The last episode of TANKED!

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I totally agree with MFINN and SKIMMY. This show is not good for our hobby in the slightest if you are concerned about the animals at all. If you are a vendor or an event coordinator then yeah it probably is a great show, but only for money making purposes. They absolutely should be telling people about QT procedures and cycling. They also can still keep it down to a 30 minute show this way. The great thing about TV is the ability to time lapse. They could easily build the tanks on one episode and get them cycling and then break for the next episode. I would hate to know the actual number of fish that die as a result of this show. Yeah people will learn the hard way about what it really takes to keep a tank but a the cost of many coral and fish. I am about as far opposite of being an environmentalist that there is but I do feel sorry for all the livestock that will die as a result of this show.
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Does anyone know if any of the fish or corals in any of the tanks they set up died to lack of planning or poor acclimation? I really don't think anyone here knows anything about what happened when the cameras stopped rolling. In one of the episodes they discussed owners not properly acclimating their fish and introducing some parasites that killed off a lot of their live stock. Thus they had to install some pretty fancy quarantine tanks for acclimation. Other than that I did not hear or see anything about fish or corals dying. Anyone else?
I totally agree with MFINN and SKIMMY. This show is not good for our hobby in the slightest if you are concerned about the animals at all. If you are a vendor or an event coordinator then yeah it probably is a great show, but only for money making purposes. They absolutely should be telling people about QT procedures and cycling. They also can still keep it down to a 30 minute show this way. The great thing about TV is the ability to time lapse. They could easily build the tanks on one episode and get them cycling and then break for the next episode. I would hate to know the actual number of fish that die as a result of this show. Yeah people will learn the hard way about what it really takes to keep a tank but a the cost of many coral and fish. I am about as far opposite of being an environmentalist that there is but I do feel sorry for all the livestock that will die as a result of this show.

Many good comments being posted, but this seem particularly well-written...
Yes, you are correct that fish stores, fish shows, and other business ventures stand the most to gain from more exposure to our hobby. But don't forget there is a very strong trickle down effect. I doubt there are very many fish stores in Idaho and hence you probably have to purchase most of your livestock online. What do you suppose will happen when/if additional hobbbyists get involved in the hobby? Obviously (from Economics 101) supply will increase to meet demand, until an equalibrium is reached (ie: more fish stores, more equipment offerings, cheaper/alternative goods, etc.)
Sometimes people forget that "business" is not synonomous with greed, bad, and/or evil enterprise. For example: how would you go about the process of capturing your own fish? :oops:
So what defines if something is good for the hobby? Is it getting your hobby more mainstream or is it proper education about the hobby?

Tanked certainly does the first but not the second. In my opinion will Tanked generate more interest in the hobby? Probably. Will it lead to people trying to setup a saltwater tank in a day? Probably. So is it doing more good than harm? No clue, my guess is it depends what your definition of good is. If it's a larger hobby base then sure it probably will help. Is it the proper care and husbandry of fish and corals? Only if the fish stores and hobbyists can intercept the new people and explain what goes on behind the scenes to make that all work in a 30 minute show. The people who are saying Tanked is bad for the hobby probably don't trust all the pet(co/smart/generic store) to intercept and properly educate new hobbyists.

Does anyone know if any of the fish or corals in any of the tanks they set up died to lack of planning or poor acclimation? I really don't think anyone here knows anything about what happened when the cameras stopped rolling. In one of the episodes they discussed owners not properly acclimating their fish and introducing some parasites that killed off a lot of their live stock. Thus they had to install some pretty fancy quarantine tanks for acclimation. Other than that I did not hear or see anything about fish or corals dying. Anyone else?

I doubt they're killing fish left and right, they probably know exactly what to do. The real question is presentation, if they do it behind the scenes it leads to people getting the wrong idea of what goes into the hobby. Can you setup a tank in a day? Sure! Does it require cycled live rock and sand for weeks before? Yep! So then it's really a tank xfer and not setting up a new tank.

Anyway give it a year or so and all the newbies will either do their research, find someone to be a mentor or kill off all their fish and put their tank on craigslist.
I doubt they're killing fish left and right, they probably know exactly what to do. The real question is presentation, if they do it behind the scenes it leads to people getting the wrong idea of what goes into the hobby. Can you setup a tank in a day? Sure! Does it require cycled live rock and sand for weeks before? Yep! So then it's really a tank xfer and not setting up a new tank.

No not really. Because of contruction delays the Atlantis Aquarium only had 6 days to fill their displays and add fish? this happens to almost every Public aquarium, but their are methods for being able to do this with out harming and/or endangering the lifestock.

Their are many things in our hobby that are not very smart, and endanger the fish and corals that we try to keep, it seems a little strange to get all environmental of these clowns.

So, by your logic:

1950's: "Lassie" should never have aired because they didn't show proper dog training techniques in sufficient detail.
1960's: "Flipper" had no right being on the silver screen because of the plight of bottle nose dolphins vs. the tuna industry.
1970's: "BJ and the Bear" should have been banned since it portrayed a Chimpanzee living on the road with an 18-wheelin' truck driver.
1980's: "Gorillas in the Mist" was grossly incompetent in letting Sigourney Weaver infiltrate an innocent pack of Silverback Gorillas.
1990's: "The Lion King" should have been scrapped because it didn't disclose the political turmoil, genocide, and plight of the African people.
2000's: "Snow Dogs" is out of the question due to the inhumane (but Canine approved, apparently) weather conditions that they went through.
2010's: "Tanked" ....well, I guess we already know your feelings about this one.

FORTUNATELY, idealists do not run this country, nor Hollywood for that matter.....Businessmen Do.
They are the one's who have bestowed the quality of life you now enjoy on a daily basis, so I say...

attitudes like this are one of the main reasons why this country is going down the toilet.
let's just let corporate businessmen make up all our entertainment, infrastructure and laws and see how long we still have life, liberty, and justice.
the amounts of which are already dwindling dangerously low.
letting wall street run the executive branch of government certainly hasnt done us any good, yet im suppose to thank these people for my quality of life??? really??
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I just saw an episode where they dump ice from a hotel bin into a tank cuz the tank water they will adding was 92 degrees, and then added fish to the tank....

unless the ice was made from RO water (doubtful), they just added alot of untreated water to the tank...

(for the noobs, something that should NOT be done), instead you can float zip locked bags of ice in the sump to lower the temp

I still want to know how the acclimate the fish to these tanks...if they are going from box to tank, I have a problem with that...but surely they have these fish QT before the add them to their tanks.

I understand this is "for show", but my fear is people are going to do this to their own tanks and then wonder why everything starts dying (for example, dumping ice directly in the tank, then adding fish) :)
I totally do the zip lock bag thing whenever my tank is getting too hot cause I can't afford a $1200 chiller. lol. It works awesome and I thought it was ingenius when I thought of it. Guess it's just all yall ribbin' off on me!