATELY, idealists do not run this country, nor Hollywood for that matter.....Businessmen Do.
They are the one's who have bestowed the quality of life you now enjoy on a daily basis, so I say...
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How many of those shows/movies claim they show reality? I count 2 including Tanked....

That's the danger of reality TV, they claim to show reality but in order to chase ratings they don't.
This I do agree with Tecnomage
I think you might be compairing apples to pears here. Those shows are not reality shows or being marketed as a reality show and people new they were not reality. Tanked is a reality show, albeit an exagerated reality. A lot of people get the wrong impression from it.
I had this fellow tagging along with me for quite awhile at Macna. I can tell ou that they are concern about their reputation and are trying to inject some kind of knowledge base in it. Anyway here is what I know.

They dont write the scrips, its all made up from Discovery and they have very little input. SO its not like Discovery is just following them around.

They were picked because they are funny/crazy/and have accents and their have a pretty big outfit.

If you look at some of the other shows like American Chopper, or Sons of guns, swamp loggers and so on their identical, just insert fish. SO you just take it for what its worth, their clowns, they make cool tanks and folks like it. If not like their selling marajuana???? lol

heard this one the radio this morning.
""" When Reality TV dies, in another generation from now, The tombstone will read. "NOBODY CARES" ,,,

Do viewers really need to know how long acclimation procedures should be, or how many fish should live in a given the context of a 30-minute program? Don’t you think hobbyists (or potential hobbyists) will find this out for themselves once they become involved and educate themselves?

Respectfully Yours,

Kevin T. Adams, President and CEO
Sunset Promotional Services, Inc.
Marine Aquarium Expo (MAX)
Aquarium & Pond Expo (APEX)
Seattle Marine Aquarium Expo (SEA-MAX)

YES they do need to say something about what it really takes because we all know there are stores around that will sell complete setups and fish on the same day, just like it is being shown in the show.
It could take as little as a couple minutes of time to say that whatever it is they do to get a working bio-filter going before hand, if that is what they do.